Open Computers - No, GT should supply primary small scale autoamtion
Gravi Suite - A little cheaty
Nuclear Control - Maybe?
IC2 Recipe Fixer -Yes
MFFS (Calclavia Version) - What @
YX33A said
WRCBE - A little out of the GT scope
ICBM - What @
YX33A said
Resonant Induction - Adds to may alternatives to GT
NEI Plugins - Yes
NEI Addons - Yes
Natura - Adds ash to the nether which can be grinded out to get a lot of coal fast
Bibliowoods Higlands - Yes, Can't add bibliocraft without it
JourneyMap -Not sure about a minimap
COFH Core - PFAA and GT make world gen hard enough
Inventory Tweaks -Yes
Mouse Tweaks - Yes
Forge Multipart - GT has it's own multipart system and Applied Energistics doesn't use it in 1.6.4
JABBA - Barrels are to easy
BetterStorage - Makes storage to easy
Obsidian Pressure Plates - Maybe?
Flat Signs - Why not? or Why? Kinda useless
Thanks for the suggestion!