Is Rotarycraft stupidly difficult or am I the stupid one?

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But Padfoote, the question is how do you merge them together? I need speed, yet gearboxes eat speed if they're no torque mode. So I set it to speed mode, and it eats my torque! Plus, torque never changes from what I understand, so chaining does not increase torque. So when you use a gearbox to increase torque, it eats at that speed that you had accumulated from chaining!

Also, how DO you tier up a Magnetostatic. I have looked online everywhere but there seems to be no guides.

Total Power does not change. Gearing trades speed for torque or torque for speed. Speed * torque = total power. If you could get both more speed and more torque from something you would be getting free power.

If you need more speed or torque change the gearing in the path. If you need more of both than add more power at the start.

In the case of the extractor where you need a lot of torque for one step and a lot of speed for another you need a gearing solution that can switch between the two, which is challenging if you are new to the mod, but not impossible.
but for the advanced industrial coil you need bedrock. But, I have learned a bit of information, I need 2 coils to power a breaker, which means I need to figure out exactly how much power a coil uses. A coul uses 1024 speed and 1024 torque... so that means a total of 1MW power. I need to find out a compination of engines that will power 2 coils, since they will handle the torque and speed, I don't need to worry about them. Am I thinking on the right track, now?
I'm learning RoC. It is a more involved mod than others. I would simplify what you can and ease up into it.
OP, sorry, but you're going about this the wrong way. You should NOT just be looking at "Use x engine and place X,Y to run Z." That just won't help you actually learn the mod.

It's actually one of the simplest mods out there. It's incredibly straight forward.

First, get your handbook, and look up anything you want to power. You can also have the item in your inventory, and hold shift over it. Between these you can get the full requirements for the item. ( If you have the item placed and it can be right clicked, there's a little arrow on the left that will take you to the items page. )

The Power rating is the total amount of power needed. So, 1 MW. The torque times the speed gives you the power. You can really ignore the units. So, for 1 million power you can use 1 thousand torque and 1 thousand speed. ( 1,000 x 1,000 = 1,000,000. ) You can also do 10 torque and 100,000 speed. ( Note the actual numbers are squares, as previously mentioned. )

Find the engine, or engines you want to use to supply the required power.

Look at the torque first, because you always want that at the minimum. More torque doesn't usually help ( except the friction heater. Keep the torque and speed as close to equal as possible for that one. )

Remember though that the more speed you put in, the faster most items go. You mentioned the Grinder is slow as molasses: It's not. It's probably the fastest ore multiplier ( and x3 at that ) of them all. IF you put in the speed. With a single tier 4 magnetostatic, I can run through more than a stack faster than I can use a lever to turn the engine on and off.

Because your engines already meet the power requirement, setting the torque to the minimum required means your speed is already correctly set at the max for the power you are putting in.

Now, and this is a key step: Get an Angular Transducer, and start checking each of the pieces to see what kind of power they are getting. Make sure the engine is running at full speed, that you didn't accidentally set the gearbox to speed when you wanted torque, that the shaft junctions are merging power, not splitting, etc. Remember: Gearboxes are to be thrown out if they take any damage at all. 1% of damage is a 1% power loss...and because everything tends to line up exactly on the power, losing 1% stops it from working in most cases.

From this, you will find the bedrock breaker is easy to run. Go down to the bedrock layer ( it can't do the bottom layer btw. ) and go to town. I personally used a Micro Turbine to get the first bits of bedrock, because it meets the total power requirements. Make sure to use the bedrock breaker initially btw. Not the Borer to break bedrock. That thing requires a HUGE amount of power to do it.

Some notes on the other items:

Shaft Junctions have Split or Merge. In Split you can adjust the ratio of the power that goes straight or to the side.

Gearboxes: Diamond is awesome since it doesn't use lubricant. They are set and forget.

AC Engines, and Magnetizing Units: Use a project red Timer for the alternating input. Set them to the fastest they go. You will get constant power out of the AC engine, and the Magnetizers will work.

Now, for the Magnetostatics, which are insanely power efficient compared to the regular RoC engines:

Set up an AC Engine to a Magnetizer. Make an entire stack ( 16 ) of the Tier 2 upgrades, and put them in there to start charging. If you do this first, you will save yourself time later, as it takes around an hour to charge them up.

Next, make the Engines and Tier 1 upgrades you want, based off of the amount of resources. Set the engines down, upgrade them. Check on your Tier 2, find something to do ( like mine for more resources ) while they get up to 720 micro teslas. Upgrade the engines to Tier 2 once they reach 720.

