Opinions on Microsoft buying Mojang

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
If other recent $2b acquisitions are anything to go by - skype etc. - with no advertising, with no business plan, money just starts to crystallize out the atmosphere near a server with enough users.
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ratchet freak

Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2012
I just can't even....

You do know EvilSeph gave up Bukkit then Searge and Mojang stepped in and tried to SAVE it.

Wolverness then had a hissy fit finding out Mojang bought Bukkit(basically want his cut or to be paid to piss off) and filed the DMCA. Mojang's options were basically to pay Wolverness or let it die, they finally grew some balls and let it die and good for them. Took 3 days and thanks to Lex we now have a replacement(a better replacement).

So your Bukkit conspiracy theory is just that, bullshit...
and every one knows that all employees of a single company have always the same ideas about everything...

My opinion is that Seph acted entirely on his own on the initial shutdown, and only after did the others call him back.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
How would they get enough? Mod makers don't even get that much in donations, I fail to see server admins getting enough to make it their jobs.
Notice I put the donations in quotation marks. They use "donation shops". Donate enough money and you get ranks/in game items/land/blocks/abilities.
Very unethical and against the EULA.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I just can't even....

You do know EvilSeph gave up Bukkit then Searge and Mojang stepped in and tried to SAVE it.

Wolverness then had a hissy fit finding out Mojang bought Bukkit(basically want his cut or to be paid to piss off) and filed the DMCA. Mojang's options were basically to pay Wolverness or let it die, they finally grew some balls and let it die and good for them. Took 3 days and thanks to Lex we now have a replacement(a better replacement).

So your Bukkit conspiracy theory is just that, bullshit...

Kezza, you're getting yourself worked up for nothing... We have until 1.8 at least to keep modding, nothing Microsoft can do about it. A stable, non changing platform to work on, modders should be cumming in their collective panties. And I doubt there will be major changes quickly, the suits are a lot smarter than you, we're likely to get 1.9 before anyone notices Mojang has even been bought.

The ONLY ppl who should be panicking are vanilla server owners who live off of that, Microsoft are buying MC for the millions of ppl who play vanilla online. To push Azure...

There is NO WAY they can recover 2bn in game sales and DLC.... Thinking they'll push that is naive and stupid. This acquisition is about exposing Microsoft to a new market, reversing the "Microsoft is a kleptocracy, uncool, lame, old, boring" image.

Everyone calm your tits, if you wanna continue to play modded MC there are 1000's of modpacks and maps to play... In 50 years when you've completed all of them you can always play KSP
O good grief. You have no idea.
Financial reporting has quoted interviews stating that the Microsoft deal began three months ago, when Marcus Persson approached Microsoft HIMSELF. The deal was initially that he was to stay for six months after the purchase, but it's viewed unlikely that he will.
I've heard it suggested on this forum that perhaps it was a mercy killing by Wolverness from insider knowledge of what was to come; that makes a lot of sense to me now that I know Notch was planning on selling out. Same for EvilSeph. And that Mojang was tightening up on its perceived ownership of all Minecraft interests (ie the EULA debate, which began at about the same time, in fact; no coincidence I'm sure). Bukkit was in the way of providing Microsoft with a neatly prepared server market; removing Bukkit will remove privately hosted servers from that market and enable Realms-only servers.
Of course they cannot recover the 2bn with game sales! That's what I'm saying! The modifications, the Realms servers, and pay-for updates are the way they will recoup that expenditure. Just like any other damn game; no longer the free and shared Minecraft we know now. And to enable that, they will be forced to prevent modification by those outside the company. Which means you modders here, for one.
And your post is offensive, by the way. Should be removed.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
How would they get enough? Mod makers don't even get that much in donations, I fail to see server admins getting enough to make it their jobs.
For once we are agreed. NO WAY could a server owner make a living from it, let alone a staffer. I don't care what anyone says, I'm sure about 99% of servers ran at a loss, just like mine. The costs are huge for a server big enough to attract plenty of players. Not just hosting, also the fees for advertising the darn thing on server lists. Then there's the huge loss of your work time to run it. And most players do not donate at all; people seem to think they do, but they don't. We all do it for the love of it, and that's all. I'll be a lot richer when my servers close, which will be soon if server jars no longer become available. I believe Minecraft server jars will cease to be offered after this latest update. We will have to rent Realms servers instead.[DOUBLEPOST=1410528900][/DOUBLEPOST]
do not forget that xbone version, being inferior by design(insert PC master race joke here), kinda needs better updates.

downgrading and missing out on updates are different terms, and if you are claiming to be a journalist, it's quite worrying when you misuse terms.

