Whitelist Server MindFunk Server | FTB Ultimate v1.0.1 | Small Mature Community | Dedicated Hosting | Recruiting Now

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IGN: armsforsale
Age: 17
Why do you want to join us?: I'm looking for a comfortable server where I can play on my own but join in the group aspect as well. This seems to fit the bill with all of my criteria.
Have you ever been banned? If so, why?: N/A
Do you have any prior experience with modded minecraft?: Yes, I've been playing on modified versions of Minecraft as far as I can remember. Well into the Alpha days I could say.
What type of person would you describe yourself as being?: I have a very easy personality to get along with, I try to avoid arguments and confrontations especially with strangers. I do tell a joke from time to time and am an absolute rule follower. This being said, I am capable of a bit of friendly banter from now and then.
Why do you feel you would be a good fit for our server?: It seems most of the whitelisted people are around my age, seeing as they have been accepted means they are probably kind to play with. I would like to think I fit well with just about any community, so why not this one?
Do you accept/understand the server rules?: Of course, as I said before I am a rule follower. :)

Thank you for considering my application, accepted or not.
IGN: Gahockey3
Age: 14 in less than 2 weeks.
Why do you want to join us?: The last server I was getting ready to start recording on got shutdown.
Have you ever been banned? If so, why?: No I have never been banned.
Do you have any prior experience with modded Minecraft?: Yes, I have made videos on them, and I am quite fond of the FTB mods and play FTB very often.
What type of person would you describe yourself as being?: Mature, Fun loving, nice, easy going, and respectful kinda guy.
Why do you feel you would be a good fit for our server?: I have much experience with FTB and give experience to those who do not, and I will record for YouTube on this server and start a Let's Play.
Do you accept/understand the server rules?: Yes, I have read them all and think they are reasonable and fitting for this kind of server.
Why do you want to join us?: i want to join a medium sized minecraft server.
Have you ever been banned? If so, why?:no
Do you have any prior experience with modded minecraft?: im familiar with all of the mods
What type of person would you describe yourself as being?: friendly, helpful
Why do you feel you would be a good fit for our server?: i like to build projects and big buildings and structures, and help to community.
Do you accept/understand the server rules?:yes
Why do you want to join us?: I want to have a server that i can play on
Have you ever been banned? If so, why?: no never
Do you have any prior experience with modded minecraft?: I have played modded minecraft for about 1,5 year, so tekkit and FTB for the most part.
What type of person would you describe yourself as being?: I would describe me like a helpful person and very active
Why do you feel you would be a good fit for our server?: Because i am very good at automation and build advanced machinery
Do you accept/understand the server rules?:yes
IGN: Exiledminer
Age: 17
Why do you want to join us: I'm getting bored of singleplayer Feed the Beast, so I want to play multiplayer.
Have you ever been banned? If so, why?: Never been banned.
Do you have any prior experience with modded minecraft?: I have played FTB for about 2 months.
What kind of person would you describe yourself as being?: I would describe myself as an intuitive, helpful person.
Why would you feel you would be a good fit for our server?: I am an active FTB player who is excellent at building, automating, and helping others.
Do you accept/understand the server rules?: Yes.
All notifications on successful or unsuccessful applications have been sent out.

