Opinions on Microsoft buying Mojang

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I just tested MMC for the mac. There is a "play offline", but you can only choose an account that has validated with Mojang.

So, as a quick example, if I wanted to login as "Keybounce", to an older server that only knows usernames, not migrated email-based accounts, there's issue number one; if I wanted to log in to my own server as one of my users, I can't just give the username, but instead need the full login credentials.

Sorry, that's not what I'm looking for.
MMC 5 0.4.2

Testing in ubuntu:

I am pretty sure that is what you are looking for. You do have to confirm a Minecraft account, but I have played with unregistered names plenty of times before.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Might I draw your attention to the drama generator made specifically to mock this tendency?

And FTB is about the sanest MC community out there.

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This is the exact reason why I ditched the vanilla community ages ago.
The general Minecraft community are centred around vanilla, so it mostly consists of kids 8-14 years old that'll freak out at any news that things might change and their game might be ruined.
I kid you not, to get an idea of how stupid the vanilla community is, one day I went on to the Minecraft reddit and saw that the top voted post was from someone who posted a picture of a lever with the title '1 bit redstone SSD' and had 2000 likes.
Never visited the reddit since because the childish community makes me flip my sh*t.
When I joined this forum I was surprised at how people are actually intelligent here, so it was a change for the better.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
They may be able to put a C&D order on previous versions...

As I've already stated. They can only put a S&D order against distribution of IP originating from Mojang. They can't tell us to stop playing the "old" versions. They can't tell us to stop writing mods for it. If you've purchased Minecraft, you've purchased a use license. They can't move against that unless you violate copyright by distributing programs/code that is legally theirs. If they were to revoke our licenses otherwise, they'd have to refund our payments for said licenses.

Edit: Which is why I suggest you keep clean copies of your minecraft game (assuming you payed for it) somewhere safe. Because they can revoke access to the file servers.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019

Greymerk decides to add items mocking mDiyo from Minecraft 1.7.10
I got one that says Jeb blames FTB for adf.ly. Its official: FTB CAUSES ADF.LY!

"Hunterz denies Aidan is worse than Aidan" I would certainly hope so; nothing is worse than being worse than one's own self.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I just tested MMC for the mac. There is a "play offline", but you can only choose an account that has validated with Mojang.

...I'm a little worried about running afoul of the rules, but suffice it to say, it wouldn't be overly difficult for someone to remove the authentication with mojang requirement if M$oft were to force some sort of restrictive as hell DRM.

But honestly, if this does happen, I will be staying with 1.6.4 - 1.8 and moving over to TUG as well. At least that way I can get my fix even if minecraft goes bad (apparently the TUG devs are creating the entire game in LUA so people can mod the game with ease, don't quote me on that though, as I don't know it for a fact).
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Did anybody consider Steam and Valve in this equation?

Obviously not, because Steam and Valve are the two big reasons why Microsoft will not, can not, destroy modding. Why? Because Steambox. Why would I buy your Xboner when I can get a superior experience, and play more of the games I like, on a Steam box? Skyrim 2: Revenge of Cicero on the horizons? No problem, you can even mod it on Steam box.

Xbone...just got that functionality.

It's clear they are playing catch up. So would people please chill the frack out already? Please?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Did anybody consider Steam and Valve in this equation?

Obviously not, because Steam and Valve are the two big reasons why Microsoft will not, can not, destroy modding. Why? Because Steambox. Why would I buy your Xboner when I can get a superior experience, and play more of the games I like, on a Steam box? Skyrim 2: Revenge of Cicero on the horizons? No problem, you can even mod it on Steam box.

Xbone...just got that functionality.

It's clear they are playing catch up. So would people please chill the frack out already? Please?
That is comparing Apples to a Boeing 747. Xbone (that shorthand makes me smile) is to play Xbone games (and all the other crap it does) The Steambox is a computer, simple at that. and not even good ones either, (http://www.extremetech.com/gaming/1...dows-and-comes-with-a-normal-xbox-360-gamepad) running win 8.1

(artical linked from steambox.net


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
That is comparing Apples to a Boeing 747. Xbone (that shorthand makes me smile) is to play Xbone games (and all the other crap it does) The Steambox is a computer, simple at that. and not even good ones either, (http://www.extremetech.com/gaming/1...dows-and-comes-with-a-normal-xbox-360-gamepad) running win 8.1

(artical linked from steambox.net
In regards to the 'Steambox'. From skimming the article it looks like that's... not the intended result. That's the product of Alienware (Dell >:|) jumping the gun. I'm not saying steamboxes are going to be SUPER AMAZING PC MASTER RACE IN YOUR LIVING ROOM. I'm just saying that it's hardly a fair display of what the finished product is supposed to be. Of course... we're not really going to until Steam OS comes out of beta and the systems are better fleshed out.


