MystCraft Discussion Thread

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We found a couple of villages on our map and after two months, not a single villager remains (because they bug out and disappear, I don't know) so it means a lot of travel and farming for this mod and as said above, it looks really unintuitive and unaesthetic. We'll pass. The concept is great. Symbols could have been found by experimenting them in a book but since you can actually create a world with diamond instead of dirt and grass, diamonds clouds, a diamond sun. liquid diamond ocean and rivers and meteorites of diamonds falling everywhere, it wouldn't be balanced and one could just go on the net to find how to draw the right symbols. I simply can't find a way to make the concept possible.
You gotta protect your villagers with some walls, torches and iron golems or they die easy. If anyone is there to load the chunk when it's night time say bye bye.
I don't know but at a glance it seems like it will take too long or be too tedious trying to find villagers/emeralds to make anything useful. Is there a way to find symbols in random
Ages? Seems so many people are already with the attitude of cheating in a book bc the grind sounds...not fun
Like I said earlier...mystcraft is a WIP. I'm sure that the research system will be implemented eventually, but we don't have it just yet.
then leave the old one meanwhile?

The old one was a place holder until the newer mechanics were ready enough to be used. I'm sure new ways will be put in, but it will take some time. It was released literally yesterday, give the Xcomp some time to work on it. The new modifier system looks like it is going to be amazing. Plenty of new ways to make cool looking worlds. Its version 0.10 not nearly done yet.
I don't know but at a glance it seems like it will take too long or be too tedious trying to find villagers/emeralds to make anything useful. Is there a way to find symbols in random
Ages? Seems so many people are already with the attitude of cheating in a book bc the grind sounds...not fun

It is tedious at first but like most things, you have to build a system to protect your villagers from harm and to let them grow. This is no different than locating resources in the ground and mining them and then taking them back to base and refining them. Only in this case you have live cattle that you have to lock away into cells for their own protection >D
Just a quick few questions since I'm new to the village use and breeding mechanics. If a village has been deserted, is the a way to spawn new villagers legitimately?

Alternatively, is it possible to create an entirely new village in a place where there was none on worldgen? Reason I ask is I built my base and have it up and running quite nicely. Problem regarding villages is that the nearest is 1,000 blocks away...

Finally, anyone been able to create stable ages yet and willing to share their pages/setup?

Thanks for the help and info,

Just a quick few questions since I'm new to the village use and breeding mechanics. If a village has been deserted, is the a way to spawn new villagers legitimately?

Alternatively, is it possible to create an entirely new village in a place where there was none on worldgen? Reason I ask is I built my base and have it up and running quite nicely. Problem regarding villages is that the nearest is 1,000 blocks away...

Finally, anyone been able to create stable ages yet and willing to share their pages/setup?

Thanks for the help and info,

Yes, if you have 2 villagers they will repopulate.

You can use a portal gun 'G' key or gravity gun to relocate villagers. Or use minecarts.

Make a building like in the video (if you don't want to exploit the glitch then only do 3 stories tall), and they will repopulate.

Stable ages aren't hard to write. There's 3 rules:
-Make sure there's 1 of every rule to make a "proper" logical world (terrain, biome, sky, time, weather)
-Make sure your modifiers make sense (don't put 2 biomes in a single biome world, etc)
-Don't get too greedy (every symbol has a "negativity score", some are more negative than others, usually proportional to how much you can exploit it.
Just a quick few questions since I'm new to the village use and breeding mechanics. If a village has been deserted, is the a way to spawn new villagers legitimately?

Alternatively, is it possible to create an entirely new village in a place where there was none on worldgen? Reason I ask is I built my base and have it up and running quite nicely. Problem regarding villages is that the nearest is 1,000 blocks away...

Finally, anyone been able to create stable ages yet and willing to share their pages/setup?

Thanks for the help and info,


You can also cure Zombie Villagers by giving them a potion of weakness and a golden apple. They will start to shake so you know it is working. Then after a random time they will be a regular villager. Note that you will need to cover the zombie villager's head from the sun if they don't transform before the sun comes up and you don't want to store them with other zombies.

Zombie villagers are a random spawn and can show up from Zombie spawners as well. No idea if a Soul Shard will spawn zombie villagers.
I've seen many people showing a distaste for villagers. I find them quite amusing. I can understand that it can be a little tedious to deal with them. But that is the point and gives a sense of achievement to obtaining the pages.

Besides, whats the point of playing survival (I'm assuming here, dangerous stuff) if you are just going to cheat in the hard parts?

Modders work very hard to make the mechanics in their mods. Why bypass them? (Yes, I know they willingly give you the option to). It just feels ...rude?

