PSA: MCPC+ and Modded Minecraft

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The way it looks, and what I have got from this thread is that maybe FTB can provide support for MCPC+ but in the sense of passing along support? Whether that means throwing them to a bugtracker or forum with MCPC+ or familarizing themselves just a little bit with common issues to just guide the user in the right direction, again for common issues. It doesn't mean doing every possible bug posted on here but more of, if you can help than why not help? I will crawl my way back in the IRC of all the channels, been a while since I have been on IRC.

I understand this is all volunteer for the most part, but like I have said before, you ask for help or understanding what people want/need and I'll be a voice.
Right now though getting on irc is scary, so many people yelling at me :(
Honestly? It's IRC. Just swing the banhammer like a crazy axe murderer. Unban 20 minutes later so people don't feel excluded. It's the only way to get any IRC channel to behave. ;)

I'm sure many people would be glad to see you on IRC more often, or generally more people from the FTB team. :)
Irc is a marvelous place for discussion, unnecessary rants and generally uninformed blabbering. Hence its perfect for me :)

On a serious note: FTB Team members active in Irc would be an huge improvement since on irc its genuenly easier to get people to stay on topic.
The way it looks, and what I have got from this thread is that maybe FTB can provide support for MCPC+ but in the sense of passing along support? Whether that means throwing them to a bugtracker or forum with MCPC+ or familarizing themselves just a little bit with common issues to just guide the user in the right direction, again for common issues. It doesn't mean doing every possible bug posted on here but more of, if you can help than why not help? I will crawl my way back in the IRC of all the channels, been a while since I have been on IRC.

I understand this is all volunteer for the most part, but like I have said before, you ask for help or understanding what people want/need and I'll be a voice.

Not necessary for them to be the middlemen, they only need to redirect people to the right MCPC+ support channels rather than handling bug reports themselves. It's easier for everybody that way.
I will give this one more shot. It seems like some in the forge project do want to see the warts of what is going on in servers so here is my last go at it.

Server issues with forge:

First context. I am the small community server you specified as your target. I previously stated my 3 reasons why I am currently using MCPC+ but I would like to expand some on it. I am running the fastest intel proc I could buy for under $800 on consumer hardware. I have 32 gigs of Ram and I use commercial Intel SSD drives. I have a 20 slot server that has maybe hit that once or twice. Current mod pack is 129 mods reported by forge and we rarely break 16 Gigs of memory usage. I average about 1.5 MPS per day sustained. Props to whomever fixed the excessive bandwidth issues of old. It is much better now.

Problem #1. Performance. I have roughly 5-6 regulars that will on a new map reset cap CPU in about 4-5 weeks. These are not people that do not know how to build responsibly, in fact quite the opposite. They are going out of their way to keep load down. But they also just want to play the mods. I have tried every thing that could find to help extend the CPU cap and currently MCPC+ is the best at it. If I use just vanilla forge I lose about 1-2 weeks of play time just on load issues. There was a big performance boost moving from FE to MCPC+. I also tried to use tickthreading but the issues with that were profound and too much work to stay on top of. Every mod update broke something significant. I really wish TT could work. It gave me the most hope of anything we have tried to date. It would seem to me Forge could do a lot of good here. But I acknowledge it is a freaking hard thing to do. A standard in the API could go a long way. The mob spawn limits and control of I/o to disk also are a pretty big deal that I only get in MCPC+

Problem #2 Server commands. I covered this earlier but there are evolved standards the people just expect to be there. /home /spawn etc. A stand alone mod could easily solve this. There was one for 1.5 but it's no longer maintained. /invsee and vanish are also very valuable. Especially for item replacement on rollbacks.

Problem #3 permissions for block use/commands. Currently using pex. mostly because it's easy and it includes support for a plugin that lets me assign users/groups access to specific blocks craft/place/interact. As I understand it a fix for this has to come from forge it's self or some blocks like turtles/quarries are always going to be able to bypass the checks. There currently no perfect solution outside of a forge based fix for this as i understand it. And I am still exposed to people exploiting the permissions but I trust my regulars enough not to outright ban things. I also need a default tourist group until I can trust new users.

Mytown was great while it lasted because it took a big burden on admining perms. Build a spawn, protect it and move on. But it was still vulnerable to exploits especially as mods added new items that it didn't cover. A mytown like mod/plugin that had full forge support would be the quickest/highest impact fix to this issue.

Problem #4 chest locking. People need to be able to protect their inventories. This also needs to come out of forge from what I understand. There also needs to be Admin bypass. The piece meal approach each mod dev is using isn't sustainable IMO.

Block logging for my server has been more trouble than it it worth and from what I have seen out there it is not understood well enough by either the Devs making the mods or the users trying to use it. I/O and backup sizes using them decrease performance significantly. Only a wide open server should be using them IMO. I put enough hurdles in connecting so that 95% of people can't logon anyway.

Regular backups are enough for us and if people don't already know about the dinnerbone coordinate web page. Use your google. It makes it possible to restore single regions without a full rollback.

My personal background is in IT engineering for ~20 years. I work on very large scale systems. My team contributes to open source projects. I may not know everything like say programming java but I know 4 other languages and frankly am not interested in java programming. If the standard for cred is hacking java that isn't me. I however have been running Java software commercially for about the last 10 years and I do know more than most about running servers. I completely understand how horrible a server app MC is.

I will put an open invitation to any mod dev that wants access to a real (not Dev) world running server. Just PM me. login in anon, I don't care whatever. I care about jack for prestige or profit.

I don't have a "Sense of entitlement" I am trying to help you all to be more successful and for me to have more fun and every time I try to post something to help I get more pushback than the effort is worth to post something this long. I have put in a lot of cash out of pocket for my privilege of running a server. It's not Free for me by any stretch of the imagination and frankly pretty dam insulting to be implied that I am just taking advantage of mod devs. Server owners work hard too we just work differently. I criticize because I have pain points that are not being addressed. Not because Dev aren't working hard enough. I am not a unique and beautiful butterfly, I am pretty low end and if I have an issue a lot of other people are having the same exact issue.

Take that however you like but it's honest at least.

This is just high level stuff. If you want to dig deeper take it offline.


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I would also extend an invitation to any dev who wants to see a working MCPC+ server. We run a custom pack of 169 reported mods, don't be fooled it isn't a dump everything in pack, public server, with a large number of plugins.

I offer after Xav because we run prism for block logging. We run multiple rank tracks with ZPermissions. And have Residence for towns/base protection. PM me for details. Like Xav we don't give a care for prestige and wouldn't want the attention as the slow build we are doing is what we prefer.
For serious known devs we could possibly provide access to our dev server to allow you to try some things out, but no promises on that.
We have gotten a lot of good information from y'all. We have some ideas but for the most part it seems for now the best solution is to keep our current stance.

Reproduce any bug you are reporting to us in a Forge only environment. If you cannot than report the bug to the MCPC+ team here . They are much better equipped to find and solve those bugs.

Thank you all for your responses.
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