We are still seeking a few more players to add to our community. If you would like to join our server please continue to apply and you will receive a notification within 24 hours.
IGN: Cozzmolot
Age: 26
Why do you want to join us?: The Server I was playing on, most people lost interest, so I am in the search for another community. Hoping to find another group that likes to play!
Have you ever been banned? If so, why?: No sirs.
Do you have any prior experience with modded minecraft?: FTB for about 3 months now. I am pretty experienced in CC, Tekkit, IC2, GregTech and BC. Would like to play with Thaumcraft and forestry some more.
What type of person would you describe yourself as being?: Easy going, good bullshitter likes to play with others who also like to have a good time with playing.
Why do you feel you would be a good fit for our server?: Fairly active, can contribute to a community and like building on any kind of community projects and don't mind sharing.
Do you accept/understand the server rules?: Yes, no problems there.
IGN: TehKnight117
Age: 14
Why do you want to join us?: The reason why I want to join your server because I am looking for a small community that is mature and has no griefers. I also am looking for a server where everyone has a good time together.
Have you ever been banned? If so, why?: Nope
Do you have any prior experience with modded minecraft?: I've been playing FTB for a month now and the first time I played it, I actually enjoyed it because I wanted to try something new instead of the same vanilla minecraft.
What type of person would you describe yourself as being?: I am a friendly person who respects others.
Why do you feel you would be a good fit for our server?: Well, I feel like this is the right place to be because I looked at the applications and I see a mature community that is friendly as well. So, I feel like I want to be part of this mature community.
Do you accept/understand the server rules?: Yes, I do.
IGN: Magickftw
Age: 16
Why do you want to join us?: Currently, I'm searching for a good, but small server that doesn't require a mic and is mature enough to deal with mistakes. Unfortunately, the past servers I've been on are deserted now, and here I am.
Have you ever been banned? If so, why?: I've never been banned.
Do you have any prior experience with modded minecraft?: I've started playing with mods 1 1/2 years ago (forgot what MC version it was.) Began playing with SDK and IC during that time, then moved on to Tekkit, and then finally to FTB.
What type of person would you describe yourself as being?: I dislike to be a lone wolf, especially with how others play in servers. (If you did want to play alone, why not play in singleplayer?) Back to the main topic, I'm quite active if the community is social to others, and would admit my mistakes should I commit one.
Why do you feel you would be a good fit for our server?: Being more of a Tekkit player, I have more experience in mods like Ic2, BC, etc. than other mods. As for why I feel to be a contributing member to the server, it is because I believe (not to brag) to have the mindset of the players you need. Building with others is what Minecraft is for!
Do you accept/understand the server rules?: Not to be Captain Obvious, but these rules are common sense. Easy to follow :)
IGN: BlueSkittles
Age: 20
Why do you want to join us?: I've been playing Mindcrack on single player and I want to try with others.
Have you ever been banned? If so, why?: Nope.
Do you have any prior experience with modded minecraft?: Yes, I've played my own modded servers as well as other packs in FTB.
What type of person would you describe yourself as being?: Friendly, social, laid back type of person.
Why do you feel you would be a good fit for our server?: I've always been into the community aspect of a game when I join servers.
Do you accept/understand the server rules?: Yes.
IGN: Minos43
Age: 19
Why do you want to join us?: This server started with a fresh map recently and that was what I was looking for.
Have you ever been banned? If so, why?: Nope.
Do you have any prior experience with modded minecraft?: I've played Tekkit as well as a variety of stand-alone mods since mods were first available.
What type of person would you describe yourself as being?: Nice and willing to give a helping hand whenever someone needs it.
Why do you feel you would be a good fit for our server?: I have a large understanding of redstone and most of the mods in FTB (particularly IC2, Buildcraft, and Redpower).
Do you accept/understand the server rules?: Yes.
I have been waiting almost a week for my notification and I still have not been answered yet, I have put an application in twice.
IGN: Hawkdude12
Age: 16
Why do you want to join us?: I wanted to start on a small, yet friendly FTB server. As this would be my first FTB server I thought that the smaller player-base would allow for me to learn most of the features faster. Also, I really like Multiplayer Minecraft!
Have you ever been banned? If so, why?: I have never been banned.
Do you have any prior experience with modded minecraft?: Playing around with smaller mods, then expanding with a few? Yes. Playing on a full modded server? Yes. I used to play Tekkit on a server with a few friends but it became too laggy for it to be playable, it was also really inconsistent with being online.
What type of person would you describe yourself as being?: Someone willing to be an active member of the community, definitely helpful when it comes to builds and I'm certainly not going to desert/bad-mouth the server at all.
Why do you feel you would be a good fit for our server?: I'd take an active part in building with people. I'm not here to play SSP FTB with a chat-room. No I want to build, and help others.
Do you accept/understand the server rules? Yes. Also I know it's obvious with which items are overpowered, but could you also elaborate which tools will get us banned for overuse? To prevent any accidental mishaps.

