IC2 is slowly dying out ?

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If the FTB drops IC2 out in a major modpack, I quit.
As xKillerBees said: TE power production is better early on, but IC2 energy is better in the long run.
TE power production doesn't count. There are RailCraft for it until CovertJaguar nerfs it down to bedrock level...
regarding gregtech:

he currently adds covers for his machines. some have just aesthetic purpose, some have a certain function. there are covers that allow MJ conversion, so you can supply your GT-machines (including the automated versions of the IC2-machines). there is also a cover that directly allows to consume steam.

so, let's see what happens next.

but honestly: let's compare the situation of IC2 with the situation of RP2. eloraam refused anyones attempts to add something to RP2. the mod is not dead yet, but the situation is problematic. IC2 however has some spin off mods, gets regular updates and sometimes even a new function. and the spin-off mods like GT have modders, who work a lot on their mods. without the base IC2, they don't work anymore.

so, keep IC2 in it, even if some people don't use it...
I haven't looked at the techic pack without IC2, but the 1.5 pack i made for myself could very easily drop IC2 and i wouldn't notice. I left it in initially cause i love nuclear reactors. So far oddly enough the only thing i have used IC2 for is crops :P It saves on needing an MFR planter for several crop types. I have MFR harvester collecting from the crops to get to 9+ types of fuel for bio-reactors.

I have Modular Powersuits and Minefactory Reloaded both in thermal expansion recipe mode and its a pretty tight experience when all the recipes follow a similar pattern. Thermal expansion's new charging station makes the three form a very good core experience. TE does the processing, MPS does the tools/armor, and MFR does production. For me Applied Energistics does the storage/sorting. After putting together my base I am free to just explore the world / dimensions, which was a goal of mine this world.

The 1.5 bio-generator gives MJ networks a geothermal level generator that runs on biofuel. It is like geothermal because it has no fuel waste... you can leave it on all the time and it will only use fuel when energy is consumed. Using TE conduits it will only send energy when it is requested -- very much like an IC2 network. If you want a simple to run power system MFR bio generator is very good in 1.5+. If you want to add complication or always on you can get more efficiency out of engines or a boiler, but early game MFR bio machines are perfect.
Some of you guys are crazy. IC2 despite of not getting any update is the biggest, one of the best mods in the modpack. Without IC2, you wouldn't be able to fly, be nearly invincible, no diamond drills, chainsaws, Vajras, MINING LASERS, and a BUNCH of other stuff. Many people don't think about it this way, but without IC2, Advanced machines, Gravisuit, Nuclear control, MFFS, (<--- Actually that might work), Advanced Solarpanels, gregtech, wouldn't be able to work and would be gone from the Modpack. Also
I haven't looked at the techic pack without IC2, but the 1.5 pack i made for myself could very easily drop IC2 and i wouldn't notice. I left it in initially cause i love nuclear reactors. So far oddly enough the only thing i have used IC2 for is crops :p It saves on needing an MFR planter for several crop types. I have MFR harvester collecting from the crops to get to 9+ types of fuel for bio-reactors.

I have Modular Powersuits and Minefactory Reloaded both in thermal expansion recipe mode and its a pretty tight experience when all the recipes follow a similar pattern. Thermal expansion's new charging station makes the three form a very good core experience. TE does the processing, MPS does the tools/armor, and MFR does production. For me Applied Energistics does the storage/sorting. After putting together my base I am free to just explore the world / dimensions, which was a goal of mine this world.

The 1.5 bio-generator gives MJ networks a geothermal level generator that runs on biofuel. It is like geothermal because it has no fuel waste... you can leave it on all the time and it will only use fuel when energy is consumed. Using TE conduits it will only send energy when it is requested -- very much like an IC2 network. If you want a simple to run power system MFR bio generator is very good in 1.5+. If you want to add complication or always on you can get more efficiency out of engines or a boiler, but early game MFR bio machines are perfect.
WHat would power it? (atm at least)
But magma crucible? Unique. Aqueus? Unique. Liquid glowstone/redstone/ender? Unique.

There is nothing part of base IC2 that something else doesn't do better or is a requirement of the IC2 design and becomes required by addons - namely compressors and extractors. Neither of which anybody else has improved on because they're used so little.

Except the power. Unlike others I see no value in duplicating real life electricity, nor in "wires" that self-explode. But again, due to poor design, other mods must include the entire package of IC2 to be able to use EU power at all. This is largely the only reason IC2 hasn't been cut. Even with that I'd cut IC2 without GregTech and GraviSuite mods. GregTech has supplanted base IC2 in full in the workroom floor and factory, and GraviSuite has done the same for "toys for Steve" - the things your character wears.

A theoretical IC3 wouldn't do poorly by simply replacing the development team with the developers of those two mods.

You could make lava in 1.2.5 with machines... Aqueus is nothing more than a admin block for infinite water .... Liquid materials so you can look at green stuff flowing for no reason. Lighting could be done with lava remember this is nothing new beside changing the look of it. I like TE but people need to get their mouth off KingLem prick thinking hes the second coming.

