Whitelist Server *NEW WORLD* ComplexCraft | DireWolf20 1.0.23| WhiteList | 24/7 | No Lag | Very Friendly | No Bans |

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Tried to log on GameVOX but it is full, mind PMing me the server adress ??? :)

EDIT: Just saw the server is online but it says I'm not whitelisted. Any ETA on that ? sorry, i'm a really anxious person :P
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Berry is still trying to get the server up and running still. The server address has not changed.
I feel pain for most players. It bound to happen. You got to know there be player doing stuff there not suppose to do. I even remember someone asking if they could make there own Myst age, so they have there own mining world. When there is no ban on certain object, your asking for trouble.Lov the friendly Family environment. Hopefully things won't go crazy, second time around. Also, rebuilding is have the challenge. Just hard for those spend many days building what could be something very beautiful. My AE system.. :(
Ill re apply for white-list. IGN Captproton17
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Friend of Mr_Diablo here

IGN: Jgatling2009
Age: 22
Minecraft Experience: Have been playing on and off since 2012(In the military, currently overseas). Hosted a few servers for my friends but they lost interest so now I'm just looking for a good server with a good community.
Why I want to join: To play with a good community and enjoy the custom mods . I also have Skype and TS3

See others reapplying for whitelist so here is my wonderful info
Hey I'm not white listed could you add me back. Thanks

EDIT: I also just joined the gamevox. How do I join your chat room.
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I'd like to join again. I play for community more than for FTB. Like neoandrew says, people really need to watch what they do. Ever since ender quarries they think its won't because lag so they made a bunch. As for the reset, I personally don't mind even if i had a lot, because I could do it again. Its a shame that you couldn't save the world though. I know you tried your best because your a damn good admin!

EDIT: IGN is MicroRiot
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This really sucks, but I'm happy the server is running again.
I'll re aply.
IGN: tomgrin10
And my friend too: pure_eyes
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Minecraft Expertice:I have played since 1.2.3 and play mooded alot
Why do you want to join:I want to be a part of a server because playing singleplayer can get annoying
Re Whitelist
IGN : Doomadness
Age : 23
Minecraft Expertice: i play minecraft since beta ~ 1.8 feed the beast since 1 yeahr. First Ultimate then DW20.
Why you want to join : I was whitelisted bevor Serverdown. I just want to join again :D hope you remember me.
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Re-Post! =)

Hello! i'm going to make a double-whitelist apply, hope its okay! ^^

IGN : Ravara - Augustym_
Age : 19 both
Minecraft Expertice: Ravara - I play with mods since 1.2.5, vanilla since 1.1 Its a lot of experience, and have administration experience aswell, so, i wont cause trouble and i'll watch over augustym.
Augustym_ - He just started playing, he is like my minion.. mwahahaha! lol
Why you want to join : Well, The server looks like its very well organized, and you really invest your time on it, also, no bans, either itens or people, it means the players must be really friendly, and i love it! =)
really hope we will be accepted, i really wish i could make something nice with/for the server =)
IGN : Nikjee
Age : 14
Minecraft Expertice:3 years
Why you want to join : I want to explore some new mods and try to build very beautiful base
: goldern
Age : 16
Minecraft Expertice : Two years with mods, already mastered some, still lots to learn.
Why you want to join : Play with the community :)
Is lava and water not flowing going to be a new thing on the server or is that going to be fixed later?