IGN : djtlite138
Age : 26
Minecraft Expertice: I've been playing modded minecraft since FTB launched, been on many a server, taught many a person things about the mods, and Jerminator00, Ricket666, Zata_Patchouli, darclight138 can attest to me being an all around great guy to have on your server.
Why you want to join: my friends are on this, i only play minecraft on servers, and there's a new thaumcraft that i wanna sink my teeth into
Ok my little brother darc told me to re attempt to whitelist. So here i am. My ign is djtlite138. I already sent an application but i guess the server issues began shortly after i applied.
I'd also like to add to my application that rroecker also has played on a server with me before and can attest to my being a cool guy