Whitelist Server MindFunk Server | FTB Ultimate v1.0.1 | Small Mature Community | Dedicated Hosting | Recruiting Now

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All notifications on successful or unsuccessful applications have been sent out. I do apologize to those people who had to wait more than 24 hours for a reply. I have been swamped with work and the server owner is away on personal business as well.

We are still seeking a few more players to add to our community. If you would like to join our server please continue to apply and you will receive a notification within 24 hours. Should you not receive a notification within this time frame, please feel free to strike up a conversation with me so I get an email reminder.
IGN: th3niiinja
Age: 23
Why do you want to join us?: I am getting back into minecraft, and am loving ftb, would really love a server to play on with others.
Have you ever been banned? If so, why?: I was banned a while back, it was for griefing on a towny war server. My entire town covered the other town in lava and we all got banned for it even though it was during war time, in which griefing was allowed during war. I guess the owner didn't want to deal with people complaining.
Do you have any prior experience with modded minecraft?: I do have experience, about 3 months worth.
What type of person would you describe yourself as being?: I am a very helpful person. I like to build community things that a lot of people can use. I am also quite competitive.
Why do you feel you would be a good fit for our server?: I could help a lot of people out. I know how to do a lot of things with these mods and can help out people with most of their issues if they have any. I have heard that I am also quite fun to be around :D
Do you accept/understand the server rules?: I do understand and accept the rules. I am a mature adult and I know how to follow guidelines that people would like to be followed.
IGN: Gotkaya
Age: 29
Why do you want to join us?: Can't think of any reason I wouldn't want to join. Looks like a dang fun community... The rules are great... ect.
Have you ever been banned? If so, why?: Nope
Do you have any prior experience with modded minecraft?: Played Tekkit from the time it started getting popular, FTB and TerraFirmaCraft.
What type of person would you describe yourself as being?: Well i strive to be fun, happy, helpful person and nice person so I guess I can call myself all those. As far as what kind of mindcrafter I am, I love to build, I'm employed as a designer so I love bringing ideas into mindcraft. I'm also a very technical person so that's what drives me toward FTB and building efficiency.
Why do you feel you would be a good fit for our server?: I'm a community driven player so anything ya'll are involved in i'm interested in, and I love helping others.
Do you accept/understand the server rules?: Yup
IGN: Korrollir
Age: 34
Why do you want to join us?: A mix of the simplicity of the rules and the smaller community. Many of the other servers overly complicate things.
Have you ever been banned? If so, why?: Nah, never played on SMP outside of IRL friend's private server
Do you have any prior experience with modded minecraft?: I played a lot of Technic/Tekkit in SSP, then moved to FTB not too far past the start of it.
What type of person would you describe yourself as being?: I'm a social work therapist by trade, so I have this uncanny draw towards being sociable and helping others out.
Why do you feel you would be a good fit for our server?: I'm all about working towards the greater good by contributing in what ways I can (mostly technical).
Do you accept/understand the server rules?: That I do.
Age: 16
Why do you want to join us?: i got very bored of vanilla minecraft, i wanted something more, something fresh and new. i decided to start on feed the beast and i loved it, i have played it single player for a while now and i feel i have learned the basics enough. i know how to get setup, get power and go a bit more advanced, other than that i guess i am joining because i am bored of playing it single player, and i want to be part of a community again, i want to learn from people first hand and i want to help people with my knowledge.
Have you ever been banned? If so, why?: not that i can remember
Do you have any prior experience with modded minecraft?: as i stated above, i understand the basics (from setting up to getting a quarry and turtles) i don't however have any experience with the twilight forest mod. besides that i have played tekkit for a while, so IC2 i still remember
What type of person would you describe yourself as being?: as the person who likes building, is helpfull to others and the person who learns quick and does great things with the limited knowledge he has.
Why do you feel you would be a good fit for our server?: i am sure i can bring a player who is dedicated, mature and someone who can take a joke.
Do you accept/understand the server rules?: yes, they are mostly just common sense
thank you for your consideration
edt: i would like to add that between the time i posted this app and now, i have played ftb a lot more and i have gotten a lot more experience
Whitelist Application:


I am 17 years old currently.

Why do you want to join us?:
Im looking for exactly what this server is supporting. I love the fact we can actually play the mod pack on this server. I would love to play on this server, I would be active and most likely start a lets play. The rules are great and mature.

Have you ever been banned?
If so, why?: No, I have never been banned. I try to solve disputes with logic. Not rage or trollology.
Do you have any prior experience with modded minecraft?:
I have played tons of Mindcrack in smp, and a bit on a server that I recently left. It had a dangerous owner who got easily upset and liked to 'show off his power'.
What type of person would you describe yourself as being?:
I am a bit of a hermit, though I love socializing and making pals. I love computercraft and am currently learning Lua.

Why do you feel you would be a good fit for our server?:
I am in 100% support of the rules and love the setup of this server. It seems very mature and tight knit. I would love to join and contribute what I can.