Too Much Free Time
Dec 8, 2012
Lost as always
That is comparing Apples to a Boeing 747. Xbone (that shorthand makes me smile) is to play Xbone games (and all the other crap it does) The Steambox is a computer, simple at that. and not even good ones either, (http://www.extremetech.com/gaming/1...dows-and-comes-with-a-normal-xbox-360-gamepad) running win 8.1

(artical linked from steambox.net
Ummm... you might want to check some facts here. Alienware made that machine, but the all the Valve-built steamboxes are running on SteamOS, which is basically repackaged Ubuntu.

And it's actually a more accurate comparison. Both are simple computers designed around playing video games that run on a stripped down version of a windows OS. Both can be be infected with viruses, and have all the other vulnerabilities implied in running on a Windows OS. So yea, no idea why Alienware went and did that, but there ya go, they basically made a less effective Xbone.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Might I draw your attention to the drama generator made specifically to mock this tendency?

And FTB is about the sanest MC community out there.

Sent from my Toaster using Tapatalk
Hah! I just noticed it's been updated to the "Minecrosoft Drama Generator"

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
That is comparing Apples to a Boeing 747. Xbone (that shorthand makes me smile) is to play Xbone games (and all the other crap it does) The Steambox is a computer, simple at that. and not even good ones either, (http://www.extremetech.com/gaming/1...dows-and-comes-with-a-normal-xbox-360-gamepad) running win 8.1

(artical linked from steambox.net

I disagree.

I realize what the steam box is. It's also a computer that microsoft fears will cut into their console market. As for the steambox being a bad computer...It doesn't have to be good. The heavy lifting is done by your main PC.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I disagree.

I realize what the steam box is. It's also a computer that microsoft fears will cut into their console market. As for the steambox being a bad computer...It doesn't have to be good. The heavy lifting is done by your main PC.
I have to go with you on this one, midi. Not on every point maybe, but more or less.

Steambox has Steam Workshop. Steambox has the entire Steam library. Steambox has no "console exclusive" wars to deal with.
Steambox can be made and distributed by any company, with a variety of price points and configurations.
Steambox has no network access fees (XBL Gold anyone?)
I could go on.

Steambox has a LOT going for it while simultaneously overcoming the biggest obstacle to PC gaming; people who like how their dedicated machines "just work" without any of the complications a PC entails and it's poised to considerably change the current face of gaming. Microsoft and Sony will be treating it as serious threat.

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ummm... you might want to check some facts here. Alienware made that machine, but the all the Valve-built steamboxes are running on SteamOS, which is basically repackaged Ubuntu.

And it's actually a more accurate comparison. Both are simple computers designed around playing video games that run on a stripped down version of a windows OS. Both can be be infected with viruses, and have all the other vulnerabilities implied in running on a Windows OS. So yea, no idea why Alienware went and did that, but there ya go, they basically made a less effective Xbone.

Sorry to be pedantic but it's actually a Debian fork, not an Ubuntu repackage. It was originally a Debian based system (Ubuntu still is I believe) but earlier in the year they made it a fork.

I do agree though, Alienware's decision is rather perplexing. What would they gain from pumping out a machine like that, especially with windows on it, they would have to pay the licensing fee to have windows on it, artificially inflating the price, thereby making it even less of a good deal.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Testing in ubuntu:

I am pretty sure that is what you are looking for. You do have to confirm a Minecraft account, but I have played with unregistered names plenty of times before.

That is what I'm looking for; where did you find that? I did not see that in the Mac version, and I thought it was platform independent java code.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
@keybounce Windows to linux does not have any changes as far as I am aware, so I assume Mac is the same.

Click Play Offline to get the screen I shared above. I am using MultiMC 5 version 0.42 for lin64.

--edit because I really shouldn't make a new post for this since we are off-topic anyways--
You are welcome
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Aha! Found it -- First you have to log in to the auth server (by email in my case), then you select a name to use. Thanks.