Everybody always says how life is an Odyssey. The Odysseys are based off of Homer's great epic, The Odyssey. The particular part I'm referring to is in the beginning. After Odysseus and his men set off on thier journey back to their homeland, they stop for a rest on an island. This proves to be a mistake, as there is a giant cyclops there. The cyclops did not welcome them.
In order to escape, Odysseus and his men blind the Cyclops and leave. However, just as they are leaving, Odysseus turns and says: "I am Oddyseus!"
The Cyclops, angry at his lack of eyesight, tells his father, Poseidon. Poseidon then enacts a curse that prevent Odysseus from returning home for quite some time.
Had Odysseus not taken credit for his work by saying his name, there would have been no curse. It represents humanity because we like to take credit for our work, and this part of The Odyssey represents that part of us. So, I wanted to show it to others,show off my awesome idea (in my opinion). I wanted to take credit for something I had done. However, in this case, I don't think it's going to end with Poseidon cursing me