MystCraft Discussion Thread

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I think when balancing a mod its too easy to just make it harder by adding a grind. (cough gregtech) Instead make us build tech trees, or discover pages in dungeons that give you plenty... Something more then searching the overworld for villages or breaking an exploit to spawn villagers. IMO creating a village to spawn people breaks from the fantasy I am having of this world I am playing in. I dont want to have to exploit the game to make a mod usable. I like changing what it was but not to what it is. Its better but has more work to go.
I think when balancing a mod its too easy to just make it harder by adding a grind. (cough gregtech) Instead make us build tech trees

Funny you should complain about the _only_ tech mod with tech trees in one sentence, and then suggest tech trees in the next.
Funny you should complain about the _only_ tech mod with tech trees in one sentence, and then suggest tech trees in the next.

Thaumcraft 3
IC2 without addons

those are the first three that come to mind, within 10 seconds of seeing your post. you sure gregtech is the _only_ mod with a tech tree? I could see TC3 not counting as a "tech" md, but RP2 and IC2 definitely do.

Thaumcraft 3
IC2 without addons

Thaumcraft isn't tech, and really since you can complete 100% of the research without building _anything_, it's not really a tech tree.

Both IC2 and RP2 have flat construction, you don't need machine A to make machine B.
Because the youth of today want everything yesterday. Anything that involves work or time, they're not interested. That's the reason for the never ending hate for gregtech making all the recipes harder and now the villagers as well because it now means time, patience are needed to get results. Too much like hard work for them so they just switch to creative and cheat it all in.
Damn kids today, wanting their games to be fun instead of a second job. THE NERVE OF THEM![DOUBLEPOST=1361140023][/DOUBLEPOST]
Thaumcraft isn't tech, and really since you can complete 100% of the research without building _anything_, it's not really a tech tree.

Both IC2 and RP2 have flat construction, you don't need machine A to make machine B.
You don't need a macerator and compressor to make a mass fabricator?
Thaumcraft isn't tech, and really since you can complete 100% of the research without building _anything_, it's not really a tech tree.

Both IC2 and RP2 have flat construction, you don't need machine A to make machine B.

I take it you know nothing about rp2. There are a few machines that require other machines in them to work. The sorter is one. Relay is another.
I've seen many people showing a distaste for villagers. I find them quite amusing. I can understand that it can be a little tedious to deal with them. But that is the point and gives a sense of achievement to obtaining the pages.

Besides, whats the point of playing survival (I'm assuming here, dangerous stuff) if you are just going to cheat in the hard parts?

Modders work very hard to make the mechanics in their mods. Why bypass them? (Yes, I know they willingly give you the option to). It just feels ...rude?
cheat the hard parts? no no... cheat the mind numbingly boring parts? hell yeah!

I play Minecraft/FTB to have fun, the reason I'll cheat in a notebook with all the pages and moderate what is OP myself rather than grind with pages is the same reason I play DW20 and not Mindcrack. Tedium != fun.
Because the youth of today want everything yesterday. Anything that involves work or time, they're not interested. That's the reason for the never ending hate for gregtech making all the recipes harder and now the villagers as well because it now means time, patience are needed to get results. Too much like hard work for them so they just switch to creative and cheat it all in.
not at all. Not even close. I have absolutely no problem in spending hours upon hours working towards something, as long as that work is fun. Y'know, the whole reason to play games in the first place?
You gotta protect your villagers with some walls, torches and iron golems or they die easy. If anyone is there to load the chunk when it's night time say bye bye.

Wait until sunset, then stick dirt blocks on the doors. Long as you stay away at night so creepers don't blow the houses up, your villagers are now safe until you can manage to build defenses.

...that said, workable defenses take a LONG time to build up to. Effin' creepers...
Both IC2 and RP2 have flat construction, you don't need machine A to make machine B.
Do tell me how to get advanced machine blocks without carbon plates, which require both the macerator(I suppose you could also use the pulveriser) and compressor.[DOUBLEPOST=1361143672][/DOUBLEPOST]
Wait until sunset, then stick dirt blocks on the doors. Long as you stay away at night so creepers don't blow the houses up, your villagers are now safe until you can manage to build defenses.

...that said, workable defenses take a LONG time to build up to. Effin' creepers...
now that gives me an idea.... pistons that activate at night (RP2 light sensor) to push the dirt block into place
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cheat the hard parts? no no... cheat the mind numbingly boring parts? hell yeah!

