Whitelist Server *NEW WORLD* ComplexCraft | DireWolf20 1.0.23| WhiteList | 24/7 | No Lag | Very Friendly | No Bans |

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When you launch FTB you pick direwolf20, not direwolf20 1.5, then from the drop down u pick 1.0.16, not recommended, then you click launch. Thats it, no other steps and you never have to DL and install mods one by one.[/quote ]
not direwolf20 because thats 1.4.7 and not 1.5 but version 1.6

Yup that one. Direwolf20 (v1.0.14) Minecraft Version 1.6.4 By The FTB Team, then select 1.0.16 from the drop down.

Age :

Minecraft Expertice:
Have played vanilla since 1.2.5 and joined FTB at 1.4.7. I quit again at 1.5.2 because of real life issues, school and work. And now I'm back ready to rock the new mods :)

Why you want to join : I'm looking for a nice, friendly, and active server. I'm tired of playing on 'active servers which are actually dead'.
IGN: kainorulez
Age: 16
Minecraft experience: I played Vanilla since beta 1.3 and found tekkit a year ago and played that because FTB wouldn't work for me.
Why I want to join: A month ago I got FTB and I've played 200+ hours on this one server but over the update and a map reset all my stuff was deleted, so I'm just looking for a new fun server to play on and this one seems promising.

Added Welcom

IGN : daan2202
Age : (since yesterday) 16
Experiance: vanilia (since) 1.8 beta, (tons) mindcrack , (tons) ultimate, (litle) direwolf20
Why you want to join : I love the pack and I realy dislike single player, so since the previous server I used to play this pack on went down for unkown reasons I'd like to give this one a try!
(My grammer is terrible sometimes but the people still get what I'm trying to say)

Added Welcome

IGN : xBad_Ass
Age :21
Minecraft Expertice; new
Why you want to join : want to play and learn

Added Welcome

IGN : Zeta_Patchouli
Age : 20
Minecraft Expertice: I used to be a part of a couple of small vanilla servers that went down a while ago. Not much with mods. I've been also playing Minecraft since about the 1.1 release.
Why you want to join: I am bored and a few of my friends are coming on to this server, so I wish to play with them as well.

Added Welcome

IGN : ricket666
Age : 24
Minecraft Expertise: I've been playing for quite a while, since before 1.3 actually. I was on a rather active vanilla multiplayer server with about 20 people online on average. I'm also somewhat knowledgeable with most FtB mods, although I'm not a super pro, I know how to solve problems and I'm smart enough to know when not to attempt something. I also dislike griefing and/or PvP so that won't be something you'll catch me in doing.
Why you want to join: I just want to have fun with others and I'm interested in learning more about the mods available on this server, because I don't think you can ever learn enough!

Added Welcome

IGN: Jerminator00
Age: 21
Minecraft Expertice: I've been playing Minecraft for a while now, but have only recently started playing with mods. I have a pretty firm grasp on the vanilla content, but there's still a lot I've got to learn about all the different mods.
Why I want to join: After a series of servers that died either player-wise or server-wise, I'm just looking for a new, stable server to call home, play on with some friends, and hopefully learn more about the mods included here.

Added Welcome[DOUBLEPOST=1393281178][/DOUBLEPOST]

Age :

Minecraft Expertice:
Have played vanilla since 1.2.5 and joined FTB at 1.4.7. I quit again at 1.5.2 because of real life issues, school and work. And now I'm back ready to rock the new mods :)

Why you want to join : I'm looking for a nice, friendly, and active server. I'm tired of playing on 'active servers which are actually dead'.
Added Welcome
I think i am being kicked by the server. This error pops up when i try to connect.
A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
# EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at pc=0x00000000699f3bb0, pid=9340, tid=2228
IGN : neoandrew
Age : 28
Minecraft Expertice: been playing modded MC for over 2 years now, mostly on tech/magic mods
Why you want to join : looking for some good latency server with some nice people to chat and play together, and of course, build some crazy stuff
IGN : neoandrew
Age : 28
Minecraft Expertice: been playing modded MC for over 2 years now, mostly on tech/magic mods
Why you want to join : looking for some good latency server with some nice people to chat and play together, and of course, build some crazy stuff

Added Welcome
IGN : rroecker
Age : 17
Minecraft Expertice: 3-4 years
Why you want to join : Looking for a new server with mature members,
john, I think you have a better shot joining if you would follow the guideline on the first page. also you didn't give your age.. which i think your hiding something.
IGN : rroecker
Age : 17
Minecraft Expertice: 3-4 years
Why you want to join : Looking for a new server with mature members,

Added Welcome[DOUBLEPOST=1393373279][/DOUBLEPOST]
Hey, could i join the server its just i don't like playing by myself and I'm alright with most of the mods in dire wolf. please accept me i will try my best to be of use on the server as i can.
Username: detective135

Not following directions is a big no-no[DOUBLEPOST=1393373351][/DOUBLEPOST]Quarry age resets tonight at 9PM, get your stuff out!
Hello Berry, Id like to join the server,
IGN: beanslol1
Expertice: Im pretty new at the mods, but catching on quick on single player
Why i want to join: i have real life firends playing on the server mr_Diablo and chicagocubs1 and id like to play with them in a server with this mod pack :)
IGN: Striiter
Age: 23
MC experience: Got the game when it was in alpha, played tekkit a few years ago, then minecrack, ultimate, a custom ftb pack, and then dw20, and now i am looking for a new server.
Im a quiet guy who likes to build and explore the modpack, which i did not get the opportunity to do on the last server i played on. I am located in Denmark and i can and will play 2+ hours/day.
IGN : djtlite138
Age : 26
Minecraft Expertice: I've been playing modded minecraft since FTB launched, been on many a server, taught many a person things about the mods, and Jerminator00, Ricket666, Zata_Patchouli, darclight138 can attest to me being an all around great guy to have on your server.
Why you want to join: my friends are on this, i only play minecraft on servers, and there's a new thaumcraft that i wanna sink my teeth into
Seem the server has been down for sometime. It has to be with the Lagg we been getting. They haven't quite figure out what reason was.
:(. Some things I can tell about lag is: always use opaque pipes, try not to use BC pipes they lag a lot; ender quarries/pumps instead of the BC ones; hoppers tend to lag too after some time, so use item ducts instead, or extra utilities pipes; big tanks with some liquid in it tends to lag a bit too, because it has to render the liquid and on some it even keep moving; i also noted that there were too many forced loaded chunks, which isn't good, i even noticed a big chunk loader loading like 100 chunks, definetly really laggy. Hmmm i think that's what came in my mind now... i'll post more if i remember.
Hello! i'm going to make a double-whitelist apply, hope its okay! ^^

IGN : Ravara - Augustym_
Age : 19 both
Minecraft Expertice: Ravara - I play with mods since 1.2.5, vanilla since 1.1 Its a lot of experience, and have administration experience aswell, so, i wont cause trouble and i'll watch over augustym.
Augustym_ - He just started playing, he is like my minion.. mwahahaha! lol
Why you want to join : Well, The server looks like its very well organized, and you really invest your time on it, also, no bans, either itens or people, it means the players must be really friendly, and i love it! =)
really hope we will be accepted, i really wish i could make something nice with/for the server =)[DOUBLEPOST=1393509101][/DOUBLEPOST]is the server really down? and.. till' when?
Hey would also like to make a double apply

IGN : Troy_pro / sparkl001
Age : 18 / 20
Minecraft Experience: We both play minecraft for a few years now and we have basic knowledge of the mods
Why you want to join : We want to join a good multiplayer server to build and share creations with the community and this server seems to be good for that ;)