Apparently I still have an account here. Woo!
Anyway, down to business. Well written posts, although I think there is some misunderstanding on both ends, from what I've read. Forgive me if I've missed comments that have already been made.
As people who know me know, I historically haven't been a great supporter of MCPC+ - and I'm still not. However, I do see the use of it, and in my opinion there is nothing better right now to protect your server if it gets large (sorry Abrar, but I don't think ForgeEssentials has enough hooks to give enough control right now) - regardless of the issues it causes. However, that doesn't mean that I think that MCPC+ is an environment modders/pack makers should support, and here is why - and more importantly, why you shouldn't care if pack modders/pack makers aren't supporting it (I'll also provide an honourable mention for TT - as it falls into the same basket as MCPC+ - a major structure changing server mod).
As has been stated in the first post - MCPC+ changes how the server runs. I'm not going to say it does it badly - it doesn't, and it keeps getting better in time. As such the developers haven't developed mods on that platform, and are not aware of how the platform works internally. Something that may work well under forge, may not work, or even crash on MCPC+ due to the underlying systems handling it differently. Now this works for Bukkit plugins - because they control the environment. But forge mods are used to a forge environment - and there will be unavoidable differences.
Now this is a
FACT - there is no debating this, and people agree on all sides. Because of this, it is difficult for a mod author to support MCPC+ at the same time - and the first reaction, should be, as many people have stated - "it is an MCPC+ issue, no support here". Doing anything else would be a support nightmare - and may require special casing for two separate environments - which would be a nightmare to maintain, and double the testing workload.
If you run a server with MCPC+, or TickThreading, you need to be prepared for any issues you may encounter. Luckily, even if modders don't support these platforms, the platforms themselves are great at supporting the server owners who use mods in conjunction with the platform.
The rule of thumb should be:
1. Bug occurs
2. Re-creatable on forge only? If so, report to mod author.
3. Not re-creatable on forge only? Report to MCPC+/TickThreading.
Now I do understand that it is a lot of work - and sometimes, it isn't clear what the cause is. That is fine, that is the nature of some bugs. But by you using an alternate platform, you have taken that responsibility upon yourself.
Blood/Onibait do an amazing job on MCPC+ and are really approachable guys about - well, just about everything. So you are not alone, but please do some leg work yourself - to save all parties issues. If a bug can be reproduced on forge only, if a mod author doesn't accept it, they're being stupid IMO.
Now I will come to my experience with MCPC+ - MCPC+ is a lot better since its inception, and we have Blood and Onibait to thank for that. I am a server admin of a popular server running Magic Farm myself - and I have found it to be a very able platform - but you do have to accept that it is doing things many mods weren't designed around. And that is fine, it is good at what it does - but please don't hate people for not supporting it. It is the only sensible option for mod authors and pack authors.
Again, like usual, I've ended up rambling - but I hope that I've made my point clear. MCPC+ is great - but a support nightmare - but it is ok, because you have people who can help you, even if we (modders) don't want to touch it with a barge pole from a modding perspective