Opinions on Microsoft buying Mojang

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Is it just me or has the forum been a little... dead since this whole Microsoft thing started?
It's probably more that this is the first weekend after kids/adult students going back to school; a lot of people are finding themselves busier than usual. Most people probably aren't even aware of this yet.

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It's probably more that this is the first weekend after kids/adult students going back to school; a lot of people are finding themselves busier than usual. Most people probably aren't even aware of this yet.
Yeah. We have pretty much the adults and the home-schooled right now. Give it a week or two and most of the others will find their way back here.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It's probably more that this is the first weekend after kids/adult students going back to school; a lot of people are finding themselves busier than usual. Most people probably aren't even aware of this yet.

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Second weekend for where I am, but makes sense.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In Canada, at least, it's always after Labour Day - first Monday of September, whenever that may be.

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Jul 24, 2013

I read this article and they missed a few obvious points...

1). They very briefly touched on the concept that game-wise, PC-based > Phone-based.

All of the "failed" acquisitions they list do not have non-portable versions available, and while they were all big titles they are basically 2-D 80's type puzzle games with the possible exception of "Clash of Clans", and as a D&D player I have to question the value of a D&D style property running on tablets and/or phones.

2). They mention that a "Twitch-like streaming capability" might extend the life of a game.

Where have they been for 2 MC Updates? (Twitch in-game controls added in 1.7)

3). Referring to Microsoft as "One of the lamest, old-man corporations" is certainly a way to prove a lack of bias </sarcasm>


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
3). Referring to Microsoft as "One of the lamest, old-man corporations" is certainly a way to prove a lack of bias </sarcasm>

You unwashed heathen! FOSS is the only way to go for an operating system! Keep your Windoze and your Micro$oft, you filthy hoodlum! The numbers lie! We're actually winning the war, but the Microcash conspiracy won't let the truth come out! WAKE UP, SHEEPLE!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I am not too worried for one reason only. Whether you like Microsoft or not, they didn't get where they are by being stupid. I don't think they would change the things that make MC so successful like modding. They allow plenty of modding to games they already own or even created in house. I mostly expect them to clean up the code and make it more efficient as well as more public marketing to expand the user base. Why would they change something that is so profitable when any changes would drive away users.
My only real concern is their greedy ways. When I bought MC, Mojang made it my understanding that it was forever. I hope they don't decide to start charging for updates or DLC's.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I am not too worried for one reason only. Whether you like Microsoft or not, they didn't get where they are by being stupid. I don't think they would change the things that make MC so successful like modding. They allow plenty of modding to games they already own or even created in house.
To add to this, the only Modding that Microsoft actually frowns upon is this kind. I know it's confusing to the less informed that hear the buzzword "modding" and go "ermagherd my minecraftz D:"

but come on guys, seriously? I think the all in the Minecraft community simultaneously dropped 60 IQ points when this rumor about Microsoft started.

Mine dropped from repeated blunt force trauma to my forehead
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I suggest you bring your umbrella. Actually, just wear a hazmat suit. I think we're going to have a major s*** storm. With several feet of tears.