[Poll] Do you prefer TE or IC2? Why?

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Which Do You Prefer?

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TE, I'm even removing IC from ulimate when I get it, MPS is way better, and I will only have MJ for machines (besides bluetricity)

I actually think I'm going the other way with my modpacks and I'm going to add GregTech, Advanced Machines, and Applied Energistics to DW20. This gives people on my server a very nice range of options to select. MPS is great in many ways, but some people just like to stick to what they know. I cannot, but I can accept that they do. :)
Actually TE and IC2 have their own purpose for anything, if i have surplus EU i can use IC2 machine for speedy operations with extra transformer upgrade and EU supply, Or do it in TE ways for comfortable and no rush. Barely hard to say which is necessary or not.
well, I know IC since 1.2 and I just tried MPS yesterday, doesn't have the op inmortallity but yes balanced flash speed.

I'm just not going to waste more time with a mod that gets updated for the sake of it.
well, I know IC since 1.2 and I just tried MPS yesterday, doesn't have the op inmortallity but yes balanced flash speed.

At the high levels of the armor you are as tough as a gravity suit user. Lol at your iron consumption though. :)

I'm just not going to waste more time with a mod that gets updated for the sake of it.
MPS is getting updated constantly with awesome. I've never experienced a mod that is getting this much better this quickly.
25% power cost is pretty huge until you have pretty massive (multi-boiler) power generation.
"Pretty huge" means "irrelevant" in this case because Liquid Tesseracts exist and you can set up your Engines on the other side, all the way up to the point that you have Boilers running on inexhaustible Biofuel so who cares about inefficiency anymore.

If you want to nerf something, why not nerf liquid tesseracts?
Because Liquid Transposers exist and

Ender Chests Shouldn't Be Allowed To Win™.

But I still think they're way on the cheap side for their utility.
Does that winky face mean you were joking? Because tesseracts aren't too expensive. Maybe midgame for MindCrack at the latest.

Was not a joke. I don't balance around MindCrack nor will I ever pretend to, I'm not really a fan of the pack. Midgame in that pack means decidedly endgame if GregTech isn't around. And I'm fine with that.
Was not a joke. I don't balance around MindCrack nor will I ever pretend to, I'm not really a fan of the pack. Midgame in that pack means decidedly endgame if GregTech isn't around. And I'm fine with that.

Yeah, sans GregCore™, it'd be closer to endgame versus midgame. In which case it's the step up from ender chests in most cases (and frequencies are SO much better than colors, let me tell you [not that, I am sure, you need to be told as much considering such conditionals]).
Yeah, I'm at that point in my game where I can make infinite Obsidian, Blaze Rods, Ender Pearls, and Chests :P.

Not including Bone Meal, I have almost NO dye. So Enderchests can get annoying ("Aww man, need that extra pink/red/orange/yellow/green/limegreen/cyan/blue/lightblue/purple/magenta/grey/lightgrey/black/brown dye"). Yeah, there are ways for infinite dye, maybe I should fill a manager with of each dye so I can sort what few I do have *sighs*
Yeah, I'm at that point in my game where I can make infinite Obsidian, Blaze Rods, Ender Pearls, and Chests :p.

Not including Bone Meal, I have almost NO dye. So Enderchests can get annoying ("Aww man, need that extra pink/red/orange/yellow/green/limegreen/cyan/blue/lightblue/purple/magenta/grey/lightgrey/black/brown dye"). Yeah, there are ways for infinite dye, maybe I should fill a manager with of each dye so I can sort what few I do have *sighs*

Most dyes aren't too hard to farm (squid cannot be made into a soul shard so black is bothersome, lapis isn't too common by quarrying fixes that, etc), but frequencies are great because they can be directly labeled and searched. I've got a Google Docs spreadsheet detailing all of the public and private ender chests on my server. I can just look at a tesseract and see what is what.
Oh yea! I have tons of lapis too :P
Once you get IC2 farms going, you can get Ink Sacs too. I probably won't end up doing that because there is no Mo Creatures on that would make it nearly impossible to find squids.
Since TE came out i generally start out with TE machines (really start out with slag furnace but w/e) and once i get decent EU generation i make my sorting systems with tier 2 IC2 machines and keep TE machines in my workshop area for general crafting needs.
Oh yea! I have tons of lapis too :p
Once you get IC2 farms going, you can get Ink Sacs too. I probably won't end up doing that because there is no Mo Creatures on that would make it nearly impossible to find squids.

