IGN : TheNeoxx
Age : 20
Minecraft Expertice : play minecraft for about 2 years with mods likes IC2, ...
Why you want to join : Play on a nice server with all items allowed and have fun with the people.
Added to the list. Welcome!
IGN : TheNeoxx
Age : 20
Minecraft Expertice : play minecraft for about 2 years with mods likes IC2, ...
Why you want to join : Play on a nice server with all items allowed and have fun with the people.
IGN : ScrollsKing
Age : 18 And A Half
Minecraft Expertice : Im Very good with (Thermal Expansion - Buildcraft - IC2 - Forestry - TiC - Pretty Much 56 Of The Mods In Dires Pack)
Why you want to join : I love the sound of it - Its better than any server ive heard of - And i want to play with friendly people
Hey Its Saying Im Not Whitelisted My IGN Is ScrollsKing
It Should Be Working
IGN : pooman685
Age : 16
Minecraft Expertice: I have been playing vanilla minecraft since INDEV and as such quickly grew bored of this format around the time of the full release, it was here i started playing modpacks and as such have only played modded minecraft ever since. However recently I have had a breif hiatus as the release of Dayz standalone tore me away from minecraft for some time and I am now looking for a friendly server to join and refamiliarise myself with the mods and their workings.
Why you want to join : I suppose i kinda outlined it above, alas never mind, to find a friendly community of fellow players and to work and build together and generally have a great time
P.s I do have a ban on record from BUXVILLE, whereby i was banned without any real reason and i am blocked from disputing it, so I kinda have to live with it, I'd rather just be honest with you guys, P.s.s Hope i get in![]()
IGN : xXxnipolianxXx
Age : 19
Minecraft Expertice= been playing ftb for 1-2 years now and im very familiar with all/most of the mods
Why you want to join : I just want to settle on a server that is good and doesnt have like 100 people on it XD. plus... i feel lonely playing in my single player world.... :'(
GN : Kamaru79
Age : 34
Minecraft Expertice: Years, been playing with mods for a long time. Coming back to mine craft after a bit of a break so not 100 percent current but still know the basics well.
Why you want to join : I like to build useful things for the server, like to play somewhere where I dont need to worry about getting griefed every time I login.
IGN : pattycakes51
Age : 16
Minecraft Expertice: I had alot of Thaumcraft 2 knowledge, as well as alot of cool things to do in computer craft
Why you want to join : Just looking for a server to play on, i've been on a bit of a hiatus on minecraft for about a year now.
IGN : andrewmaples
Age : 20
Minecraft Expertice: Been playing vanilla since early alpha days, modded for ~2 years i'd say. Love the DW20 pack.
Why you want to join : I've never been part of a feed the beast server before, only vanilla ones, so I'm looking to give it a shot.
IGN: Gunreaper
Age: 15 nearly 16 :3
I've been playing minecraft about 2 years, only just came back from playing another game and I like building mazes
I used to play ftb a few months ago, and I became obsessed with the bees, wanted to give that and a few more mods a try.