Opinions on Microsoft buying Mojang

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
1.6 and above? It's a complete pain, and I don't have it working. I did request that on MultiMC, and they said it would go in, but I don't know if it is in yet or not; I strongly suspect that if Microsoft does anything with the login servers then it will be in MMC very very quickly.

MultiMC 5 has had offline mode name changing for about a month now.

So yes, 1.7.10 will work no matter what Microsoft does.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Microsoft would do everything they can to make the game more profitable. They could charge extra for older/newer versions. They could add a monthly subscription fee. They could demand a Microsoft account and/or automatically make you one from the mojang account (And probably charge you accordingly). They could force down plugins and modding completely. They could force revenue out of minecraft videos. They could even force it to be a multiplayer online-only game on their own servers if they want to.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
If they do that then you will see large numbers of alternatives spring up. And I don't care how big you are, there will be some that will ignore a cease and desist order, and it does cost money to make a lawsuit. Personally I think that if Microsoft does anything like that, we should make Forge a game in itself.


Too Much Free Time
Nov 9, 2012
Tartarus.. I mean at work. Same thing really.
Microsoft would do everything they can to make the game more profitable. They could charge extra for older/newer versions. They could add a monthly subscription fee. They could demand a Microsoft account and/or automatically make you one from the mojang account (And probably charge you accordingly). They could force down plugins and modding completely. They could force revenue out of minecraft videos. They could even force it to be a multiplayer online-only game on their own servers if they want to.

Thats what piracy is for.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It doesn't matter if 90% of the already-payed existing player base disappear if the 10% who are left are paying more. We are more of a liability, since we've stopped paying.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Another PR disaster might be non-survivable for Microsoft's gaming division, to be honest.

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
where does that certainty come from?
as long as there hasn't been anything confirmed, i'd advice to make any statement.

but what if they do? what is there in minecraft to downgrade? it's certainly no graphics...
even if they do start downgrading it will cause an uproar. if they start cutting content it will again result in uproar.
the least damaging way for MS to make xbone version better is to kill modding and push more improvements on xbone version than PC.

the only thing i wont from MS if they purchase Mojang, is a crossplatform support, where i could dominate gamepad users in pvp *insert evil laugh here*
The Financial Review report stated that Microsoft was expected to produce lesser updates for the PC versions and better updates for Xbox etc as a view to making those the main platforms over PC. It said that it was the only sensible objective if Microsoft was to make money from this deal. And I can imagine that's right; after all, us on PC have access to all these lovely free mods at the moment...
By downgrading, I meant that PC versions will begin to miss out. And I do fear personally, being a Mac user, that I'll be cut out altogether.[DOUBLEPOST=1410516778][/DOUBLEPOST]And if any of you are wondering about where I get my information, the answer is, I'm a 52-year-old journalist and editor. I read. And I read all sorts of news, not just our forums; it's been horrifying in fact to read what the rest of the world says about this deal, which is imminent, not just a maybe. Nobody out there cares squat about the Minecraft community, there is no mention of it at all, no knowledge of it outside of our little world. All they think is, Microsoft is going to have to turn this game to a decent profit, or it will be a bad deal. And they intend to do it. They won't care how.
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Trusted User
Nov 11, 2012
Because Modding is viewed as a minority and not a high priority by Mojang, despite the fact that modding helps bring players, and makes the game much more interesting. Vanilla MC is just boring when you've played it once. But then, gaming should not offer replayability, it should offer shiny things to get you to part with your money.