Thanks for taking the time to read, hoping to be accepted.
IGN: av1nash
Age: 18
Why do you want to join us: i wanted to join a good server with good community
Have you ever been banned? If so, why?: Never been banned.
Do you have any prior experience with modded minecraft?: I have played mooded mc from abt 1 year,watched dw20 series from season 2 :)
What kind of person would you describe yourself as being?: I would describe myself as an intuitive, helpful person.
Why would you feel you would be a good fit for our server?: I am an active player who is excellent at building, automating, and helping others.
Do you accept/understand the server rules?: Yes.​
IGN: DrShark12
Age: 20
Why do you want to join us?: I am looking for a nice minecraft server to play on and the video shows/says no lag and mature people. Also I want a server where I have to restart rarely.
Have you ever been banned? If so, why?: I have been banned but it was a misunderstanding. For proof, http://whitelist.mcf.li/check/result/8a4b40b267b5209b13349c290f358dc6ccc8ffc3
Do you have any prior experience with modded minecraft?: I have plenty of experience with FTB because of tekkit, and i've been on plenty of other servers (they had either major lag, immature people, and rarely up).
What type of person would you describe yourself as being?: NIce, giving, helpful,and people person.
Why do you feel you would be a good fit for our server?: I can help people i am a community person, and i know A LOT about FTB.
Do you accept/understand the server rules?: Yes i agree completely with your rules.
Hope to see you soon.
IGN: madtaff
Age: 13. I'm young, yes. I'm not going to lie to you like most others of my age do by saying "But I'm very mature". I'm going to be honest, I run my own Vanilla Server of which is very successful and which I love. I would class myself as being mature, but I'll let you decide that.
Why do you want to join us?: I would like to join you because recently I've hit end game content on my other servers. With this, I've kind of lost interest in them. So, I'm looking for a fresh start and I've come here to you guys!
Have you ever been banned? If so, why?: I've only ever been banned on a Hardcore Deathban server. So, in my eyes, that doesn't count.
Do you have any prior experience with modded minecraft?: I do! I've played FTB for quite a while now, I've just never really gotten into servers. I've played mostly single player. I've also played a lot of IC2 previously in Single Player.
What type of person would you describe yourself as being?: Well, I'm very active. I love Minecraft and FTB! I guess I'm the kind of person who is shy at first, but when I feel comfy I can be myself. So, it may take me a while to get to grips with your server, if I'm accepted. Although I can also be a very confident person at times.
Why do you feel you would be a good fit for our server?: Well, I really love FTB, much like everyone else here. I feel that with the small community I can easily fit in and participate in events, help out etc. I would love to do events with you all.
Do you accept/understand the server rules?: Of course!
IGN: Doughnut189
Age: 18
Why do you want to join us?: I have played on several other FTB servers, and they were all terrible. Either the community was terrible, the server was physically terrible (Ten-second block lag), or the owners decided to disable half the mods. I'm hoping this server will be nice...
Have you ever been banned? If so, why?: No; I forgot why I wasn't banned.
Do you have any prior experience with modded minecraft?: Yes; From both other FTB servers and from a long stint in TFC.
What type of person would you describe yourself as being?: I have a great need for other people to like and admire me. I have a tendency to be critical of myself. I have a great deal of unused capacity which I have not turned to my advantage. While I have some personality weaknesses, I are generally able to compensate for them. My sexual adjustment has presented problems for me. Disciplined and self-controlled outside, I tend to be worrisome and insecure inside. At times I have serious doubts as to whether I have made the right decision or done the right thing. I prefer a certain amount of change and variety and become dissatisfied when hemmed in by restrictions and limitations. I pride myself as an independent thinker and do not accept others' statements without satisfactory proof. I have found it unwise to be too frank in revealing myself to others. At times I are extroverted, affable, sociable, while at other times I am introverted, wary, reserved. Some of my aspirations tend to be pretty unrealistic. Security is one of my major goals in life.
Why do you feel you would be a good fit for our server?: I make nice soufflés,

It could have used more work on the texture, but was otherwise pretty good.
Do you accept/understand the server rules?: I do; they are rather cookie-cutter.
Mon nom est "andyfuji"

Seventeen and a bit or so.

Why do you want to join us?:
I am sincerely hoping that your server isn't as much of a cesspool as the last four servers I've played on. 80% of the mods disabled, elitist playerbase, useless admins- I'm sure you know the type.

Have you ever been banned? If so, why?:
I don't play in a band, sorry. I am quite good at guitar, though.

Do you have any prior experience with modded minecraft?:
I spent a few Summers at a small priory in Einortin, Germany; I know my way around experience well.

What type of person would you describe yourself as being?:
One who prefers to be judged based on actual actions, not silly meaningless applications. In other news, I play Minecraft as a creative outlet, not because I find it particularly fun. If you want a Notch-loving Mojang-whore, by all means, throw my application out the nearest window. Words to describe myself: bitter, cynical, and probably random; also bored, so very bored.

Why do you feel you would be a good fit for our server?:
Why do you feel your server would be a good fit for me? Don't expect me to be a peg to fit all the holes. I'm just shoving myself in places hoping to find one that fits.

Do you accept/understand the server rules?:
Most probably.
IGN: Drako_Ross
Why do you want to join us?:Cause I want a server I can build on and maybe even record videos
Have you ever been banned? If so, why?:Nope
Do you have any prior experience with modded minecraft?: I've played with mods after a couple months I got minecraft 2 years ago
What type of person would you describe yourself as being?: Crazy,silly, but I also know how to be serious and smart.
Why do you feel you would be a good fit for our server?:I am looking for a server where I can play with people, not just chat.... Most servers are filled with singleplayers... I want to be multiplayer
Do you accept/understand the server rules? Yes, No killing unless in an arena planned, And no griefing
IGN: daverboon
Age: 36
Why do you want to join us?: I like communities and want to be a part of it.
Have you ever been banned? If so, why?: No, I naturally behave myself
Do you have any prior experience with modded minecraft?: Just a little bit but I'm learning a lot as time goes by.
What type of person would you describe yourself as being?: Friendly and cooperative. Sometimes creative and usually determined.
Why do you feel you would be a good fit for our server?: Sounds like the server has a good group of people, I'd like to think I'd fit right in.
Do you accept/understand the server rules?: Absolutely, it's nice having rules.