MystCraft Discussion Thread

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tbh, I doubt I'll bother with the pages metagame... I'll just be very strict on myself with a creatively spawned notebook. Ofc, in any decent server, ages won't be able to be created by just anyone so in server play I needn't even bother myself with it at all.
Any info on how the linking books work now? Can they still be modified to work in the same dimension?
Well, in "normal play" you'd have to get those symbols (and that's assuming the symbols exist - diamonds do, but fuel doesn't and iridium is unknown)

DW said that other Forge liquids are coming. But regardless of the over-exaggeration, this shifts most of mineral resources into the same weird situation as enderpearls: semi-rare and difficult to obtain, until a certain even happens (entering the end or getting the needed book), after which they are limitless and trivial to amass in arbitrary quantities. I am not a game designer or an economist by trade, but looking at enderpearls now, I don't think that kind of progression is good for a balanced game.

It still remains to see how the instability will play into this (and I'm sure this will get tweaked down the line), but the diamond/gold age in dw20's spotlight seemed to be stable enough to harvest indefinitely. Maybe he just got extremely lucky.
Linking Books and Link Modifiers are totally unchanged: what has changed is MystCraft's worldgen and symbol system.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Flags and properties on existing books have been cleared (books will work fine, but lose link properties). The properties will have to be reapplied.
I know link modifier blocks are supposed to go away or become creative only. I don't know if that has happened yet. "Non dropping, same age" teleport books are not intended game mechanics though.
The block still exists, so perhaps it's just an admin tool now? I haven't taken the time to check.

Yeah, maybe the block still exits in old worlds but cannot be build in new ones? If that's the case I would be really interested if it's still possible to modify your linking books - intra-linking and following come to mind. Would be really sad to loose this abilty...
The Link Modifier still works the same as in, and Linking Books still can be modified.

Evidence: firsthand experience trying it myself.
Ive heard, that smth to change the pages of an existing age (atleast non-worldgen)... Does anyone know smth about this?
What would be interesting IMO would be to add another type of instability...much like the "grey goo" mod seen at the end of DW's S3 LP (I think it was season 3 anyways) which would begin underground and consume the world from below, never giving any hint to its existence until it was discovered underground or opened a giant hole nearby.

It would expand in a roughly spherical pattern (clearing out horizontally and vertically in the shape of a sphere) and eventually leave you with ever-expanding giant holes in the surface of the world, until everything is consumed (much like the original instability, but without sinking blocks downwards, just destroying them as it expanded)

it would add a bit of danger to a world that might be would have no way of knowing it even existed, until you started finding large caverns underground or giant holes started forming on the surface.
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DW said that other Forge liquids are coming. But regardless of the over-exaggeration, this shifts most of mineral resources into the same weird situation as enderpearls: semi-rare and difficult to obtain, until a certain even happens (entering the end or getting the needed book), after which they are limitless and trivial to amass in arbitrary quantities. I am not a game designer or an economist by trade, but looking at enderpearls now, I don't think that kind of progression is good for a balanced game.

It still remains to see how the instability will play into this (and I'm sure this will get tweaked down the line), but the diamond/gold age in dw20's spotlight seemed to be stable enough to harvest indefinitely. Maybe he just got extremely lucky.
Maybe there is a config option to disable the ore modifier pages? Ores should not be a modifier, leave ores to world gen.
Very unlikely. Guude said somewhere that he doesn't want it in the pack. (You can still add it yourself without any conflicts though.)
Maybe there is a config option to disable the ore modifier pages? Ores should not be a modifier, leave ores to world gen.
1. Mystcraft always has had the ability for server operators to disable symbols (well, since 0.93). I assume this is ported over.

2. I doubt it'll be on MindCrack because the same issues apply that always have applied with MystCraft: It's unfeasible to have 30 players creating books and discovering new chunks. Few servers can tolerate that amount of bandwidth and CPU consumption all at once. MindCrack is a large server. When in full-discovery, it's easy for a single player to eat 1-2 MBits/sec worth of upload bandwidth.

Not to mention the ever-growing storage space nature of the books. Currently I have 50 Ages on my server and that consumes 778 MB.

Until he implements a way for books to "expire" and automatically be deleted (and ages recycled), Mystcraft will never be feasible for large servers (unless it's a trusted server and will be used responsibly by all participants). Of course, this is a dangerous thing to implement, as a lot of things can go badly if, say, your server crashes mid-deletion. This would have to be implemented rather intelligently.

Of course, for ages you want to genuinely build in, there could be some sort of "Long Life" or "Permanent" symbol for responsible servers.
Well, the latest version pretty much eliminates any need for dozens of throwaway ages. I imagine most people will run around collecting symbols from villagers or other people, and then create one or two "perfect" ages for them to use.
Well, the latest version pretty much eliminates any need for dozens of throwaway ages. I imagine most people will run around collecting symbols from villagers or other people, and then create one or two "perfect" ages for them to use.
Well, Ages can't be modified once created. Sometimes you forget a symbol, or get undesired instability, and create another.

Even 10 ages per player on a 5 player server and you get my 700 mb estimate.
I'm not sure I like the new page mechanic... It takes a TON of dungeons or emeralds to even get a stable age, let alone a desirable one. And if a village has an expensive page for sale you have to either buy it or find another villager in order to buy any others.
I like it. I assume page prices are based on rarity.

Not to mention it revives the use of villages/villagers, since you can trade goods for Emeralds. Right now villages are, IMO, the red-headed stepchild of Minecraft.

Mods in Minecraft have focused way too much on mining. It's refreshing to have TC3 and Mystcraft, and even Soul Shards, bring more focus to the less-visited areas of Minecraft.
Even 10 ages per player on a 5 player server and you get my 700 mb estimate.

You can delete ages manually. Destroy the book and delete the world file. Just double check the numbers. Server admins can disable people from making necessary ages, and even delete junk ones from exploring.

on the topic of the diamond tendrils, it seems to cause a large amount of instability. Pretty much only the quantum/gravisuit would protect you, and at that point you are already at near endgame. Only way something like this can be considered OP is if you use it. Servers can disable it and individuals can just not use it.

EDIT: Pages are based on rarity, lava was 44 emeralds so I would assume diamond and emerald ore would be a full stack. and why 3x3? why not 1x1x2?
I wish the emeralds were easier to get, I've been playing for a while now. I've never dug up a single vanilla emerald, so I have to resort to trading for all of them and the prices seem high... coupled with the fact that all the villages nearby are established getting pages is going to take forever. I hope they add in an alternate method for acquiring pages in the future, I get the feeling it'll be very unused on my server unless I make a new worldgen.... again.
I wish the emeralds were easier to get, I've been playing for a while now. I've never dug up a single vanilla emerald, so I have to resort to trading for all of them and the prices seem high... coupled with the fact that all the villages nearby are established getting pages is going to take forever. I hope they add in an alternate method for acquiring pages in the future, I get the feeling it'll be very unused on my server unless I make a new worldgen.... again.
Villager farming.

Though, I don't know if Mystcraft villagers are restricted to worldgen, or if they spawn like normal.