You think the same thing isn't going on with countless mobile devices and webcams? Every laptop with a webcam and microphone can be turned into a spying device with very little effort, not to mention phones and tablets.
In the mid-80's I was working at a research facility in Berkeley, Ca. as a Sr. R&D Tech/Unix Admin (small company, many hats) and got our first Sun Sparcstations in we had great fun playing some of the sounds from the included library but redirecting the output to someone else's workstation... The toilet flush was a favorite, BTW

With appropriate access permissions it is very simple to activate both audio and video circuits on a target and redirect the data to another system. This is how keyloggers work as well.
The very first occurrence of "remote video spying" I heard about happened in the early 80s shortly after someone at some University experimented with a prototype digital video camera to monitor the coffee pot in the break-room... This soon led to video conference calls. Shortly after that the first snooping occurred.