I will point Slowpoke at this so he can let y'all know the policy. I am locking it till then.
When I go check the mystcraft forum post it states"
This MOD may only be distributed where uploaded, mirrored, or otherwise linked to by the OWNER solely. Requests for permissions to distribute the MOD will be denied. Modpacks which already had permission retain that permission unless revoked.
ANY attempts to make money off of this MOD (selling, selling modified versions, adfly, sharecash, etc.) are STRICTLY FORBIDDEN, and the OWNER may claim damages or take other action to rectify the situation.
So how does that work in a private pack. It looks to me to be pretty clear I can't use it in a private pack. Or is this being handled some other way? It was previously stated that we do not get grandfathered permissions via FTB. If that is correct and I am reading this correctly anyone who wants to use mystcraft in a private pack is out of luck.
Is that the indeed the case?
OK for clarifications sake when it comes to the private packs, it is far easier to get permissions for these than it is for the public packs. The private packs are designed for specific servers and not general release. If you make a little bit of effort, you will be surprised at how many mod developers are happy to see their mods included in these packs. I would be curious to hear which mods you have issues with.
Can't atm. They are still working on it.I dont understand. how exactly do we make one?
as you can read on his twitter, multiple times, it is not the case: twitter.com/XCompWiz
This whole thing just absolutely blows my mind. As someone who does YT basically for a living it just seems completely ass backwards to make people jump through so many hoops to enjoy the content you put your blood sweat and tears into. I make videos and I want as many people as possible seeing them. If someone watches my video on an unmonetized format I dont get paid but I have a chance of converting that person to a subscriber and a long term viewer.
Restricting who can use your stuff seems way counter intuitive to me. It simply makes no sense to me at all.