Private Packs: How Do I Make One?

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FTB Founder
Jul 29, 2019
OK for clarifications sake when it comes to the private packs, it is far easier to get permissions for these than it is for the public packs. The private packs are designed for specific servers and not general release. If you make a little bit of effort, you will be surprised at how many mod developers are happy to see their mods included in these packs. I would be curious to hear which mods you have issues with.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
What would be the best method to go about contacting each of the mod authors might I ask? I currently use the Mindcrack modpack on my server, but I am forced to make everyone go to the mystcraft thread on the minecraft forums to download mystcraft. I am constantly troubleshooting my user's clients to get them on the server.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
got the exact same issue as Shakey2.
If you guys realy want, I'll ask all the devs for permission.

And what will be the process to update that private pack?
Will we be able to upload a new version?(trough ftp or something)
or do we need to select from a list of versions? how will it work?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Thanks for all the answers guys, I hope we can have permissions to make mod packs in the future, if not i will try to contact each mod author in order to get a private pack because it would definitely be awesome and worth it for the server.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Most mod authors give permission for private mod packs without asking, even sengir does this. So as long as your using this for a private server it should be fine.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
When I go check the mystcraft forum post it states"

This MOD may only be distributed where uploaded, mirrored, or otherwise linked to by the OWNER solely. Requests for permissions to distribute the MOD will be denied. Modpacks which already had permission retain that permission unless revoked.
ANY attempts to make money off of this MOD (selling, selling modified versions, adfly, sharecash, etc.) are STRICTLY FORBIDDEN, and the OWNER may claim damages or take other action to rectify the situation.

So how does that work in a private pack. It looks to me to be pretty clear I can't use it in a private pack. Or is this being handled some other way? It was previously stated that we do not get grandfathered permissions via FTB. If that is correct and I am reading this correctly anyone who wants to use mystcraft in a private pack is out of luck.

Is that the indeed the case?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
This whole thing just absolutely blows my mind. As someone who does YT basically for a living it just seems completely ass backwards to make people jump through so many hoops to enjoy the content you put your blood sweat and tears into. I make videos and I want as many people as possible seeing them. If someone watches my video on an unmonetized format I dont get paid but I have a chance of converting that person to a subscriber and a long term viewer.

Restricting who can use your stuff seems way counter intuitive to me. It simply makes no sense to me at all.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
When I go check the mystcraft forum post it states"

This MOD may only be distributed where uploaded, mirrored, or otherwise linked to by the OWNER solely. Requests for permissions to distribute the MOD will be denied. Modpacks which already had permission retain that permission unless revoked.
ANY attempts to make money off of this MOD (selling, selling modified versions, adfly, sharecash, etc.) are STRICTLY FORBIDDEN, and the OWNER may claim damages or take other action to rectify the situation.

So how does that work in a private pack. It looks to me to be pretty clear I can't use it in a private pack. Or is this being handled some other way? It was previously stated that we do not get grandfathered permissions via FTB. If that is correct and I am reading this correctly anyone who wants to use mystcraft in a private pack is out of luck.

Is that the indeed the case?

as you can read on his twitter, multiple times, it is not the case:
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
OK for clarifications sake when it comes to the private packs, it is far easier to get permissions for these than it is for the public packs. The private packs are designed for specific servers and not general release. If you make a little bit of effort, you will be surprised at how many mod developers are happy to see their mods included in these packs. I would be curious to hear which mods you have issues with.

Slowpoke, I believe you can get roughly 99% of the permissions very easily. I'm surprised no one has brought this one up just yet, though I have limited internet so can't search too well (Dang easements and city employees cutting cable on accident.) Anyway, Redpower 2's clause reads as follows:

Established modpacks or private server packs only. If your post
count is below 100, and your modpack is less than a month old, I'll just say
no. A "private server pack" refers to a modpack intended to be used by a
closed membership Minecraft server and distributed only to those members.
- You must have my permission. Post on this thread.

(This is via the RP2 MCF thread)

We know she isn't really on the forums anymore for various reasons, so it will be hard for ANY server to get permission for Redpower 2. The next thing I want to bring up, and after thinking about it I hope the following is the case anyway. (I intially thought it was going to be really bad, I admit). Do you have any word on whether the links on the FTB page will be enough, as most require links and such to be included along with credits. I.E. IC2, ObsidiPlates



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I checked the central permissions and most of the mod creators are giving explicit permission for ANY modpack distributed through the FTB launcher. The private packs will be distributed through the launcher so.....what's the big problem. Even better, mods that aren't part of ANY current pack have permission. what's the big deal. Check the central permissions and see if your mod of choice is there. I think even treecap has permission and Slow has very clearly said that will not be included in any official FTB pack. I read official to mean one created by the FTB team, not private one created for particular servers.