Because the youth of today want everything yesterday. Anything that involves work or time, they're not interested. That's the reason for the never ending hate for gregtech making all the recipes harder and now the villagers as well because it now means time, patience are needed to get results. Too much like hard work for them so they just switch to creative and cheat it all in.
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The old method of spamming books is not only a horrible mechanic (how many magic powers do you get from randomly scribbling) but also an unecessary load on servers.

The choices are either village exploitation, which if done in the way most people are saying would cause massive amount of server cycles being used or hard drive bloating and a bunch of cycles occasionally being used when people make worlds... the latter sounds more server friendly, whereas if a player lets infinite villager spawning go out of control I have to edit the world to fix it, which I am not keen on frankly. While I'm not apt to say so because I don't know the person, I have to doubt the creator of mystcraft wanted such exploitation to be the main source of 'ingredients' for their mod.
Frankly I can't decide what's worse, spamming throwaway ages that can in the worst case just be deleted, or massive villager farms that have hundreds of the damn things, are difficult to control and shut off, and when not done right are prone to flooding the server with villagers to the point of a crash and requiring map surgery or reset. It's like 1.8 XP all over again: either so hard to gather and chance-based that it's barely worth trying, or requires building a grinder spawning hundreds of entities at a time and packing them into tiny areas.

(I would know, I crashed a server several times with XP farms, even though I knew what I was doing.)
Frankly I can't decide what's worse, spamming throwaway ages that can in the worst case just be deleted, or massive villager farms that have hundreds of the damn things, are difficult to control and shut off, and when not done right are prone to flooding the server with villagers to the point of a crash and requiring map surgery or reset. It's like 1.8 XP all over again: either so hard to gather and chance-based that it's barely worth trying, or requires building a grinder spawning hundreds of entities at a time and packing them into tiny areas.

(I would know, I crashed a server several times with XP farms, and I knew what I was doing.)

What's wrong with killing off the surplus like someone suggested above? You only need to keep the mystcraft villagers and maybe a handful of normal ones to keep their breeding speed up. The rest you have no use for so just use your flint n steel on the ground in strategic places and you'll be just fine.
What's wrong with killing off the surplus like someone suggested above? You only need to keep the mystcraft villagers and maybe a handful of normal ones to keep their breeding speed up. The rest you have no use for so just use your flint n steel on the ground in strategic places and you'll be just fine.

Well you need to be there and do it every once in a while. I doubt the average player would even think of it as a concern, they'd just see someone's design on youtube and copy it half-assed without understanding what's going on. Even worse, the villagers will be breeding as long as the chunks are loaded. A spawner at least shuts off when there are no people in range. It is completely possible that someone not being able to play for several days could kill the server just by letting the villager farm go uncontrolled.

Now multiply that by the number of people on the server, because as Soul Shards has shown us, <sarcasm>once you have a limitless source of something, everybody can simply use the same one, there is no need to duplicate the same horribly performance-heavy setup in every single base.</sarcasm>
Because the youth of today want everything yesterday. Anything that involves work or time, they're not interested. That's the reason for the never ending hate for gregtech making all the recipes harder and now the villagers as well because it now means time, patience are needed to get results. Too much like hard work for them so they just switch to creative and cheat it all in.

I bet you that there are just as many old timers who share these views as the youth. Personally I was raised on games like FFXI and EQ where grinds were the mainstay. I've learned the value of earning what is mine, and how when things are "easy" the game becomes boring and unrewarding. And I still consider myself part of the youth (22).

Personally I'm planning on building a library at spawn and 'housing' archivists there librarian style for the server as a whole.
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Because the youth of today want everything yesterday. Anything that involves work or time, they're not interested. That's the reason for the never ending hate for gregtech making all the recipes harder and now the villagers as well because it now means time, patience are needed to get results. Too much like hard work for them so they just switch to creative and cheat it all in.

I take offense to this post.
At the age of 42 I have no problem at all working for something.
I do have a problem wasting the very little time that I do have to relax and have fun for an hour or so every couple of days doing something that I find neither fun or relaxing.

My time spent playing minecraft is simply one of the things I do to relax. Wandering around the world of minecraft looking for villages is not something I find fun in the least. I will spend 1 or 2 rl days at the start of the world looking for someplace I want my base to be. After that I rarely go 500 blocks away. I don't find exploring to be fun. I also have no desire to fuck with villagers. If they didn't nerf the trading on them then I wouldn't mind.

I also do not and will never use the portal gun mod do any villagers I find would either require me to walk back and forth between my base and the village or it would require me to do something else I loath, which is minecarts.
I am fine not using it. As I stated, it was ok while it lasted.