At some point you'll need a Pulse Jet Furnace, as well as you will need to Silk Touch redstone ore and run it through the extractor. ( Only need like 1-3 ore per Tier 4 engine upgrade, depending on luck. ) then a Friction Heater running off of some pretty serious power to melt the Tungsten. Once you get 1 magnetostatic to Tier 4 though, it works wonders on the friction heater. BTW: You only need to meet the temp of the heater very briefly, so micro turbine would work without using too much jet fuel. Once it starts melting the Tungsten, it will be running at like 10 smelts per second, so the little bit you need will go extremely fast once you get temp up to par. At Tier 4, the Magnetostatic is 8 MW! That's 4 MicroTurbines and yet it doesn't use any Jet Fuel. It uses a bit less than 1500 RF/t, which is just 19 dynamos with a bit of power to spare. A simple EnderThermic Pump in the Nether and Magmatic Dynamos can handle quite a few of those magnetostatics.
but for the advanced industrial coil you need bedrock. But, I have learned a bit of information, I need 2 coils to power a breaker, which means I need to figure out exactly how much power a coil uses. A coul uses 1024 speed and 1024 torque... so that means a total of 1MW power. I need to find out a compination of engines that will power 2 coils, since they will handle the torque and speed, I don't need to worry about them. Am I thinking on the right track, now?

Coil the input power doesn't matter. That's their point, to help you power something that needs more than you can provide. For example, using an industrial coil with a DC engine to run a Magnetizing Unit. You do need to know though, that if you go with a relatively simple setup, you will lose some of the power you are generating. When a coil is sending power out, it will not accept power in. When it is charging, it can not send the power out so your machine stops.

So, you need to make sure you power the coil long enough for it to then run the machine through 1 full cycle. If you stop the power early/it runs out, you lose your progress on the machine. To go the automatic route takes some thought in the timers to reduce lost power. I rather hate coils:)
Here is a sample extractor + multiclutch setup in 25z using 4 steam engines for power:

Dynamo screens are optional, just there to help show what the output is at what stage.

I took the speed all the way to 64k, but you can stop at the first 16:1 conversion in stone to 8k rads and run stage 2-3 off that for a while.

You can then use your favorite redstone timing method to toggle between the modes as needed. If you get stage 2-3 to 64k you don't need to toggle as often.
Alright, I restarted, and am going to go about this very slowly. I found a Roguelike Dungeon, got the stuff from there, so am good for the first tier or so. This tme I am removing the restriction on other mods; The grinder will be needed for all of the canola seeds I'll grow so I'll use Mekanism ore duplication to start with in order to have my first grinder running around the clock.
Here are some experiments on the bedrock breaker:

this is how i selected gearing:
Bedrock breaker requires 2 MW of power with a minimum torque of 8192.

First to get to 2MW of power. Two things seem reasonable:
4x max height hydrokenitic engines
1x microturbine

The hydros start way up on torque and the turbines way up on speed.

Pretty much need all diamond gears/shafts when working with hydros unless you use less height and maybe seperate shafts that join at a junction just before the bedrock breaker. The positive of four hydros is they need just one 8:1 speed gear box to run a bedrock breaker. The 64k torque is just under the diamond limit, so don't run more than 4 in a row.

For the turbines we are going from 16nm to 8192nm = 512. So we want gear boxes on torque setting that multiplies up to 512. You need 4x diamond on the first gear box due to the high rads, but after that you can use steel in the middle and then diamond again on the final gear box. There are many ways to get to 512. Minimum space would be 16x diamond -> 16x steel -> 2x diamond. Minimum diamonds: 4x diamond -> 8x steel -> 8x steel -> 2x diamond (or any combination of steel that = 64).

Each setup is fairly equivalent as the hydros take more resource to make and less to run. The turbine is easy to move, but you need to keep a supply of fuel and takes more gears to get in the right torque range.

After you have your first bedrock CVT can be very flexible to help handle the high gear ratios.
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Alright, I restarted, and am going to go about this very slowly. I found a Roguelike Dungeon, got the stuff from there, so am good for the first tier or so. This tme I am removing the restriction on other mods; The grinder will be needed for all of the canola seeds I'll grow so I'll use Mekanism ore duplication to start with in order to have my first grinder running around the clock.
Also, for some reason canola seeds do not work in MFR farms(It's on MFR's side), so you'll have to either use fans or thaumcraft golems to automate them.
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I can't believe all this, just for the x5 processing. Mekanism (Which also has x5 Processing) and Atomic Science never had me tearing my hair out like this. Unfortunately if I want to be able to multiply things like Mimichite, which Mekanism doesn't support, I /have/ to learn thsi infuriating mod. GREGTECH on HARD never gave me this much trouble!
Hmm.....I don't know where your difficulty comes from. Mekanism's ore quintupling is infinitely more complicated than RotaryCraft's.

