Whitelist Server Phun Server | Direwolf20 v5.1.1 | 20 Slots | Whitelist | No Lag | TS3

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Before anyone posts here, the Server is TEMPORARILY in admin-mode which means no one can join, whilst I sort out the lag issue and find out who placed all the spider spawners causing the lag. Once I've sorted it, it will be back online and that user will be banned.

Thanks for your patience in this matter.

i just tried to connect but the server tells me that i'm not whitelisted.
The last few days i could connect without any problems.

Would be nice if you could look into that

IGN: Omlettwender
IGN: Ultimate_Rush
Age: 15
Previous Mod Experience?: I've been Co-Owner once, Admin twice, Master Designer (Master Builder) once, Head-Admin once and Moderator once. I can prove it as I have the skype of the owners of the servers.
Additional Info?: Uhh I like to play on servers because they're usually take off the boring singleplayer feel, and I like to help others.
So am I whitelisted or what? :)
no you're not.[DOUBLEPOST=1360255332][/DOUBLEPOST]There is some issue right now with Items replacing your 4th armor slot where boots should go. I'm having a hard time figuring out what is going on and I can't seem to setup a protection plugin that works fully either...

its gonna be a few days before I can fix this stuff as im busy tomorrow and most of the weekend.
IGN: MatrixVIP
Age: 20
Previous Mod Experience?: Wel.. my fav mods is redpower and buildcraft , and i like the little details on thaumcraft 3 graphics
Additional Info?: I'm a art collage student, well played a few time in live.niconico.jp (japan minecraft live broadcast) , yeah i'm a multi language person, in my country, everyone is bilingual, chinese, english, malay, haka, kentonis, jap =)
looking for a talkative community instead of just playing alone n emo at the corner building stuff on their own.
just tried to kill an armored zombie with an enchanted sword and crashed out of the game.
now everytime i try to log on i get an internal server error, the log doesn't show anything.
would be nice if you could look into that if you find the time, worst case just try to delete my player data to see if that helps

EDIT: already resolved, one of the people that were on the server helped me despawn the dropped items and i could log on again

EDIT2: just happened again, warning to everyone: i think every time a mob head drops, i get those issues so better don't use vorpal swords too much ;-)
IGN: furgey
Age: 16
Previous Mod Experience?: Since 1.7.3 Tekkit
Additional Info?: I would be happy to play with a lot of cool ppl, and hope to see you on Dah srvr!
i still can't get on the server, the last time it had helped to despawn the items but unfortunately i get kicked off the server before i can read my coordinates so someone could do that.
is it somehow possible to delete these items or to change my spawn point that i don't spawn next to those items that crash me?
sorry for being such a nuisance and thanks in advance for the help ;-)
I have implemented this fix today. I had to go through everyones player files and reset the variable. So I'm hoping its fixed the issue. Please let me know if its fixed or not

for me it seems to be working. picked up items end up in the inventory where they belong.
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Reactions: Neilios
- I.G.N (In game name): xGravexDancerx
- Age:20
-experience with mods-
- A little about yourself: I don't have to much With mods I just recently got into Ftb and im loving it and. Got most of the basics down.
I'm 20 I've been playing MC for about a year now I reAlly enjoy it. I just learned about ftb and am trying it out . I went to school for a medical career.

- hope you can squeeze me in
Previous Mod Experience?:iv been useing ftb since it come out n other mod packs in the past a lot like the dw 20 pack he did for his fans to use before ftb launcher, iv played there maps they mad which was a lot of fun n got u to learn the mods to the tidy details
Additional Info?:iv been playing mc since alpha then started playing with mods which i enjoyed a lot, i enjoy building on me own but will help any one who needs help with anything like building or items they need that i may hav, iv never been baned from any server as i follow all the rules that are set
neilios you mentioned last night the server maybe will get reset or that some people are asking for reset, guess thats chilli, well any update on that I was about to move a lot of stuff to a new spot on map for bees, now I dont see the point if there will be a reset, would just like to know whats going on atm & in near future ?.
No, that's not what I said last night. All I asked was had you seen people talk about it. Someone told me people were talking about a reset, which, by the way is certainly NOT going to happen.

Hope that puts your mind at ease.

In terms of future, I need to install adv_solars soon and replace peoples current solar panels with the new ones. Not much else is planned unless you have any suggestions?