Whitelist Server MindFunk Server | FTB Ultimate v1.0.1 | Small Mature Community | Dedicated Hosting | Recruiting Now

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Why do you want to join us?: Looking for a smaller community that is active that I can play WITH. I am not really interested in building all on my own, but would rather build with someone.
Have you ever been banned? If so, why?: Nope Never
Do you have any prior experience with modded minecraft?: I have been playing tekkit and FTB for the last 7-8 months. I love modded Minecraft. I was in a top tier wow raiding guild, but perfect MC to WoW. I have pretty good knowledge about FTB including redstone and Computer Craft. I have just recently started teaching myself some coding languages and am looking forward to more comunity based projects than anything.
What type of person would you describe yourself as being?: Mature and caring. I have no problem helping or donating my resources or skills to someone. I play the game to be social and the last server I was on with a friend kind of died off and I was tired of playing alone.
Why do you feel you would be a good fit for our server?: Like I said I am a bit older and really just want to play with someone and hep build out the community a bit.
Do you accept/understand the server rules?: Yes I do.
IGN: Quickster306
Age: 16 *Mature for age*
Why do you want to join us?: I would like to join because I love build as well as small community's
Have you ever been banned? If so, why?: I have but it was a misunderstanding and I was unbanned
Do you have any prior experience with modded minecraft?: Yes I have about 1.5 years with modded minecraft
What type of person would you describe yourself as being?: I would describe myself as interactive if you will, also as leader.
Why do you feel you would be a good fit for our server?: I fell I would be a good fit becuease I could help other players and just have lots of fun on it.
Do you accept/understand the server rules?: Yes I agree to the terms and conditions :P
IGN: TehKnight117
Age: 14
Why do you want to join us?: Looking for a new server to play on.
Have you ever been banned? If so, why?: Nope.
Do you have any prior experience with modded minecraft?: Played FTB for 3 months now.
What type of person would you describe yourself as being?: I find myself a more focused and patient person.
Why do you feel you would be a good fit for our server?: I will give my assistance to others who are in need of help.
Do you accept/understand the server rules?: Yes
IGN: EpicMoa_
Age: 13 I'm muture
Why do you want to join us?: i was on a server but it closed (don't know why) and i have been looking for a new one since
Have you ever been banned? If so, why?: no
Do you have any prior experience with modded minecraft?: I played tekkit for half a year and i played ftb when it first came out
What type of person would you describe yourself as being?: a very community person i like making shops for people to buy stuff and helping with projects
What do you plan to do on the server: i plan on making a bee powered (forestry bees) copper, tin and Iron farm and sell it for a cheap price at a bee store i will make selling all sorts or stuff you would have to get into bees to get eg: Honey bread, apple jucie and ambrosia (it's like a re-gen potion but gives you food points too)
Why do you feel you would be a good fit for our server?: because all your rules are just how i would like it and I am very active player i love ftb and helping people with stuff like bees

Do you accept/understand the server rules?: yes much better rules than my other server you were allowed to pvp!

can you reply so i know whether or not i got on thanks EpicMoa_
Why do you want to join us?:I'm looking for a small community which i can be apart of, after i got bored of single player
Have you ever been banned? If so, why?:No
Do you have any prior experience with modded minecraft?:Yes, i have been playing since before FTB came out using Technic, and have used almost all the mods in mindcrack before
What type of person would you describe yourself as being?:Fun, i love to build automatic machines that do things for me, and always go for the biomass/steam
Why do you feel you would be a good fit for our server?:No real reason other than i wanna be part of a community, and this seemed like a great way to do so.
Do you accept/understand the server rules?:Fully.
IGN: iKalito
Age: 24
Why do you want to join us?: I'm looking for a server I can meet new people on and record a YT series on.
Have you ever been banned? If so, why?: Nope
Do you have any prior experience with modded minecraft?: Played Tekkit + enjoy playing FTB. I also watch the Mindcrackers and Direwolf20
What type of person would you describe yourself as being?: Easy going and driven.
Why do you feel you would be a good fit for our server?: Because I'm awesome :D
Do you accept/understand the server rules?: Yup
Why do you want to join us?: I am looking for a server to play FTB on im tired of SSP and the only servers i have found are down more often then up.