Its called a API for a reason....
The 1.5 bio-generator gives MJ networks a geothermal level generator that runs on biofuel. It is like geothermal because it has no fuel waste... you can leave it on all the time and it will only use fuel when energy is consumed. Using TE conduits it will only send energy when it is requested -- very much like an IC2 network. If you want a simple to run power system MFR bio generator is very good in 1.5+. If you want to add complication or always on you can get more efficiency out of engines or a boiler, but early game MFR bio machines are perfect.

Yeah, bio-generator is nice. Now if only we had a solid fuel MJ producer that was that smart, and as fast and cheap as an IC2 Generator (10EU/t converts to about 4 MJ/t), and a good way of transporting that power that doesn't require 3 different machines (I think I heard conductive pipes aren't so awful in recent or upcoming updates but I'm not sure), then an early game without IC2 might be bearable to me.

WHat would power it? (atm at least)

The TE charging station, like he said.
Yeah, bio-generator is nice. Now if only we had a solid fuel MJ producer that was that smart, and as fast and cheap as an IC2 Generator (10EU/t converts to about 4 MJ/t), and a good way of transporting that power that doesn't require 3 different machines (I think I heard conductive pipes aren't so awful in recent or upcoming updates but I'm not sure), then an early game without IC2 might be bearable to me.

The TE charging station, like he said.

Yes, we now have the TE charging station -- though I rarely have to charge anyway. Before that was released I used conservative settings on the glove and relied mostly on the kenetic generator. Then when I added the 5m batteries I used the power converters universal charger to fill everything up -- not sure if that requires IC2.

Does the TE coal fired engine have the smart throttle the magmatics have? That might be a good solid fueled early game engine. The IC2 generator does not have a smart throttle. If you use less than 10 EU/t it will waste the difference after its buffer is filled.

In my world I actually ran into a desert early and converted some blaze powder to blaze rods to get my first bio generator and from then on they have been my only power source. Initially stuck all the TE machines directly on it until I could make conduits. With everything in thermal expansion recipe mode gold is the limiting resource early. Then you start trying to make an AE network and need even more gold -- especially with the new fuzzy and precision busses requiring extra processors.
There's a frequent trend (and I was once a victim of it) that people too used to IC2 never try anything else in the modpack. The only thing not covered by a 1.5.X mod that is traditionally covered by IC2 or RP2 is RP2's frames and IC2's rapid response power generation. Everything else has some kind of new alternative that either is new in 1.5 or you probably never noticed it - this is especially true of Modular Power Suits. The 1.5.X version is even more ridiculously awesome than than one in Ultimate!

If you prefer IC2's way of handling it, that's fine, but to say that without it you're screwed is definitely no longer true. A year ago you would have been right.
More like MPS being completely broken, you mean. Nothing like having infinite free flight, quantum-level runspeed and a 7-in-1 multitool for the cost of a some bars of iron and a few diamonds. It may not be your reason for using the mod, but for the large majority it is. "Gravity Suit? Aint nobody got time fo dat", they say, in pursuit of instant gratification over progression-based unlocks. Why build the expensive thing if another mod does it cheaper?

You can't compare GregTech and Forestry for this reason. Forestry in its default config, aptly titled "EASY", is really ridiculously easy. It basically barfs free energy at you, and in contrast to the beliefs of those people who never tried them out, the multifarms are in fact very high yield for very minor fertilizer costs. Except oh no, the upfront cost of the blocks and the requirement to spend 10 minutes mining for apatite, ain't nobody got time fo dat.

Both Forestry and MPS have harder difficulty modes, in addition to MPS being far from finished - it just got updated with the long-announced heat mechanic in 1.5.x, and people are throwing a fuss over their cheap godmode armor actually coming with a downside now. Hardly anyone ever uses these modes though (I do, but I don't know anyone else who does). GregTech, on the other hand, requires investing time into a progressive tech tree, and that makes things "difficult", quote unquote, and therefore unpopular. Ain't nobody got time fo dat.

So no, it's not about quality or features. It almost never is. A few special mods like Thaumcraft can get away with requiring effort because they do it in such a unique and cool way that it's hitherto unseen in the mod community, and others like IC2 for example make themselves essential by providing the framework upon which an entire ecosystem is built. For the rest, it's about giving the player more power, more resources and more energy for less time and effort, less upfront cost and with less complexity. That's what makes mods popular.
I don't understand this seeming hatred you have for instant gratification. Not everyone wants to work for something on a game. The option of instant gratification is not a bad thing. I don't think I'll ever understand why(not you specifically) people of this community seem to have this vendetta against people wanting to do something the easy way. I mean does it really effect people so that someone else is doing something easier for the same result?
I don't understand this seeming hatred you have for instant gratification. Not everyone wants to work for something on a game. The option of instant gratification is not a bad thing. I don't think I'll ever understand why(not you specifically) people of this community seem to have this vendetta against people wanting to do something the easy way. I mean does it really effect people so that someone else is doing something easier for the same result?

The easy way is called creative mode.