I play Minecraft/FTB to have fun, the reason I'll cheat in a notebook with all the pages and moderate what is OP myself rather than grind with pages is the same reason I play DW20 and not Mindcrack. Tedium != fun.
That is the problem in today's youth, back in the day if you wanted that ultimate sword that one-shot every boss in the game you had to grind those super rare monsters for their super rare drop.
Getting enough pages for a usable mystcraft age will take about an hours and a stack of emerald at most, only broken pages like diamond ore will take endless hours to farm.
That is the problem in today's youth, back in the day if you wanted that ultimate sword that one-shot every boss in the game you had to grind those super rare monsters for their super rare drop.
Getting enough pages for a usable mystcraft age will take about an hours and a stack of emerald at most, only broken pages like diamond ore will take endless hours to farm.
I'm just gonna quote myself again... :/
not at all. Not even close. I have absolutely no problem in spending hours upon hours working towards something, as long as that work is fun. Y'know, the whole reason to play games in the first place?
I've played games where I had to grind through stuff, you know what games stuck with me? The games where that "grind" was actually fun. You know what isn't fun? hundreds of villager entities cramping up my FPS, you know what else isn't fun? spending hours and hours and hours doing exactly the same thing clicking through villagers to see what trades they have, killing the crap trades, trading with the decent ones.... THAT ISN'T FUN!

I'd rather go out and explore the new world I generated than spend ages searching for those particular pages that won't make my screen have a spaz attack when I enter the world.

Like I said before, I'll regulate it myself in regards as what is OP or not.

Oh, and I'm 21, so not exactly "youth" when it comes the the average age of someone who plays MC.
I have asked a member of the team if they can include the new Mystcraft as well as the latest GregTech which includes a new item called the Inventory Manager.
So for everyone who doesn't like the idea of grinding villagers, (which I agree would suck) it's not the only way of gaining pages. Every single age that i have made so far has a mystcraft generated building 50 to 100 blocks away from the generated platform that has half a dozen pages or so in it along with a wall of bookshelves. The only real problem is getting through all the mobs and nauseating instability to reach them. Just make sure you've got some cobble for those skylands :)
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now that gives me an idea.... pistons that activate at night (RP2 light sensor) to push the dirt block into place

You'll probably want to put some sort of delay on those, as villager pathfinding can be wonky at times and you don't want to lock the villagers OUT of their houses at night. ;)
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For server operators worried about expiring mystcraft ages. Simply do find command and purge files > 30 days, just RM -rdf that dimension's map files. It really is that simple. Worse case someone who hasn't been on in 30 days spawns were he last was and regens those chunks. If you haven't showed up for 20 days, we just assume "your dimension had imploded." We don't want players living in Mystcraft worlds (forcing them to stay pretty much in overworld only) and use mystcraft for exploration and resource exploitation. We are starting work on a simple mod that only allows players to stay in non-overworld locations (including the nether) for about an hour. After that is starts deducting levels from the player every 5 minutes. If they don't get out before hitting level 1, they get ported back to the overworld default spawn. While in the overworld map they recharge that buffer 2:1. So they have to hang out in the overworld for about 2 hours to refill that. That is how we are planning on balancing exploiting mystcraft dimensions (well any dimension mod really) for resource gathering. We also disabled chunkloaders from being placed in non-overworld dimensions. We wanted to limit the whole "free lava energy" bit that makes the game way way too easy. Now we have to hoof it out to the nether, drop like 6-12 pumps, and top off our lava tanks back home. Advantage on a PVP server is, you better take all your gear back with you because there is a good chance it won't be there when you come back. Without limiting infinite lava, there really wasn't any point in any other powersystems and no one was building anything other then magma engines and geothermal generator farms. Infinite lava = boring gameplay. If you are worried again simple steps:

Disable chunkloaders in non-overworld locations is one of the easier balancing tools you can do. It doesn't matter if you have infinite X in a dimension if you can't drop a chunkloader. It's not a perfect solution, but it's better then nothing.

Culling old dimensions: just a simple "find . -type f -mtime +30 -delete" will nuke any files older then 30 days. Just run that in the region directory in any dimensions you don't want to save. You can write a simple script that compiles a list of all the DIM-X locations, make a whitelist of DIM-Xs not to delete and run a "find ./world/DIM-X/region -type f -mtime +30 -delete"
You'll probably want to put some sort of delay on those, as villager pathfinding can be wonky at times and you don't want to lock the villagers OUT of their houses at night. ;)
ah... yes... a simple repeater should be adequate.