Modding though keeps games alive. For example, new people are playing Morrowind 12 years after its release, because there's still a modding "pulse" and modders have done some amazing things with that old brilliant game.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The Financial Review report stated that Microsoft was expected to produce lesser updates for the PC versions and better updates for Xbox etc as a view to making those the main platforms over PC. It said that it was the only sensible objective if Microsoft was to make money from this deal. And I can imagine that's right; after all, us on PC have access to all these lovely free mods at the moment...
By downgrading, I meant that PC versions will begin to miss out. And I do fear personally, being a Mac user, that I'll be cut out altogether.[DOUBLEPOST=1410516778][/DOUBLEPOST]And if any of you are wondering about where I get my information, the answer is, I'm a 52-year-old journalist and editor. I read. And I read all sorts of news, not just our forums; it's been horrifying in fact to read what the rest of the world says about this deal, which is imminent, not just a maybe. Nobody out there cares squat about the Minecraft community, there is no mention of it at all, no knowledge of it outside of our little world. All they think is, Microsoft is going to have to turn this game to a decent profit, or it will be a bad deal. And they intend to do it. They won't care how.
do not forget that xbone version, being inferior by design(insert PC master race joke here), kinda needs better updates.

downgrading and missing out on updates are different terms, and if you are claiming to be a journalist, it's quite worrying when you misuse terms.

being on the internet taught me, that nobody cares who you are if you're taking info from some source, and without link to that source to reinforce your statement i have no obligation to think that you're telling the truth.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
They mention Minecraft a lot. But no one mentions mods. Which scares me the most.

Mods have bin mentioned a few times. But have mostly bin drowned out by the constant influx of horrified posters. If Microsoft dose by MC, then the fear of how it effects mods will become more dominant.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You guys are SPOT ON! That's what I'm mostly worried about, too! Mojang has ridden on the back of the work of these brilliant modders. I forgo updates so I can keep using these brilliant mods and plugins; the updates are nothing by comparison.
So now, the danger is VERY REAL that Microsoft will want to take control of them. Now you all know why Bukkit was squeezed and is closing. Microsoft will claim those plugins now. But they DO NOT HAVE THE RIGHT. Trust me, copyright does not work that way. They own only the component created by Mojang, not the modders additional ideas and creative work. Mojang never paid the modders; therefore they do not own their work. Modders must protect their work NOW! Put copyright symbols on, put 'not permitted for use in commercial application', or just blooming remove their mods from public download totally now. Because if they don't move fast, Microsoft will steal those ideas for its 'updates' that it will sell to players. And those mods are well and truly good enough to use for the creation of an entire new game already; but it will be too late if they do not do it before Microsoft copies them.
Nobody will be allowed to mod soon.

ratchet freak

Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2012
It's really interesting if you put in in perspective with the bukkit drama,

If MS has been in negotiation with Mojang for a while then closing down the project may have just been a mercy kill from insider information


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I just can't even....

You do know EvilSeph gave up Bukkit then Searge and Mojang stepped in and tried to SAVE it.

Wolverness then had a hissy fit finding out Mojang bought Bukkit(basically want his cut or to be paid to piss off) and filed the DMCA. Mojang's options were basically to pay Wolverness or let it die, they finally grew some balls and let it die and good for them. Took 3 days and thanks to Lex we now have a replacement(a better replacement).

So your Bukkit conspiracy theory is just that, nonsense...

Kezza, you're getting yourself worked up for nothing... We have until 1.8 at least to keep modding, nothing Microsoft can do about it. A stable, non changing platform to work on, modders should be wetting their collective panties. And I doubt there will be major changes quickly, the suits are a lot smarter than you, we're likely to get 1.9 before anyone notices Mojang has even been bought.

The ONLY ppl who should be panicking are vanilla server owners who live off of that, Microsoft are buying MC for the millions of ppl who play vanilla online. To push Azure...

There is NO WAY they can recover 2bn in game sales and DLC.... Thinking they'll push that is naive and daft. This acquisition is about exposing Microsoft to a new market, reversing the "Microsoft is a kleptocracy, uncool, lame, old, boring" image.

Everyone calm your hormones, if you wanna continue to play modded MC there are 1000's of modpacks and maps to play... In 50 years when you've completed all of them you can always play KSP

EDIT: toned down the language, kiddies don't need my vulgarity in their lives, apologies
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