Admittedly, the number of "How the hell do I this" moments in RotaryCraft takes some getting used to, but once you've figured that out and know along which lines to think, building things becomes rather easy compared to Mekanism or GregTech.

Hmm...on second thought, I think I can see the problem. It's getting the tungsten you require to make the higher-tier machines. Power is not a problem - you can use solar towers set in a Mystcraft age with eternal daylight - but the pre-tungsten engine setup for a boring machine can be tricky since you're limited to tier 3 machines. You get tungsten from extracting iron (as of the latest update), not redstone any more, so perhaps it's best to mine at higher elevations that don't require that much torque, run the iron ore through an extractor powered by solar towers, and use your first tungsten to make gas turbines and/or tier 4 magnetostatics. Then you can get to bedrock technology.

Also, about your complaint about expense: RotaryCraft is notable for depleting your iron storage. There's no way around it, and the only reason why that isn't prohibitive is the extractor and its ore quitupling. So make your extractor setup ASAP and you'll be fine. Until you get to ReactorCraft. At that point, having 2000 iron ore means you're out of it.
In my experience, the vast majority of gating from one RoC "tier" to the next could be easily accomplished by plonking down X industrial coils. Not the advanced ones, just the meager 1MW ones.

Sometimes it means a lot of running back and forth charging and replacing coils.

If a machine requires, say, 8MW of power, you can suffer the use of 8 coils if necessary, shaft-junctioned.

You get tungsten from extracting iron (as of the latest update), not redstone any more, so perhaps it's best to mine at higher elevations that don't require that much torque, run the iron ore through an extractor powered by solar towers, and use your first tungsten to make gas turbines and/or tier 4 magnetostatics. Then you can get to bedrock technology.
Good advice. Also, its worth remembering that just because you can run a max-sized boring machine, there's no rule that says you have to. At the early stage of the game you may find it necessary to run a lower-torque small boring tunnel because, well, that's what you can afford to do.
But Padfoote, the question is how do you merge them together? I need speed, yet gearboxes eat speed if they're no torque mode. So I set it to speed mode, and it eats my torque! Plus, torque never changes from what I understand, so chaining does not increase torque. So when you use a gearbox to increase torque, it eats at that speed that you had accumulated from chaining!

Also, how DO you tier up a Magnetostatic. I have looked online everywhere but there seems to be no guides.

It's the other way around boss... It's torque that can combine but not speed.
Combining the output of 2 engines combines the torque if they are both the same speed so if you have 2 engines that make 64 nm or torque at 8 rad/s you will get 128 NM of torque at 8 rad/s. Because RoC uses the real world as an analog you can't mix the outputs of two differing speeds, as the quicker output gets slowed down and interrupted by the slower one.
To power an extractor at all stages at optimal speeds you need an engine that meets it's 8192 rad/s requirement and it's 512 NM of torque.
A gas turbine should be a decent set and forget solution that needs no gear switching. Gotta be careful of the suction though... Also setting up a toggling gear system is probably quicker anyway even with a gas turbine.
RotaryCraft is not that difficult, but I'd say it's incovenient. You have to do lots of micromanagement, mess up with inconvenient power transfer and so on. You know, like it was back in the days of IC1 and stuff. The power is actually pretty straightforward - engines produce torque and speed and you can convert it back and forth. There's no really difficult stuff like load, power bands and so on, but it's still inconvenient. Add in some bugs and that might become a disaster.
Examples? In recommended Monster AC engine is *squeak*ed up. It generates some power with no RS signal and no magnetic core. If you power a magnetizer via AC engine (and two 16x gboxes set to speed) it de-magnetizes core way faster than it magnetizes it and IDK. Maybe I am missing something, maybe not.
Other example is that Perfornance Engine blew up when I placed it down in Nether. Yeah, I guess Nether temperature is higher than operational temperature of the engine, but really?
Mod interation is also messed up - I tried to feed sprinklers with TE ducts and that doesn't work.
Regarding the whole magnetostatic engine thing, I guess people used it a lot because RF is way more convenient than shaft power in RC.
FYI: you can magnetize a stack of shaft cores at the same time, and if you use a microturbine to do it and a half-second timer, you'll have it done in two minutes. Not that it didn't take me forever to find that out....and moving the shafts around is still inconvenient.
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