Anyone from FTB care to correct me, if I'm wrong?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
as you can read on his twitter, multiple times, it is not the case:

So for clarification of what is defined as easy.

Take the 25+ mods my server is using and review their use policies if they have one.
Find a way to contact anyone who does not specifically state permission, If a way is provided.
In the event that permission is explicitly denied in the forum post add them to your twitter feed and review. They may have changed their mind.
If this does not work stalk IRC and spam until you get a response.

Sorry that is a bit tongue in cheek but I think you get the idea. Easy is relative to your association with mod authors and most people don't have those relationships. I certainly don't with most mod authors as I lack the time to put into it. It used to be easier when I could just hang out in IRC all the time.

What is being proposed as "easier than you would think" in realty for the average Joe is several hours of research followed by potentially days in waiting for a response if at all. Assuming it is even possible to communicate with the dev at all.

Now if all the mods in the FTB are included with permission for private packs things are a bit easier but I have not actually seen that is that case. What I have seen is people say that it is not the case and that it's easier to get permission than I think.

So what is the deal?
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
exactly, it isn't hard if you speak about 5-10 mods, but I'm trying for over 2 weeks now to get all permissions (or figure out if there is some sort of general permission for that mod) for a modpack with over 50 mods.
It's a pain in the ass to put it lightly.

And IF I get it all, I'm not even sure where to go next and if it's even worth all the trouble.
for example, if I can't update the pack at least 2 times per week, it's not worth it tbh

Jason Dickinson

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You will just have to weigh weather or not its worth it to you. About 90% of the mods listed on the possible FTB mod spreadsheet all give basic open permissions for mod packs, either packs that are included into the FTB launcher, or just general permissions for private mod packs that remain non publicly distributed. Also there are a huge number of mods out there that give free reign so to speak for anyone to make a mod pack.

Yes there are mods like Redpower2 which have some rather overboard licensing, but that's just the way it is, I'm assuming that when the private pack portion is closer to being ready there will be something for this, as mentioned in a post above that Eloraam doesn't even really visit the one place she has stated to post asking for permission for private packs.

Honestly, there's no reason for a mod dev to not give open permissions on private packs, and it would surly save them time going through posts and PMs, but in the end its up to them. Really we will just have to see what they have planned for the private packs, as like 95% of what I see on this page is just speculation. However, I started working on putting together my private pack yesterday and ive gotten 98% of the perms already, so its not really that hard.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
If everyone wants it, I did some footwork and can throw up what I found of the mods that I checked on? (Most are included in both DW20 and Mindcrack pack). So people can see what they have to do. I'd just have to clean it up, as it was meant for internal use and not public stuff. Just let me know, and I'll toss it up. Or find me on FTB TS and I can toss it to you.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I made a spreadsheet with all the info about the permissions for the mods to be added in a PRIVATE pack.
It's a WIP. I will add more mods as I find the info about them.

Credits to afa7336 for alot of the lookup work.

If you want to contribute, send me a pm with the info and links so I can add them.
I hope this helps to find our way in this huge forest :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
This whole thing just absolutely blows my mind. As someone who does YT basically for a living it just seems completely ass backwards to make people jump through so many hoops to enjoy the content you put your blood sweat and tears into. I make videos and I want as many people as possible seeing them. If someone watches my video on an unmonetized format I dont get paid but I have a chance of converting that person to a subscriber and a long term viewer.

Restricting who can use your stuff seems way counter intuitive to me. It simply makes no sense to me at all.

Completely agree with you.

This is the only game I have ever played where authors feel the need to be so elitist and hold on to their "permission" for using a mod. What exactly is stopping anyone from doing whatever they want with the files freely available?

Don't get me wrong, I love what the authors did, but game mods were never about money. They were about making free improvements to the game that couldn't have been made otherwise.
If this is purely authors wanting ad revenue, then really redistributers are acting no different than what mod authors are doing to Mojang. Making making money off their game.

In most other games, this practice isn't allowed as all mod content is technically owned by the game creator, not the mod author.
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