Do you accept/understand the server rules?:
I totally accept the server rules.
IGN: Lamp218
Age: 16
Why do you want to join us?: My last MindCrack server shut down, I need a new place for mah bees.
Have you ever been banned? If so, why?: Nope.
Do you have any prior experience with modded minecraft?: Yes. I've been modding my own .jar since early beta and dealt with most of the bigger mods as they evolved.
What type of person would you describe yourself as being?: Easy going, calm, funny, intelligent.
Why do you feel you would be a good fit for our server?: I don't cause problems, I just go off and work on my stuff, mainly bees. I do my best to help out anyone who asks.
Do you accept/understand the server rules?: Yes, I understand and accept the rules.
IGN: mtsanchez

Age: 27

Why do you want to join us?: The server i played on is shut down caused by inactivity of other members. i want to keep playing and am in search of an active server with people dedicated to that server, being a close community.

Have you ever been banned? If so, why?: nope, only played for 2 months multiplayer and it was on the same server

Do you have any prior experience with modded minecraft?: any prior before feed the beast? no.. but i'm a fast learner and what i see in feed the beast are the capabilities to expand your creativities, builing more, bigger and nicer things in minecraft. I'm also in a continous search of making awkward production units, like a zombie powered methane power plant.. favorite mods are redpower, forestry, computercraft and i'm really curious about the coming xycraft update.

What type of person would you describe yourself as being?: I'm not a person who goes for the IC2 and make the quantum armor ASAP and power everything with a field of solar panels.. i'm a builder like Arkas and BdoubleO and will go down the paths to ensure i have the materials for it.. never made any quantum armor :P I'm also very in to a comminity based playing, making awesome builds together, for other people.

Why do you feel you would be a good fit for our server?: As i said, i like to play in and for a community. otherwise you wouldn't play multiplayer i guess but working in a team, ventilating your thoughts about the game and having fun with eachother drives me to play the game on a higer level.

Do you accept/understand the server rules?: yes i do

Additional info: just another dutch cheesyhead pro gamer :)
IGN: MinerNiko
Age: 14
Why do you want to join us?: I'd like to be a part of a small, nice mature FTB community, of people just living their FTB life, helping echoters, record aswell on the server :).
Have you ever been banned? If so, why?: I have not, I believe. :)
Do you have any prior experience with modded minecraft?: Yes, and I've been playing FTB since the start. (Although I'm still a noob :D)
What type of person would you describe yourself as being?: A mature person for my age, I don't muck about. Sometimes I can be a little selfish, sometimes I am really helpful. I always respect others. Unique, in my own way.
Why do you feel you would be a good fit for our server?: Because I am looking to be a part of a special community just like this one. If I'd make a server, it would be like this one.
Do you accept/understand the server rules?: Yes, I like them.
IGN: motokazieracer
Age: 13, 14 tomorrow
Why do you want to join us?: to learn more mod with others and have fun!
Have you ever been banned? If so, why?: nope, here is my proof : http://whitelist.mcf.li/check/result/d27ea94a4d45f634581b762a996897270d380c25
Do you have any prior experience with modded minecraft?: yes, ive been playing FTB for almost 3 months
What type of person would you describe yourself as being?: boring, and creative
Why do you feel you would be a good fit for our server?: i like to help others to the best to my ability, and help with big projects
Do you accept/understand the server rules?: yes i do, and i think they are very fair
All notifications on successful or unsuccessful applications have been sent out. I do apologize to those people who had to wait more than 24 hours for a reply. Again I have been swamped with work and the server owner is finalizing a house move.
That being said, we are still seeking a few more players to add to our community. If you would like to join our server please continue to apply and you will receive a notification within 24 hours. Should you not receive a notification within this time frame, please feel free to strike up a conversation with me so I get an email reminder.