Yeah, Mo Creatures RUINS squid. It is fairly horrible, and something that we should make a petition regarding and send to the White House!
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I prefer TE because it plays well with others, it's incredibly well thought out and interconnected, "it just works", it keeps getting better, and a lot of IC2 stuff feels cheaty to me.

Plus I loathe the machine block if not wrenched mechanic SO much, just hate it. Yes I'm aware of lossless electric, idgaf, I hate the entire mechanic and see it as griefing. It's not balanced by some complicated mechanism to place machines, why on disassembly only?
Plus I loathe the machine block if not wrenched mechanic SO much, just hate it. Yes I'm aware of lossless electric, idgaf, I hate the entire mechanic and see it as griefing. It's not balanced by some complicated mechanism to place machines, why on disassembly only?

Griefing? It sounds like you pickaxe/drilled something valuable, eh? Placing machines down is because the complicated part IS assembling them. Requiring a wrench to remove them safely is just a design element that IC2 designed to go with. A great way to deal with it that only costs two diamonds is to make an omniwrench, which is lossless for zero power usage.
Couple things here.

Without EE3, Tesseracts are pretty expensive. ;)

Subbing 16 iron for 4 ender pearls isn't exactly cheap given how iron hungry everything else is. Adding Modular Powersuits only made that shortage worse. I'm switching to induction furnaces just to get tripling on iron, so mission accomplished for that mechanic. :)

But you know what makes Ender Pearls cheaper? Xeno's Reliquary! Seriously!

Normally you say, "Oh man that needs ______ oh that sucks man nevermind!" where _____ is: Ender pearls, Ghast Tears, Gunpowder. But XR gives you so many incredibly leap-out-of-a-chapel-stained-glass-window-and-the-the-ground-shattering-the-pavement-while-hitting-a-deafening-power-chord-on-your-electric-guitar-whumwhumwhum-awesome items from mob drops that people need to make mob farming, looting items and soul shards a priority. It also makes it easier to kill and retain drops even from normally uncooperative mobs like Ghasts and blazes.

Endermen aren't actually all that rare in the grand scheme of things, but our behavior is to run away from them etc etc. When killing one gives you a variety of reliable teleportation powers and ammunition that can balk the Wither and Ender dragon, you start to change your behavior. :)

As far as my preference, I'm sure it's obvious. ThaumCraft. Seriously.

I dunno how you don't fangush at Azinor 24/7 on forgecraft. I guess by repeating "Be Cool" over and over the way I did when I was working with Bruce Horn. Someone's gotta hire that guy and get him working on the next big magical MMO or something.
Griefing? It sounds like you pickaxe/drilled something valuable, eh? Placing machines down is because the complicated part IS assembling them. Requiring a wrench to remove them safely is just a design element that IC2 designed to go with. A great way to deal with it that only costs two diamonds is to make an omniwrench, which is lossless for zero power usage.

I understand all that, I've been playing with IC for quite a while, I simply disagree with the mechanic. The game already has the greatest "haha you slipped up / forgot something for 1 second and now I'm going to undo 10 hours of work" mechanic in creepers, doesn't need a second. It's anti-fun, and I play games to have fun.
I understand all that, I've been playing with IC for quite a while, I simply disagree with the mechanic. The game already has the greatest "haha you slipped up / forgot something for 1 second and now I'm going to undo 10 hours of work" mechanic in creepers, doesn't need a second. It's anti-fun, and I play games to have fun.

If you think THAT is the greatest, you have YET to accidentally place a transformer in the wrong direction and cause a massive cascade failure of your entire LV machine area.

...I still have the scars.