Listed - 1.7.10 - HQM/SURVIVAL - Galactic Science - something fresh!

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I wasn't being overly dramatic when I said the only thing I can do is grow trees. I have no torches, I have no furnace, and I certainly have no decomposer. I'm working to make more dirt by mulching saplings, or at least I would be if it were daytime. I didnt want to leap to conclusions since again, I'm very new to this pack, but this seems to be a pretty big oversight, especially when night lasts almost 3 hours real time.

There is plenty of sifting to do early on that will allow you to eventually produce enough iron, diamonds, stone, redstone, glowstone(for early torches) that you shouldn't be bored at night.

During the daylight hours I collected stacks upon stacks of moon turf to sift at night for the redstone, seeds, glowstone etc. I also made a 9 sapling tree farm and spread them every four blocks in a rectangular pattern so all their leaves we're touching but they didn't overrun the other trees' leaf blocks. Then I selected the reward that gave the silk worm and set it to infesting and that provided the string for the wool, to make the sieves.

At night I would sift and if I ran out of things to sift I just made a shallow mine shaft under the observatory that allowed me to collect moon dirt and moon rock and I continued sifting. Rinse and repeat until you have the proper amount of stone/iron/etc. To get more automated. Night time was not bad for me, even if it was 40 minutes
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Yup, what the other two allready said - use the first day for a supply on wood, then dig and sieve at night. You can complete T1 without leaving your base if you want ;)
Yup, what the other two allready said - use the first day for a supply on wood, then dig and sieve at night. You can complete T1 without leaving your base if you want ;)
yall arent getting it. im aware that there will be more things to do in the future. im aware now,in retrospect, that i should have rushed to a sifter before the first night hit. but i was not aware beforehand, and now im stuck with sitting afk for 3 hours because i cant sleep through the night, as i expected i could.

what im saying, now that im pretty sure im not missing anything, is that this is a serious design issue with the pack. i can see a new player getting very frustrated and just quitting when they encounter the same thing. i dont know why the ability to sleep through the night was removed, but it runs contrary to vanila mechanics. moreover, its misleading to give players a bed from the start just for them to find out when they need it that the bed does not work for its usual purpose. for these reasons, the change should be reverted.
Ya i dug a hole inside the base and never go up, tree and food arms are all inside as the meteors rip through everything and so many mobs, but hey thats what a wooden pick is for. Live underground until you get a chisel and a large cobblestone supply... :) Than build colored cobble dome over the place as that stuff is explosion proof :)
Not sure if anyone has mentioned it but chisel version torches work. I have light bulbs on the ground around the base lighting everything up. :D
I decided to start over this week and a few setups might be worth sharing.

Power Generation: It uses lava as fuel source. A cobble generator feeds the crucibles, the lava goes into an EnderIO Fluid Tank. The tank has two routers attached (both need machine upgrades), the routers are connected to a bank of Stirling generators. It needs a bucket for each generator, but that's pretty much it already. One router pulls the empty buckets out of the generators, they get filled up in the tank, the other router places them back into the generators.



This system leverages what needs to be built anyway (cobble gen and lava production) and is highly efficient. One crucible on an Awesomite block is able to support 8 generators, most of the cobble is actually used to make Triple Compressed cobblestone, most of the lava goes into a stone barrel to produce obsidian or endstone. - It works soooo much more betterer than a Hydrogen powerplant. :)

The displayed setup is actually overkill for T1, the real purpose is to have enough power to start with T2. It will generate 2000RF with the Octadic thingie upgrades, which allows to run an Ender Quarry (900RF), a sieve and hammer with 16 speed/32 fortune upgrades (970RF) and SAG Mill plus Alloy Smelter as needed. The capacitor banks will be controlled by an EnderIO monitor, which will turn the generators on and off depending on the energy level.

Automated T1 Ore Processing: It uses the Gravel barrel as input for the Automatic sieves, Transfer Nodes pull from the bottom, all ore fragments go into the Special Chest to the right, everything else into the Diamond chest to the left. Both chests are sitting on sorting pipes with filters to do the routing.



The Special Chest has a packaging upgrade attached that combines the gravel/sand/dust fragments into the ores. Gravel and sand is ejected into the hammerer sitting in front of the chest (via Advanced Ejection Upgrade and filters) hammered down and fed back into the chest. Attached to the back of the chest is another ejection+filter upgrade that moves the ore dust into a GC furnace.
The final ingots are pulled out from the bottom of the furnace, routed all the way around and end also up in the diamond chest.

The rest of the setup is pretty much standard.
Galacticraft machines to make the T2 rocket and the fuel.

Minechem synthesizer and decomposer linked to an array of Sorting Barrels.

Crafting and enchanting corner. First step at T2 will be to replace the furnaces with a SAG Mill and Alloy Smelter.

Automatic refilling for the oxygen tanks upstairs. The second Dimensional Chest is in the workshop, no running around necessary to swap out the tanks.