being on the internet taught me, that nobody cares who you are if you're taking info from some source, and without link to that source to reinforce your statement i have no obligation to think that you're telling the truth.
You have no obligation to think, either, clearly.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
O good grief. You have no idea.
Financial reporting has quoted interviews stating that the Microsoft deal began three months ago, when Marcus Persson approached Microsoft HIMSELF. The deal was initially that he was to stay for six months after the purchase, but it's viewed unlikely that he will.
I've heard it suggested on this forum that perhaps it was a mercy killing by Wolverness from insider knowledge of what was to come; that makes a lot of sense to me now that I know Notch was planning on selling out. Same for EvilSeph. And that Mojang was tightening up on its perceived ownership of all Minecraft interests (ie the EULA debate, which began at about the same time, in fact; no coincidence I'm sure). Bukkit was in the way of providing Microsoft with a neatly prepared server market; removing Bukkit will remove privately hosted servers from that market and enable Realms-only servers.
Of course they cannot recover the 2bn with game sales! That's what I'm saying! The modifications, the Realms servers, and pay-for updates are the way they will recoup that expenditure. Just like any other damn game; no longer the free and shared Minecraft we know now. And to enable that, they will be forced to prevent modification by those outside the company. Which means you modders here, for one.
And your post is offensive, by the way. Should be removed.
I saw only one line is his post that could be construed as offensive. Also, you keep saying these things like it's definite. Sure sure you are a journalist(or so you say. I could say I'm the president of the USA on the internet.). If you truly are one, you would have noticed how one of the news sites say they plan to get money from Merchandising. Saying they are going to charge for everything makes little sense. They do that, they ruin their last chance at owning a successful game.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The saddest part of this rumor is that it shows the typical standard progression in our world... something begins as an idea in one person's mind, and grows into something wonderful and special over time that brings joy and happiness to many people... but then greed takes over, and big faceless corporations get involved, and that once-upon-a-time wonderful special idea and game gets turned into nothing but a tool used to separate humans from their money by the corporate vampires.

Or maybe I'm just a jaded pessimist and way off base. But that's how I see it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You have no obligation to think, either, clearly.
um, yeah. it's up to me to decide if i'm gonna think or not.

so what was the point of you saying that? was i supposed to take that as an insult or something?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You have no obligation to think, either, clearly.
And you have no obligation to post. Thin ice warning: Keep it up with the bumptious bullcrap and I'll assist you in fulfilling that lack of obligation, because I am getting severely tired of playing sieve between what few substantive posts you are making and the rest of the dross that seems calculated to irritate everybody else that I have to pick through and delete.

Enough is damn well enough.


Trusted User
Nov 11, 2012
@Kezza Everyone here is stating their opinion on something that may or may not happen, but you appear to be here waving your torch and pitchfork trying to stir up a mob BEFORE anything is a solid fact. Listen to Vauthil.

Everything in life (real and digital) has a life span, which is affected by world events. Minecraft as we know it may have had it's golden era and be passed. There is nothing we can do to keep that golden era (unless the modded community as as a whole can outbid Microsoft - anyone going to dive into their pockets? No?) so we just have to adapt or sink. I know I'll be adapting.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
My personal opinion is MS are buying MC for the name and rights, so that they can re-write the entire game in a better graphical engine/environment.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You people seem to be determined to defend the sale to Microsoft. You have your heads buried in the sand. But I repeat, for the umpteenth time, I'm only concerned about the modders here; not players. Off you go, play on your Xbox, forget about the former modding community you enjoyed (ahem, you are currently writing on the forums of one...). YOU are not going to be affected, so why are you commenting on my posts at all? They do not concern anyone who does not care what happens to modding for this game.
And as far as the merchandising comment goes, yes from that... but not a lot. Mostly the plans outline income from upgrades, resource packs etc. Enjoy yourselves running off to Mom to ask if she'll pay for yet another, won't you.
And I'd appreciate a little less focus on HITTING OUT AT ME as a person, and rather onto the subject at hand. What's the matter; are you all feeling a little guilty because you don't care what happens to the hard work of these modders? Eh? Cos that's very clear. Go on, off you go and refuse to give a darn. It's not your fun I'm interested in anyway. I repeat, for the sake of their hard work, the modders should know their rights, protect them, and if the worst happens and modding is prevented by Mr Gates, they should make their own game. The rest of you can go ask Mom for her credit card. This is my last post in this; go nuts and write some more offensive, defensive, denialist stuff. I have done all I can. I'm not going to read your replies.


Jul 24, 2013
How would they get enough? Mod makers don't even get that much in donations, I fail to see server admins getting enough to make it their jobs.

Administrators can at least charge for access to the server(s), like Compuserve, Prodigy and AOL used to.

The modern alternative is to get corporate sponsorship and cram advertising down the free players' maw and have optional subscriptions with limited ads.