Whitelist Server *NEW WORLD* ComplexCraft | DireWolf20 1.0.23| WhiteList | 24/7 | No Lag | Very Friendly | No Bans |

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IGN: kzmarzyk
Age: 17
I've been playing minecraft for years and modded minecraft almost as long.
I have been looking for a community of people to join so I don't have to play SSP anymore. I love the Direwolf20 modpack and I know a lot about most of the mods.
Got Ya

IGN: kzmarzyk
Age: 17
I've been playing minecraft for years and modded minecraft almost as long.
I have been looking for a community of people to join so I don't have to play SSP anymore. I love the Direwolf20 modpack and I know a lot about most of the mods.
IGN: eragon20103

I have played many modpacks for several month.
And I have been looking for nice and friendly Server with the Direwolf20 Modpack .
Hopefully I can join the server. :)
IGN : nfgaff
Age : 17
Minecraft Expertice : a ton of vanilla, and a ton of Tekkit, probably like 2 months of FTB
Why you want to join : This server seem great, I like the amount of plugins that you guys chose (they won't bog down gameplay) and the all around community seems great
IGN : zb2009
Age : 18
Minecraft Expertice: I have been playing a couple years and I have been playing with mods for atleast a year now and have played this pack for a couple weeks now.
Why you want to join : I am looking for low lag server with friendly people.
Ok my little brother darc told me to re attempt to whitelist. So here i am. My ign is djtlite138. I already sent an application but i guess the server issues began shortly after i applied.

I'd also like to add to my application that rroecker also has played on a server with me before and can attest to my being a cool guy :D
IGN: lincore
Age: 32

Minecraft Expertise: I've been playing Minecraft since beta 1.2 and ftb since it came out, although not continuously. I think I'm proficient with most of the lower level mods by now, but ftb is ridiculously complex, so there will always be a lot left to learn for me.

Why you want to join: I prefer to play on servers that have more than a few active players, yet still have a hobbyist vibe about them. I'm not a people person, but I'm friendly and supportive of others when they need a hand. On a slightly bigger server such as yours, I hope that it's less of an issue to be not as outgoing as others. Also, your server seems to be located in France and since I am from Germany that would be neat, ping-wise :~)
IGN : Sumuran
Age : 16
Minecraft Expertise: I have been playing minecraft for the same span as darclight138. I'm getting more into the more technical mods with larger builds, but I generally play as more adventurer.
Why you want to join : My brothers djtlite138 and darclight138 are currently whitelisted and I want to join them.
IGN : Sumuran
Age : 16
Minecraft Expertise: I have been playing minecraft for the same span as darclight138. I'm getting more into the more technical mods with larger builds, but I generally play as more adventurer.
Why you want to join : My brothers djtlite138 and darclight138 are currently whitelisted and I want to join them.

IGN : djtlite138
Age : 26
Minecraft Expertice: I've been playing modded minecraft since FTB launched, been on many a server, taught many a person things about the mods, and Jerminator00, Ricket666, Zata_Patchouli, darclight138 can attest to me being an all around great guy to have on your server.
Why you want to join: my friends are on this, i only play minecraft on servers, and there's a new thaumcraft that i wanna sink my teeth into

Ok my little brother darc told me to re attempt to whitelist. So here i am. My ign is djtlite138. I already sent an application but i guess the server issues began shortly after i applied.

I'd also like to add to my application that rroecker also has played on a server with me before and can attest to my being a cool guy :D

White-listed, welcome brothers of darclight138.
my gamename is seanbrockest, and i'm a 33 year old from Canada. I've been playing MC since mid-alpha, and i've been playing FTB since 1.2.5. I've run my own server for family/friends several times, but this time i kinda want to jump on someone elses bandwagon, so i can play without spending half my time as an op.

Would love to be whitelisted. I jumped on gamevox as this thread suggested, but the only one there wasn't responding to me.

EDIT: I may as well ask for my wife, chanelbrockest, to be whitelisted as well. As soon as I'm playing, she will want on as well.

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