Very unlikely. Guude said somewhere that he doesn't want it in the pack. (You can still add it yourself without any conflicts though.)
Maybe there is a config option to disable the ore modifier pages? Ores should not be a modifier, leave ores to world gen.
1. Mystcraft always has had the ability for server operators to disable symbols (well, since 0.93). I assume this is ported over.
2. I doubt it'll be on MindCrack because the same issues apply that always have applied with MystCraft: It's unfeasible to have 30 players creating books and discovering new chunks. Few servers can tolerate that amount of bandwidth and CPU consumption all at once. MindCrack is a large server. When in full-discovery, it's easy for a single player to eat 1-2 MBits/sec worth of upload bandwidth.
Not to mention the ever-growing storage space nature of the books. Currently I have 50 Ages on my server and that consumes 778 MB.
Until he implements a way for books to "expire" and automatically be deleted (and ages recycled), Mystcraft will never be feasible for large servers (unless it's a trusted server and will be used responsibly by all participants). Of course, this is a dangerous thing to implement, as a lot of things can go badly if, say, your server crashes mid-deletion. This would have to be implemented rather intelligently.
Of course, for ages you want to genuinely build in, there could be some sort of "Long Life" or "Permanent" symbol for responsible servers.