That's the alternative for people that don't want to work and struggle.
The easy way is called creative mode.

That's the alternative for people that don't want to work and struggle.
No that's the extreme opposite of working for something. There is such a thing as a middle ground. Just because you don't think there should be an easy way for things or you think the ways some people consider hard are easy doesn't mean there should only be those ways.
No that's the extreme opposite of working for something. There is such a thing as a middle ground. Just because you don't think there should be an easy way for things or you think the ways some people consider hard are easy doesn't mean there should only be those ways.

When it comes down to it, the only difference between crafting an MPS and spawning one in is the time it takes to craft. The materials are so basic that they might as well be negligible.

I'm all for an easy way to do things. My use of MFR and Power Converters is evidence enough of that. What I'm not for is getting a massively powerful suit of armor for cheaper than a set of vanilla armor.
When it comes down to it, the only difference between crafting an MPS and spawning one in is the time it takes to craft. The materials are so basic that they might as well be negligible.

I'm all for an easy way to do things. My use of MFR and Power Converters is evidence enough of that. What I'm not for is getting a massively powerful suit of armor for cheaper than a set of vanilla armor.
That doesn't mean you should pull out the jerk card and just say "either accept what I(referring to mod devs and/or people in this community) see fit or being a sissy and use creative. No alternatives."

If the suit is too easy to make turn on GT recipes. Too hard use a different set. Hell I use vanilla because sometimes I just don't feel like doing too much for it. And to say acquiring the resources for it, despite them being trivial, and crafting it feels the same as spawning it in then again it comes down to each person.
That doesn't mean you should pull out the jerk card and just say "either accept what I(referring to mod devs and/or people in this community) see fit or being a sissy and use creative. No alternatives."

If the suit is too easy to make turn on GT recipes. Too hard use a different set. Hell I use vanilla because sometimes I just don't feel like doing too much for it. And to say acquiring the resources for it, despite them being trivial, and crafting it feels the same as spawning it in then again it comes down to each person.

I use Nano armor currently because I'm not quite to Quantum. Once I get to Quantum, I do intend to use it.

If the GT recipes make the MPS require iridium in some amount, I may use it. Or at very least, some chrome/titanium. It's genuinely a cool suit, but I don't like getting everything in the game for free.

Like I said. If I did, I'd simply play creative.

Either way, I'm dragging this thread way off topic. I'll look into MPS, but I don't want to get modattacked.
When it comes down to it, the only difference between crafting an MPS and spawning one in is the time it takes to craft. The materials are so basic that they might as well be negligible.

Unfortunately, this appears to be the only way people measure difficulty in Minecraft mods. Timey timed time. Yet there's never a need for time management. No timers, incoming threats, vauge omens of doom. Time ticks on, and all that is lost is my Time/Fun ratio as I derp around waiting for Machine #12 to Process #12. Maybe I'll make some other things I need, but it's still a drudge. You need a balance to all this between 'instant winning forever' and 'twelve hours to make 1% of a cake'. No tech mod is hard. Overtly complex and with documentation that would embarrass Dwarf Fortress? Very. Time is a great balance when it's finite. In Minecraft, where the first night is the only deadline, time is, in game, limitless. Out of the game, not so much. But your mod derives difficulty via peep's real life schedules, it sucks at calculus not got good design. If you think it does, go play games that aren't Minecraft. Seriously.

Incidentally if peeps playing a game 'wrong' somehow impacts your enjoyment when they aren't playing with you, go see a specialist. Other people you don;t interact with can't erode your enjoyment unless you have issues.
I use Nano armor currently because I'm not quite to Quantum. Once I get to Quantum, I do intend to use it.

If the GT recipes make the MPS require iridium in some amount, I may use it. Or at very least, some chrome/titanium. It's genuinely a cool suit, but I don't like getting everything in the game for free.

Like I said. If I did, I'd simply play creative.

The difference is what you consider free is not what everyone else does. Not everyone mines or automines to the point where they have excesses of materials. Which is the very reason I suggest config options for as many types of game styles should always be advocated.

Forestry for example; It is understandable Sengir chose not to port the old machines because it would have taken too much time despite many people still using and preferring them. Though I think a good config option would be to bring back a recipe for a renewable form of fertilizer because not being able to 100% automate the process is something that will turn some away from the new multi-farms. Again many people here would shun the idea as something that makes it "too easy" but such is a loaded phrase based on personal "skill" and preference. I understand that he is not obliged to cater to all the types of players but to me it seems silly not to.

Anyway as for the topic I think IC2 is far from dying. It's just mostly complete and it's just tinkering around and improving the API etc. I personally hate most TE machines and the BC power system. I also dislike GT and UE as a whole so those are out as what's keeping IC2 "alive" and those that could replace it. Some might mistake this for nostalgia or some such other. It's not. I've only gotten into the mod scene shortly before the update to 1.3 which wasn't all that long ago. Power system is beautifully easy; machines are much prettier and cleaner than all other mods I've come across; mechanics work beautifully; there are no flaws in IC2 for me.