fair enough, only tried snow biome before nether myselfThis was tested on multiple worlds which included non snow worlds but no i didnt try the nether

fair enough, only tried snow biome before nether myselfThis was tested on multiple worlds which included non snow worlds but no i didnt try the nether
Mod Pack: Horizons
Mod & Version: Mod Pack Version 1.0.6
Launcher: Happened in both 1.2.9 & 1.3.0
Mods Added into Pack:
-Ender Storage Mod 1.6.4
-Have everything but blood magic enabled as well.
Log File: Pastebin.com
Bug Description: While working with Rotary Crafts Boring Machine, the game crashed without any crash reports, when I logged back on after looking for a crash report my world wasn't in the survival tab. I still have the save file in the minecraft folder but it will not show up in the survival tab. When I replace this save file with a backup the world will start up and work fine. I have a log of when I come into the survival tab and there are more errors than normal. Tried to decipher but was unable. Thanks for the time!
Can it be repeated? Not on purpose.
(Has this happened before?: Yes, happened earlier today but just went back to the old save and forgot about it)
Known Fix:
Mod Pack: Horizons
Mod & Version: 1.0.6
Pastebin link to crash log:
Whats the bug?
The new Launcher corrupted my world or sth. like this.
ID XXXXX is mismatched between world and game. Happened after i updated my client.
Can it be repeated?
Use Launcher 1.2.7, create a world, play a bit, update to Launcher 1.3, try to load the world.
Known Fix:
I don't know.
Ill Try it. Thanks.I'd suggest updating Java and seeing if that fixes it.
Delete all version of Java; reinstall the latest version.Mod Pack: Horizons
Mod & Version:1.0.6
Pastebin link to crash log: http://pastebin.com/yXkJ39mp
What's the bug? Everytime I try to boot up the modpack it crashes, and if I manage to get on. The moment I try to connect to multiplayer samthing happens. I can get on other modpacks, but not this one for some odd reaons.
Can it be repeated? Yes