IC2 is slowly dying out ?

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I'll fully admit that IC2 is extremely stagnant and I try to not use it at all. That said, everyone's forgotten to mention the only other real addition that IC2 adds that other mods don't - scrapboxes.

I'm sure that hardly anyone even considers them in a playthrough, if you're playing on a challenge map (i.e. skyblock, flatland) it's the only way to get some items at all with the changes made from GregTech.

That said, I really truly wish that the authors of Gregtech, MFFS, Chargepads and Modular Power Suits would form a team and do a complete remake of IC2.
If the GT recipes make the MPS require iridium in some amount, I may use it. Or at very least, some chrome/titanium. It's genuinely a cool suit, but I don't like getting everything in the game for free.

Note that the GT recipes for Modular powersuits are designed by Machinemuse. I've already seen people blaming Greg for them (nevermind you have to intentionally turn on those recipes, and turn off the others)

Also note that the Machinemuse designed GT recipes are far harder than anything Greg himself has ever thought up. MM is holding a class on making things difficult just to teach Greg how to do it.

hating a mod is a bit strong... in my opinion, there are virtually no mods that should be hated. just think: every modder works just for fun. no money involved. so hating someones work is just... stupid.

let's say: you don't agree with the mechanics of a mod. that's okay... no one likes every mod available.

hating a mod is a bit strong... in my opinion, there are virtually no mods that should be hated. just think: every modder works just for fun. no money involved. so hating someones work is just... stupid.

let's say: you don't agree with the mechanics of a mod. that's okay... no one likes every mod available.
He says he dislikes GT/UE machines also, so I don't think he actually...wants them dead or whatever people who hate mods fantasize about in their free time. But, of course, I still agree with you.
I personally hate most TE machines and the BC power system. I also dislike GT and UE as a whole
TE, GT...they're some of my favorite mods!
IC2 and TE have sorting systems? I've not come across those parts, what are you referring to?
Ah, what I meant was that I prefer using the IC2 machines together with the redpower sorting system, over Thermal Expansion and the machines' ability to link between each other while side by side. (In the case of grinding and smelting ores at least)
When it comes down to it, the only difference between crafting an MPS and spawning one in is the time it takes to craft. The materials are so basic that they might as well be negligible.

I'm all for an easy way to do things. My use of MFR and Power Converters is evidence enough of that. What I'm not for is getting a massively powerful suit of armor for cheaper than a set of vanilla armor.

Um what? have you actually tried the recipes for the MPS?

You might be confused by thinking that the base gear is the whole armor. It's not. The actually useful bits can get quite expensive. For example, to get diamond armor level armor, you need diamond plating that takes 5 diamonds apiece. In the VANILLA recipe. To get better than that you need field emitters which takes a decent amount of ender pearls.

I remember making a MPS without flight after I made my nanosuit and I think I ended spending a stack or two of iron, plus a decent amount of gold and redstone on it. It was certainly a lot more difficult to make than the nanosuit, and probably would be harder than a quantum suit if gregtech was off and I could use a massfab for iridium.
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Um what? have you actually tried the recipes for the MPS?

You might be confused by thinking that the base gear is the whole armor. It's not. The actually useful bits can get quite expensive. For example, to get diamond armor level armor, you need diamond plating that takes 5 diamonds apiece. In the VANILLA recipe. To get better than that you need field emitters which takes a decent amount of ender pearls.

I remember making a MPS without flight after I made my nanosuit and I think I ended spending a stack or two of iron, plus a decent amount of gold and redstone on it. It was certainly a lot more difficult to make than the nanosuit, and probably would be harder than a quantum suit if gregtech was off and I could use a massfab for iridium.

Ah, okay. Well, I suppose that was a bit of my ignorance speaking out.

Either way, anything that requires iridium is going to be more expensive inherently than anything that only requires iron, gold, or diamond. Iridium is many times more valuable than any of those.
Not to mention that I always play with GT, which makes it even more valuable than that.

But, this is way off-topic. The only reason we even got here is because someone was comparing MPS to Quantum Suits for whatever reason.

Bottom line is that I prefer to work for what I get. The Vanilla Recipes for MPS would be trivially easy for me to throw together, so I won't use them. I will use the HM GT recipes if I ever plan to use the suit itself. It really does look very cool.

hating a mod is a bit strong... in my opinion, there are virtually no mods that should be hated. just think: every modder works just for fun. no money involved. so hating someones work is just... stupid.

let's say: you don't agree with the mechanics of a mod. that's okay... no one likes every mod available.

Read jumps post. I can hate a machine all day. I have the utmost respect for Lemming and the other CofH members but I simply do not like their mod. Hate is also used on purpose because I hate with a burning passion the MJ system. I'd rather use complete vanilla.
He says he dislikes GT/UE machines also, so I don't think he actually...wants them dead or whatever people who hate mods fantasize about in their free time. But, of course, I still agree with you.

TE, GT...they're some of my favorite mods!

As they are for many people but they do nothing for me. Lemming in the past asked me if there was anything in particular that I disliked about them but it's just I simply don't like them. No real rhyme or reason I just don't. Well in GT and UE's case its more the mod authors but anyway.

Bottom line is that I prefer to work for what I get.

Which is perfectly fine but it is expected that you allow others to feel differently about. Some don't want to work as much some hardly want to work and some don't want to work at all. There is no reason to exclude anybody from anything.

It's like if the shoe were on the other foot and the modpack was tailored to those who hardly want to work at all and if you disagreed they told you "There's TFC if you want it hard."
Wow, this thread is really interesting and raises a lot of concerns.. IMO, IC2 like BC will stay here for a while as the "vanilla mods", and we'll see more creative stuff using other mods.
and TE is not for me the ultimate alternative to IC2..
*shows picture of insta-smelting pickaxe*

Technically that's a pickaxe that's an alternative to a furnace, not the other way around. I specifically said that so that the point would stay in tact.

You'd need a furnace that can mine.
Technically that's a pickaxe that's an alternative to a furnace, not the other way around. I specifically said that so that the point would stay in tact.

You'd need a furnace that can mine.
Hmm...would you consider a boiler a type of furnace? :D

lol only just realised I put silk touch 3 on it XD
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tedium != fun
USING the powersuits is fun
Feeling like you've earned what you made is also fun
Grinding for hours for it might be fun for some, but not for me. So no, I shan't be doing what you suggest Booker

Yup, Fun is very relative! playing creative is fun, hardcore is fun, GT hard mode is fun, brutality mode is illegal..
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