Have you ever been banned? If so, why?:Nope
Do you have any prior experience with modded minecraft?:Yes i have been playing FTB for years and modded minecraft back when there weren't really packs/installers
What type of person would you describe yourself as being?: Very layed back friendly person.
Why do you feel you would be a good fit for our server?: From what i see you want people who will work together and make amazing buildings and thats what im here to do:D well buildings/machines :D
Do you accept/understand the server rules?:Yes
IGN: cjiwow97
Age: 16
I would like to join because I want a safe whitelisted server to play on and share my creations.
I have never been banned from a server.
I first played tekkit and the technic pack for 2 years but I switched over to FTB when it came out and I have played the original FTB maps.
I would describe myself as a friendly enjoyable person who loves share he has learned.
I feel I would be a good fit to this server because I enjoyable helping others out who need help and I enjoy being part of server projects.
I do accept and understand the rules.
IGN: NineSkaar
Age: 13 buy i am mature
Why do you want to join? I really want to find a server were there is a lot of nice people because i always get griefed in other ones.
have you ever been banned? no :D
Prior experience with MC, Tekkit, FTB: I I started playing vanilla like a year ago, i started with mods a bit later after watching a video about tekkit. Not too long after i found FTB.
What do you plan to do on this server? First get myself started, then helping whoever joins the server for the first time.
DO you accept/understand the server rules? yes I accept all the rules that were shown.
Why do you want to join us?: I want to play with active server.
Have you ever been banned? If so, why?:No.
Do you have any prior experience with modded minecraft?:Yes i have been playing FTB for quite a while before the server I play are down.
What type of person would you describe yourself as being?: A little kiddy? Since I tend to excite a lot.
Why do you feel you would be a good fit for our server?: Of course. Since I'm tend to building some mighty flying fortress!!
Do you accept/understand the server rules?:Yes, But one question does the rules not steal block from spawn building is include don't destroy mob spawner?
IGN: armandoc
Age: Im 15 but turning 16 in a month
Why do you want to join us?: Because i think you hav'nt got so much restrictions as many other servers
Have you ever been banned? If so, why?: No, I have never been banned
Do you have any prior experience with modded minecraft?: I have played alot of FTB on many servers, and some Voids Wrath..
What type of person would you describe yourself as being?: A mature and easy person to talk to.
Why do you feel you would be a good fit for our server?: Im a good builder and think i can help you with any issues that might occur.
Do you accept/understand the server rules?: Yes i do!
IGN: epicace
Age: 17
Why do you want to join us?: Because i couldnt find any other server that was small and might be fun to play.
Have you ever been banned? If so, why?: no
Do you have any prior experience with modded minecraft?: i have played tekkit for a couple months and played ftb for about the same amount of time
What type of person would you describe yourself as being?: fun, mature and kind of laid back i guess
Why do you feel you would be a good fit for our server?: because i like to help people and well im guessing that i could help out in this community
Do you accept/understand the server rules?: yes
Why do you want to join us?: got bored of playing by myself and want to play with people
Have you ever been banned? If so, why?:no
Do you have any prior experience with modded minecraft?: yes 2 years of modding and 7-8 months of FTB
What type of person would you describe yourself as being?: mature and respectful
Why do you feel you would be a good fit for our server?: Because i will help anyway i can
Do you accept/understand the server rules?: yes
IGN: squirrel_mc577
Age: 15
Why do you want to join us?: i would like to find a fun server with a good community and no lag
Have you ever been banned? If so, why?: no
Do you have any prior experience with modded minecraft?: i have been playing on tekkit since the yogscast started playing it which was about a year ago and that has given me good knowledge of some mods, i watch mindcrack ftb all the time so i know how the experts play, and i made my own ftb server awhile back but it got too laggy and lonely.
What type of person would you describe yourself as being?: a fun person with lots of knowledge of ftb. :D
Why do you feel you would be a good fit for our server?: i know alot about ftb, i used to run my own servers so i know what its like, and i concider my self as a resonably mature person
Do you accept/understand the server rules?:yes
IGN: jim_j0nes
Age: 32
Why do you want to join us?: MindFunk looks like an interesting server with a good community.
