Opinions on Microsoft buying Mojang

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Maybe the title should be changed, as it is it sounds like a finalized thing, when it's really just an unsubstantiated rumor of negotiations to do so right now.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
If Microsoft will realize that Minecraft is unlike any game they have Dev'd in the past, and that a good modding program is literally the best thing as far as extending game life, therefore improving ratings and causing people to tell their friends about Minecraft. I'm no marketing major, but I'm pretty sure Mojang has made some seriously dumb business decisions. Hopefully, this means Mojang becomes an ultimately better business with a larger talent base for the coding, among other perks.

If Microsoft does it wrong and closes Minecraft to vanilla+small, bad mods, I sure as hell won't play and I'm certain it'll be negative for everybody.

Tl;Dr, This could be done right and be great or it could be done poorly and be awful.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Imo, it really doesn't matter that much. We stick with Minecraft as is, Mojang does a poor job. We change to Minecrosoft, it could bad or good. It's pretty much a coin toss. One way or another, it's not going to be a good time.

But then again this is just a rumor so far. Neither side has commented on the issue so I expect nothing either way.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Honestly I really hope this does not happen, as we could just see mods disappear completely however I could be being paranoid. Windows Live games or whatever it was *Shudders* That was the spawn of satan.