Clearly the right way to go is to unregister IC2 bronze from the ore dictionary and use Brawnz Ingots! 

Clearly the right way to go is to unregister IC2 bronze from the ore dictionary and use Brawnz Ingots!![]()
And then add Brainz Ingots, which yield twice the recipe output!
Take any random FPS. Increased difficulty rarely does anything but throwing more and stronger mobs at you. For anything having economy it generally raises the prices.and what about games having difficulty options? gt doesnt have any difficulty in a way like SP games have, and thus doesnt have such option. i`m not sure what are you trying to deliver.
Wait, what? You don't like to have a decently balanced gameplay? Why do you consider vanilla the secret cow that no one should ever dare to change?i really wonder where did you get that obsession that vanilla mincraft should be balanced?
Take any random FPS. Increased difficulty rarely does anything but throwing more and stronger mobs at you. For anything having economy it generally raises the prices.
Wait, what? You don't like to have a decently balanced gameplay? Why do you consider vanilla the secret cow that no one should ever dare to change?
Take any random FPS. Increased difficulty rarely does anything but throwing more and stronger mobs at you. For anything having economy it generally raises the prices.
I admit I haven't read majority of this thread as I was sleeping but I'll respond to some stuff that was written in last one.
Take any random FPS. Increased difficulty rarely does anything but throwing more and stronger mobs at you. For anything having economy it generally raises the prices.
Wait, what? You don't like to have a decently balanced gameplay? Why do you consider vanilla the secret cow that no one should ever dare to change?
The same logic, however, can't be applied to the original scenario.
The problem is that the smelting recipe of 1 block -> 9 ingots isn't the standard among modding
You seem to not be understanding me. There was a dupe bug, and most agree that dupe bugs are problems for similar reasons modders don't add things like smelting recipes from 1 Ingot -> 2 Ingots. I didn't say modifying Forestry's recipe was the right way to go.
Tinker's is clearly in the wrong here. Still. And it's completely independent of Greg Tech.
Anytime a user-created item (or block) can be used to create more of the items used in its creation than that item actually uses, you have a dupe. Being able to "smelt and fortune" a user created block is exactly the same as being able create rich slag from smelting two dust in an induction smelter and then use that rich slag to create more than two ingots. KingLemming recognized that as a problem and fixed it. mDiyo should do the same.
As a stand-alone mod, TiC's fortune-smelt isn't overpowered. It is a logical part of the mod's progression.
If there was a dupe at all, it was because the Industrial Centrifuge creates more out of bronze than was used to create it. This is not Forestry's problem, and not a reason to overwrite the configurable recipe.
It absolutely can. Tinker's Construct smelt+fortune works on any world placed block that drops an item when smelted. It makes no checks that the block is an ore, or part of worldgen, or anything else.
Not relevant. It works on any world placed block. So now the next version of bibliotech has iron desks. Except, there's no reason you can't melt down an iron desk and get the iron back, so such a reverse-crafting recipe is put in.
It absolutely can. Tinker's Construct smelt+fortune works on any world placed block that drops an item when smelted. It makes no checks that the block is an ore, or part of worldgen, or anything else.
Again, the tinker's construct dupe has nothing to do with GT. The cause of the dupe is that it applies fortune to non-ores.
If I'm disrespectful then call me out on it with examples and explanation. Just that you feel offended by what I've said doesn't automatically mean you were correct.Dude why do you keep coming back here? You've been disrespectful and generally annoying on RichardG's twitter, IC2 forums, and here.
I can say exactly the same thing about you and the sentence would still be just as correct. Also, as you should know GT does have config options for most the changes so the whole point is moot.Not everyone wants to bend over backwards to play the game how you like. No, they aren't wrong. Not everyone shares your idea of balance. Seriously. Give it up. Thanks.
RP2 was one of the first mods to add smelting to get back stuff (e.g doors). There are some others by now too, though none as popular as GT.Who should change? The mod(TiC) that only becomes a dupe with one out of hundreds or the mod(GT) that changes the recipes that turn it into a dupe? The answer should be self-evident.
I've never said otherwise, other than the fact that it works on non ores. Which is a dupe, plain and simple.
Again, the tinker's construct dupe has nothing to do with GT. The cause of the dupe is that it applies fortune to non-ores.
Most people work with the recipe of a grid of ingots -> 1 block and 1 block -> 9 ingots. When you start changing this, of course mods which rely on this are going to be thoroughly ****ed.
I admit I haven't read majority of this thread as I was sleeping but I'll respond to some stuff that was written in last one.
Take any random FPS. Increased difficulty rarely does anything but throwing more and stronger mobs at you. For anything having economy it generally raises the prices.
Wait, what? You don't like to have a decently balanced gameplay? Why do you consider vanilla the secret cow that no one should ever dare to change?
The cause of the dupe is also that GT modified the standard that modders use.