Gregtech deliberately crashing client if TC installed..

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Does pointing fingers at Sengir somehow make Greg's actions okay?
Of course not and as I've repeated several times I have never approved the crashing greg added for the wood stuff. I was merely pointing out your hypocrisy where you damn one modder to hell for smaller problems than what other modder did but still happily keep using the other modder creation.
Of course not and as I've repeated several times I have never approved the crashing greg added for the wood stuff. I was merely pointing out your hypocrisy where you damn one modder to hell for smaller problems than what other modder did but still happily keep using the other modder creation.

Smaller problems?

Smaller problems?


Sengir did not want his mod being used in the Tekkit modpack and was being repeatedly insulted by its creators and users, so programmed his mod to apply a disadvantage to those using his mod in that modpack.

Greg made a change to Vanilla Minecraft which disadvantaged mDiyo's mod. mDiyo made a change to undo this. Greg's response was to CRASH THE GAME for all users who use the two mods and blame it entirely on mDiyo. You call that "smaller problems?"
Sengir destroyed users world without any way to restore them just for them having MC installed on "wrong" file path. Many servers/users had problems even if they didn't use tekkit per se and just reused the installation directory. That is significantly bigger thing than crashing the game.

There is no valid reason to justify sengir that can't be used for greg. Both added code to inconvenience end-users, just one went the extra mile and actually destroyed their stuff.
Funny how people claim on the IC2 forums that Gregs actions where 'good' because they were effective. Yeah. We all have seen 'effective' solutions to problems before in history and typically people get caught in the crossfire. It's sad really.

All in all the topic on the IC2 forums and the responses of both Greg and his fans show they just want to be a little close-knit group that doesn't want to care about the rest of the world. Since they're all more than smart enough to create their own pack they don't need to be in FTB anyway.
Logic dictates that of the mods mentioned in this mod drama, I remove, from my GAME, the least fun mod. Guess what mod that is?
You missed the part where SpitefulFox justified removing mods for their authors having malicious code in them at some point in past. Nothing about fun, that's a whole different topic.
Sengir destroyed users world without any way to restore them just for them having MC installed on "wrong" file path. Many servers/users had problems even if they didn't use tekkit per se and just reused the installation directory. That is significantly bigger thing than crashing the game.

There is no valid reason to justify sengir that can't be used for greg. Both added code to inconvenience end-users, just one went the extra mile and actually destroyed their stuff.

Sengir's intent was to discourage the modpack from using his mod without permission. Greg's intent was to lay down the law and bully other modders around. It's okay for Greg to sabotage other mods all he wants, but if anyone DARES touch his mod, they get his righteous fury!

Sengir is a nice modder who makes a fun mod that only ADDS to the game, not subtracts from it. Whenever people make Forestry add-ons, Sengir posts personally to show his approval and encouragement. Sengir does not get into massive flamewars with detractors on a forum populated by yes-men. Sengir supports the modding community by adding cross-mod compatibility that creates more possibilities. Greg lords over the modding community by subtracting things from other mods. Greg insults detractors with ableist slurs and shows nothing but disdain for the modpack that he has created problems for.

You can try and drag other modders into the dirt all you want, but in the end, Greg will still be a horrible, unlikeable person who does terrible things to force his opinion of "fun" and "balance" on other people.
Funny how people claim on the IC2 forums that Gregs actions where 'good' because they were effective. Yeah. We all have seen 'effective' solutions to problems before in history and typically people get caught in the crossfire. It's sad really.

All in all the topic on the IC2 forums and the responses of both Greg and his fans show they just want to be a little close-knit group that doesn't want to care about the rest of the world. Since they're all more than smart enough to create their own pack they don't need to be in FTB anyway.

All I could think when skimming the thread on IC2 about this nonsense was "Wow, and people accuse Ponychan of being one big circle jerk."
I admit I haven't read majority of this thread as I was sleeping but I'll respond to some stuff that was written in last one.

