Mod Pack: Horizons 1.0.6
Mod & Version: Random Things & Better Chests
Pastebin link to crash log:
What's the bug? When using the Item mover on a better chest it kicks me from the server. When I log back in the chest and all its contents are gone. Have also tested it on single player same result.
Can it be repeated? Yes every time
Known Fix: None
Mod Pack: Horizons 1.0.6
Mod & Version: Ars magica 2 & Inventory tweaks
Pastebin link to crash log: None
What's the bug? (Ars magica 2) I can change my Hud options in game but whenever I close and launch the game again it has reset back to is default configuration. (Inventory Tweaks) when I change my chest button display options to off and close the launcher and renter the game none of my changes remain including what hotkey I want to auto sort with. They always go back to the defaults. Also same thing happens with nei it keeps defaulting me to cheat mode whenever I log back in. Is this intentional or do I need to change a config file somewhere? Have done a forced reload of the modpack. Happens in both single and multiplayer. also any change I make in one mode affects the other. I have also tried changing it in the config files and whenever I relaunch the game the config files get rewritten back to the originals.
Can it be repeated? Yes every time
Known Fix: Launcher issue not mod. Sorry for taking up space. (2013/12/15)