Mod Pack Update

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Well I tried to pass electric onto the machines next to them and it doesn't work or I'm missing something, I just hate not having any info on what he does.
Is it safe to install the 1.5 modpack on my server? Its currently on ultimate and don't want to change it if the world is gonna be nerfed with future updates.
Reece it's a beta and they've said they might add other mods to it which could change the way the world gens. So it's possible they could break any world you create now. If you want something you can count on and that's finalized wait until they slap a 1.0 on it or knowing how these packs usually go a 1.01 on it (not a knock at the FTB team at all...when something goes live that's when you find out what you missed).
Is it safe to install the 1.5 modpack on my server? Its currently on ultimate and don't want to change it if the world is gonna be nerfed with future updates.
You can't convert a 1.4.7 world to a 1.5.2 world without a ton of problems from the mods. (I mean you can try; but guaranteed half of it is going to be broken....) Your best bet is to just redo the world if you're upgrading versions.

EDIT: To clarify... :)
So omniwrench and Artifact itemIDs being changed... One question, what is Artifact?

I think it might be this, not sure tho. I hope it is this looks pretty cool![DOUBLEPOST=1372626718][/DOUBLEPOST]
So omniwrench and Artifact itemIDs being changed... One question, what is Artifact?

I think it might be this, not sure tho. I hope it is this looks pretty cool!
Woke up, speaking to FTB staff, about to push out 0.8 ... and mods were updated overnight.

Have updated both packs, quick tests indicate all is fine, repackaging and pushing ASAP.

The joys of beta, huh ..

Side point, the *last* thing I want to think about at the moment is a 1.6 pack. This is a whole new bag on snakes that I will need to approach separately.
The joys of beta, huh ..

Yea I'm having a hard time deciding if I'm gonna stick with the official 1.5 on my server or if I'm gonna keep on beta testing. It's not to much fun playing with bugs but its a lot fun trying new stuff
Yea I'm having a hard time deciding if I'm gonna stick with the official 1.5 on my server or if I'm gonna keep on beta testing. It's not to much fun playing with bugs but its a lot fun trying new stuff

Whilst it can be fun playing with the new stuff, end of the day, the beta packs are released for *testing*. We do expect to release a production pack for 1.5 but not until the issues are finally sorted.
Whilst it can be fun playing with the new stuff, end of the day, the beta packs are released for *testing*. We do expect to release a production pack for 1.5 but not until the issues are finally sorted.
What do you think Wyld are you gonna start the 1.6 project after the minecraft release or are you gonna wait till 1.5 is done.
What do you think Wyld are you gonna start the 1.6 project after the minecraft release or are you gonna wait till 1.5 is done.
1.6 isn't even out yet. Nor have all the mods updated for it. If you're going to pester, pester the releasers to put 0.8 for download. :P
1.6 isn't even out yet. Nor have all the mods updated for it. If you're going to pester, pester the releasers to put 0.8 for download. :P
I don't mean to be annoying its just a question that popped into my head when I saw Wyld taking about starting with 1.6. I'm sitting my wife's family gathering and I got bored
The 0.8 update to the FTB 1.5.2 ngt/wgt packs is now on the launcher!

There's a bit more to this one, so let's start from the top.

New Mods
  • Creeper Collateral (2.0.1)
  • MPSAddons (0.3.0-174)
  • NetherOre (2.1.5-75)
  • SecretRooms (
  • XenosReliquary (1.0.6d)
Updated Mods
  • CodeChickenCore (
  • ChickenChunks (
  • CompactSolars (
  • EnderStorage (
  • EnhancedPortals (1.0.5)
  • Forestry (
  • GregTech (3.08f)
  • InventoryTweaks (1.54b) (Note: Reverted from 1.55-dev to prod release)
  • IronChest (
  • ModularPowerSuits (0.7.1-556)
  • Natura (2.1.1)
  • ThaumicTinkerer (1.0.6)
  • ThermalExpansion (
  • TinkersConstruct (
  • TwilightForest (1.18.2)
Disabled Mods

A range of mods are now disabled by default. These mods are (and the reason for such, is):
  • NucleumOmnium (coremod) & DeathTimer: Awesome mod, but still beta and can cause crashes.
  • BiomesOPlenty: Disabled because not everyone wants biomes.
  • NetherOre: Disabled because some people think it's "cheaty" (personally, I love it).
  • SecretRooms: More server focused than single player.
  • VendorBlock: Can cause crashes in creative mode, and only server focused.
  • XenosReliquary: Disabled because some people think *parts* of it is "cheaty".
One of the core reasons to include disabled mods, was to allow people the *choice* to use them and to ensure that they are provided with configs that should sync right in with the pack.

To enable a mod, simply use the Edit Mod Pack button on the launcher. You can then enable (or indeed, disable) any mod from there.

In the case of BiomesOPlenty, you will need an additional step. In single player games, you will need to enable the World Type to "Biomes O Plenty". In online servers, you will need to change the level-type value in the file to BIOMESOP.

A Final Word

There was one issue with itemID changes; testers using the NGT version will find the OmniTools items "Artifact" and "OmniWrench" to vanish. Am sorry about that. It seemed the itemIDs became different at one stage between packs, so they have been re-aligned.

It shouldn't *need* to be said, but I'll say it away. These packs are still in testing mode. Whilst quite a few bugs have been addressed, some remain. So please remember, you're not just playing the game, you're testing it. If you find an issue, that's awesome! Jump into a bug reporting thread and post away! The more information we get, the more we can diagnose ourselves and push onwards to mod authors where needed.

And now, if you will excuse me, I shall slump in the corner with a coffee for an hour or two.
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