Anybody else having trouble with sorting chest not working after using a RF tools transmitter. I came back to my moon base and all my automation of ores is overflowing as well as my minechem stuff. I tried taking very thing out and putting it back in, breaking and replacing and even a different sorting chest and still nothing. Any suggestions?
Oh wow, I didn't know changes to the questbook would require a reset, kinda puts a damper on things...
Looking at the HQM curse page it seems they updated just 2 days ago with a way to save/load quests to json files, might be a way to push an update with that, but it is a brand new feature with little documentation other than the changelog. I know you can load quests using an in game command, but I do not know if it will load the json quests on start to update the book.
I've noticed that the sorting chests stop working after rocketing between planets. Restarting the game fixes them. I don't have a RF tools transmitter yet.
I've noticed that the sorting chests stop working after rocketing between planets. Restarting the game fixes them. I don't have a RF tools transmitter yet.
So, I think I'm ready for me and my girls to go to Mars. I'm not super familiar with RFTools so what I've done is made 2 each of the dialer, the matter transmitter, and matter receiver. I placed one of each on the moon and named it moon base (named the receiver). I plan to use the super giant star/harvester/container as my initial power source on Mars to operate the oxygen generation machines and the rftools machines once we get there. Is this going to work? Thank you!