Have you ever been banned? If so, why?: no
Do you have any prior experience with modded minecraft?: yes
What type of person would you describe yourself as being?: easy going
Why do you feel you would be a good fit for our server?: I like to have fun and build awesome structures.
Do you accept/understand the server rules? yes
IGN: ShirtlessB
Age: 29
Why do you want to join us?: I'm looking for a server about this size, your rules seem reasonable.
Have you ever been banned? If so, why?: Nope, never.
Do you have any prior experience with modded minecraft?: Yes, I've been playing FTB since beta.
What type of person would you describe yourself as being?: laid back and mature.
Why do you feel you would be a good fit for our server?: I like to do my own thing but help out in community projects.
Do you accept/understand the server rules?: Yes, they look fine to me.
Age: 14
Why do you want to join us?: i want a nice FTB server to play on where i can expect not to get griefed.
Have you ever been banned? If so, why?: No
Do you have any prior experience with modded minecraft?: Yes i have put several mods manually into my minecraft i have also played tekkit for 2 years and have had minecraft from the beta.
What type of person would you describe yourself as being?: i am a good friendly slightly dependent mature person.
Why do you feel you would be a good fit for our server?: you have it listed as a nice friendly mature server so i beleve this is where i belong
Do you accept/understand the server rules?: yes i do these rules are all vary reasonable.
IGN: hex366
Age: 20
Why do you want to join us?: To build pretty structures with people
Have you ever been banned? If so, why?: No
Do you have any prior experience with modded minecraft?: Been playing FTB for around a month
What type of person would you describe yourself as being?: Friendly & Mature
Why do you feel you would be a good fit for our server?: I'm active and uhm, I build things.
Do you accept/understand the server rules?: Yes
Why do you want to join us?:I've been looking for a friend server that i can do my stuff in peacefully without getting your stuff taken and being able to play with other people
Have you ever been banned? If so, why?:no
Do you have any prior experience with modded minecraft?:yes lots i'm a good player but not the best i still need to learn alot
What type of person would you describe yourself as being?:friendly,kind,helpful,funny
Why do you feel you would be a good fit for our server?:I would be a good fit for this server because i would help out the community and give them something to laugh in those long hours of crafting :)
Do you accept/understand the server rules?:I accept/understand the rules.
Thank you for your time -Repel
In Game Name: owlrider1
Age: 15 almost 16
Why do you want to join? the community is not huge or just 1-3 people, also I am really tired of the fact that on larger servers. You get on them just to discover that either really important items are banned and/or they have been pretty much been overrun by greifers and trolls.
Have you ever been banned? If So, Why? No been banned from a server for misconduct. at one point where there was temporary sort of ban on the high-grade server because I fell into a world hole, did not die in the void for some reason, and so got accused of flying but that was quickly resolved with an admin.
Do You Have Any Prior Experience With Modded Minecraft?: Yes, I began Minecraft about 1 and a half years ago and my first experience with mods came shortly after that with the swords plus mod. since then I have had experience with many modpacks such as Hack/Slash/Mine, Tekkit, Technic, Yogcraft, magic world, ultimate, hexit, divine rpg and others, I have also played around with creating homebrew modpacks but I am not very good with resolving idem ID conflicts.
What type of person would you describe yourself as being? I am the kind of person who thinks that the greatest accomplishments of all come when you make them with others you can count on. I believe that everybody is a good person no matter what anybody else thinks, even if it gets to the point where someone has lied and cheated me, I will still try to reach out to them and make them into a friend or help them if they are in need (that does not mean that I won’t ever play friendly jokes on them though).
Why do you feel you would be a good fit for our server?: when I am on a minecraft server of any kind I always try to reach out and make connections and relationships and I mostly count on the fact that most people are good and caring which has unfortunately got me into some right messes sometimes but I believe that everyone on this server is in fact a good person and will respect others and even help them when they are in need.
Do you accept/understand the server rules? Yes I do accept and understand the rules of this server and believe that they are both very reasonable and good.

P.S.: I am also trying to become better at building and being more creative in my structures. So if I come to anyone on the server for some help with ideas. Please help me.