Why do you want to join us?: to play on a small community ftb server
Have you ever been banned? If so, why?: N/A
Do you have any prior experience with modded minecraft?: Feed the beast is my only experience
What type of person would you describe yourself as being?: a easy going guy
Why do you feel you would be a good fit for our server?: i feel i could help make a good spawn community
Do you accept/understand the server rules?: yes
Why do you want to join? The Server I was last on got shut down, and I was looking for a new server.
Have you ever been banned? Never
prior experience with MC , Tekkit, FTB: I'v played minecraft for around a year now, but only played ftb for 4 months
What do you plan to do on the server?: Have as much fun as I can
Do you accept/understand the server rules? Yes, I sure do.
IGN: Niighthawk
Age: 24
Why do you want to join us?: I am looking for an active server with active players. Also a friend of mine (IGN: Cozzmolot) joined your server and says he loves it.
Have you ever been banned? If so, why?: No, I follow the rules strictly
Do you have any prior experience with modded minecraft?: Yes, IC extensively, MC, Tekkit, little GregTech, Thaumcraft, and a few others I can't think off the top of my head
What type of person would you describe yourself as being?: Easy going, enjoy a good laugh and humorous, great teamworker
Why do you feel you would be a good fit for our server?: Enjoy working in a group and working on community projects. I don't mind setting things up for other people to use
Do you accept/understand the server rules?: I have read and understand the rules. I agree to everything stated.
IGN: black4ugust
Age: 21
Why do you want to join us?: I've been looking for a server for a very long time but I had yet to find one that wasn't complete crap. I'm hoping that this server will be my dream server.
Have you ever been banned? If so, why?: I have never been banned.
Do you have any prior experience with modded Minecraft?: Yes, I have played Tekkit, Mindcrack modpack, Aether mod and several others.
What type of person would you describe yourself as being?: Completionist. I like to create top tier equipment and facilities.
Why do you feel you would be a good fit for our server?: I don't know, doesn't seem like I'm in the position to decide that. I think you'd would be able to decide that better than I.
Do you accept/understand the server rules?: Yes.
I would like some additional information as well. About how many active members are there? Also, what is your definition wand/portal gun abuse?
Why do you want to join us?:looking for a cool server to play on with my older brother vecka1986. the last server we were on just closed with no notice or explanation and so are looking for a place to call home.
Have you ever been banned? If so, why?: once when my nephef was visiting and placed a block in a parcor event, got unbanned and now no one but me uses my account.
Do you have any prior experience with modded minecraft?:almost a years worth. mostly ic2, rp, forestry, bc, learning greg tech. and thaumcraft
What type of person would you describe yourself as being?: calm, mature...slightly ocd
Why do you feel you would be a good fit for our server?: i enjoy helping others learn how to use the mods and how to make them work together to make really epic builds. also i like to get really into the bee and tree breeding his time around, and help others do the same. typically on 1-2 hours a week night and more on the weekends
Do you accept/understand the server rules?: yes i will follow the rules
IGN: PhilsGeneralTso
Age: 13 (I am reliable and responsible)
Why do you want to join us?: I want to join this server because it seems calm and not like chaotic. I don't like a lot of people playing in a server because they're some griefers.
Have you ever been banned? If so, why?: No, never
Do you have any prior experience with modded minecraft?: Yes, I have been playing FTB when it first came out. I've played tekkit but I don't like it haha.
What type of person would you describe yourself as being?:I'm a outgoing person. I love jokes and I want to meet new people. I don't like any kind of violence. I hope I make new friends on this server! I am a 8th grader. I get straight A's. Very intelligent and won't do stupid thing. I play table tennis.
Why do you feel you would be a good fit for our server?: I can help people that need help with something. I could teach people if they need help.
Do you accept/understand the server rules? Yes.

I hope you guys reply back to me soon! I do not check this a lot.. So, if you accepted me, can you shoot me a email at: [email protected]? Thanks!
Why do you want to join us?:Looking for an Ultimate server to play on
Have you ever been banned? If so, why?:No
Do you have any prior experience with modded minecraft?:yes
What type of person would you describe yourself as being?:Motivated
Why do you feel you would be a good fit for our server?:Good Team Player
Do you accept/understand the server rules?:Yes
IGN: ProjectBlueMC
Age: 18
Why do you want to join us?: I have been searching for around 2 weeks now for a small community minded server similar to those which are recorded on, such as Hermitcraft, forgecraft, or Mindcrack, many of the other servers that were potential candidates for me on this endeavor have been shut down or are no longer accepting applications :/
Have you ever been banned? If so, why?: Not Even Once :)
Do you have any prior experience with modded minecraft?: Much, besides my incredible allotted time to playing modded minecraft >.< I ave worked with many of the feed the beast mod developers themselves on the mods we are now all able to enjoy, specifically Applied Energistics, i have done a large amount of work helping AlgorithmX2 with that mod. As to playing the mods, I am an experienced technical builder as well as a honed aesthetic builder.
What type of person would you describe yourself as being?: Fun, outgoing, able to collaborate well with others, and good at what I do. I am polite and friendly and I love to work with others, which is really why i want to get on to a server with a tight knit community.
Why do you feel you would be a good fit for our server?:My ability to work together in a group, and desire to do so, as well as my skills with modding minecraft and modded minecraft, could come in very handy. I am also able to play for many hours a day, more than I tell people who ill have believe that i have a social life ^.^ and i would love to play on the server while on a server TS or Skype :)
Do you accept/understand the server rules?: I accept the terms and conditions ;>
IGN: Croytie
Age: 17
Why do you want to join us?: I want to join this server because I need a server to play on. So far i have only played modded singelplayer, and im looking forward to play modded multiplayer.
Have you ever been banned? If so, why?: No
Do you have any prior experience with modded minecraft?: I have played FTB since the beta realese
What type of person would you describe yourself as being?: I look at myself as an organised person, who finsh projects and helps others. I look at myself that i understand the mods very well. :D
Why do you feel you would be a good fit for our server?: Because I will help the other players and support people with the different mods.
Do you accept/understand the server rules?: Yes