Outside of the base only the absolute minimum. PA tree farm, some sugar cane, soul sand production, ender lilies ... and the rocket ready to launch for Mars. :)

The complete setup is only temporary. As soon as the Mars quarry and the upgraded ore processing is working, I'll let it run for a couple of hours and build an actual moon base with workshops, bio dome, buildings for the MC reactor and power generation, oxygen production and dedicated launch complex. Should be fun to do during the weekend. :)
Oh something I found in my livestream tonight, I can confirm double compress cobblestone is meteor proof
Hey Caithleen, how do we make the wooden planter? We cannot make the wooden hoe so we cannot make the wooden planter for the quest
Are the upgrades for the Ender Quarry unavailable? I see the speed upgrades are craftable, and the recipes have been edited for this modpack...but don't we need the Quarry Upgrade Base [which is uncraftable] to make use of them?
If I were to make a space station that orbits around the destroyed Earth and I were to fall, where would I end up? I know that if you fell from the space station you would fall to the Earth, but it's not there. Any idea on what might happen?
Well the easiest RR+Barrelsystem is just putting a sorting chest next to sorting barrels, put in all your stuff in the chest (minechem) and preprogramm the barrels. Every now and then (mainly a not allready programmed barrel or chunk load issues) the sorting chest will get stuck, that when i just use the sort button until its empty. (It wont update its target list when you program the barrel and the item is allready in the chest, only new stacks in the chests are). Raetac even rebuild the periodic table of elements with barrels - great idea xD

Thoo i see this as a minor issue. All in all, it served its purpose for storage @T1 quite well. I used XU pipes then on the most important barrels for automation, thoo my cobble decompose setup is worse than an ex nihilo obsidian one. (Lava via XU pipie to stone barrel->obsidian via XU pipe to decomp->SIO2 via XU pipe to synth->gravel via XU pipe to sieves) .

For hammering down ex nihilo ore stuff you can simply use xu pipes with filters to crafter to hammerer to crafter to hammerer to storage/furny+storage. RR pipes work as well. Havent used the extensions, perhaps pndragon can elaborate on them.

The only thing i didnt automate at T1 myself was the treefarm. But raetac made it quite good in his streams. Well my treefarm was hit by a meteor so yeah... goodbye extra carbon but i went on fine without it :D

edit: Why the Quests point at RR -> in combination with barrels its just a super easy minechem storage (as pointed out above) esp. with the buffed barrels size. You dont want to store Hydogen in something else (well the SMT alternative to the DSUs maybe later ...)

Tbh i'm playing through this with my sister and am looking at this and RR sort of broke a little with the barrels nothing was sorting so i just moved em forward a little and set up the good ol system of "Stuff goes in chest=>pipes=>all the barrels"

but yeah naturally right after i moved the barrels it started working.
Here are some tips early game (T1 or something):
1. If you're using GC wires for Progressive Automation's RF engines, you can use a sealed aluminum wire from GC to power it because regular wires don't like me and don't want to connect.
2. This might work, but when I use an oxygen bubble distributor for when I "ignite" a heart of star, it gives a depleted nether star and any kind of star with power, which means ultimate stars all for the price of charging a star and using crushed diamond, crushed gold, etc. to make another Heart of Star.
3. It takes 86 diamonds (1 stack and 22 diamonds) to make one Polytool. You can use leftover decomposed diamonds to make 4 stacks of carbon for stirling generators.
4. If you don't want to spend the time making nether stars for gravity armor, use the Jetpack from the Venus GC mod and wear iron or diamond armor (be aware that sometimes the Jetpack can be funky and you"ll go up 100-200 blocks in 2 seconds). The jetpack doesn't lose durability when you use it and doesn't require power. Also bring a glider because it'll be a great help.
5. If you get the quest where you have to choose between 2 spawners, the first one is a blaze spawner and the second one is and Enderman spawner. Hint: You can use blaze rods or blaze powder for power in the stirling generator, but the spawners kind of take a lot of power.
6. Instead of a bunch of iron and diamond chests, you can use the Storehouse from QuantumFlux. It's kind of like the ME systems but without the crafting thing and the need for power.
7. Solar panels from GC are a really good source of power on the moon and are more efficient than stirling generators in my opinion, and are really easy to make.
8. Use the nuclear furnace. It can burn 64 items in like 10 seconds using 1 uranium or thorium. The uranium and thorium can be obtained from sieving Pluto rock and you can use crushed uranium/thorium for fuel instead.
9. You can use a player interface to take spare empty oxygen tanks from your inventory (middle side) and put air into it and send it back into your inventory. I used EIO item conduits to match the MEI (I think) data so it'll only take empty oxygen tanks and send back full oxygen tanks.
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I can't for the life of me figure out how to get silicon ingots for electrical age. I've got 3 types of silicon, galacticraft, silicon I get from Sag Milling sand, and a ton of silicon ore I silk touched from the asteroid belt. I see a "modular systems ore processing" gui in NEI to smelt it, but nothing seems to work (vanilla furnace, alloy smelter, and even built a modular furnace with crafting upgrade and addons). How exactly can I process this stuff? Nothing I find on the net for modular systems seems to be pertinent to this version (which seems outdated).
If I were to make a space station that orbits around the destroyed Earth and I were to fall, where would I end up? I know that if you fell from the space station you would fall to the Earth, but it's not there. Any idea on what might happen?

You're screwed and need to use cheat mode to teleport out (Earth's not there anymore), so don't do that. :) I believe the teleport command to get you back to the Moon is somewhere in in this thread.
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