Take any random FPS. Increased difficulty rarely does anything but throwing more and stronger mobs at you. For anything having economy it generally raises the prices.

Wait, what? You don't like to have a decently balanced gameplay? Why do you consider vanilla the secret cow that no one should ever dare to change?
mobs in FPS? dafq did i just read?
anyway.. imagine you`re playing an MMORPG(in this case its a Korean F2P one...) there is a quest to kill a Uncommon Mob. If we apply difficulty modifiers that follow FPS logic, we`ll have following:
Easy - low hp low damage, few abilities disabled.
Normal - standard hp and damage, standard ability setup.
Hard - higher hp and damage, additional abilities.

if we apply greg`s definition of difficulty:
Easy - low hp, standard damage, standard set of abilities.
Normal - more hp.
Hard - MOAR HP.

i really`d like to know, how are you gonna balance as sandbox game, where building is a core gameplay? nerf bricks because they look better?
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All I could think when skimming the thread on IC2 about this nonsense was "Wow, and people accuse Ponychan of being one big circle jerk."

Yeah, I even saw a guy there mention me, as being "anti-GT". I'm not anti-GT, I'm anti-dickheads-who-put-malicious-code-in-their-mod :)

mobs in FPS? dafq did i just read?

You're better off not responding to Hoho. On his twitter he intentionally aggravates people and seems to get a kick out of the flaming that follows. He knows he's wrong, he's just pulling your strings.
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If Mod makers like mic Greggor, Sengir and Pahimar (Pah uses mod signing as a form of DRM) Keep messing with us end user's then we will do something that you might not like too much...

And what could that be?

Well, I for one have been looking up some open source Java based Anti-virus and Anti-malware programs within the 'ol Githubbery...

Perhaps I should make an Anti-malware mod for Minecraft...although it will probably be a pain in the ass to code...
But still....I don't see why it wouldn't be possible.
Sengir's intent was to discourage the modpack from using his mod without permission.

Sengir doesn't matter in this discussion at all. He's using cheap debating tactics to try to turn your attention away from the stuff that he can't really debate against.[DOUBLEPOST=1374133212][/DOUBLEPOST]
If Mod makers like mic Greggor, Sengir and Pahimar (Pah uses mod signing as a form of DRM) Keep messing with us end user's then we will do something that you might not like too much...

And what could that be?

Well, I for one have been looking up some open source Java based Anti-virus and Anti-malware programs within the 'ol Githubbery...

Perhaps I should make an Anti-malware mod for Minecraft...although it will probably be a pain in the ass to code...
But still....I don't see why it wouldn't be possible.

Simply decompiling the code, removing the checks, compiling it again and then using it would be much simpler.
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mobs in FPS? dafq did i just read?
  • Mob (video gaming), a monster or non-player character in a computer game, short for "mobile"
anyway.. imagine you`re playing an MMORPG(in this case its a Korean F2P one...) there is a quest to kill a Uncommon Mob. If we apply difficulty modifiers that follow FPS logic, we`ll have following:
Easy - low hp low damage, few abilities disabled.
Normal - standard hp and damage, standard ability setup.
Hard - higher hp and damage, additional abilities.

if we apply greg`s definition of difficulty:
Easy - low hp, standard damage, standard set of abilities.
Normal - more hp.
Hard - MOAR HP.
Good thing that greg isn't doing it like that, then.
i really`d like to know, how are you gonna balance as sandbox game, where building is a core gameplay? nerf bricks because they look better?
Ever thought that just maybe greg is trying to change the core gameplay itself?
Sengir's intent was to discourage the modpack from using his mod without permission.
And exactly as mDiyo he also didn't ever have a discussion with the people he disagreed with even though those people made every attempt to have it.
Sengir is a nice modder who makes a fun mod that only ADDS to the game, not subtracts from it.
Again, making things harder generally adds valid choices players make, not removes them. I've discussed it earlier, feel free to go back if you wish to see how. Alternatively listen to what FC has to say about game design.
You can try and drag other modders into the dirt all you want, but in the end, Greg will still be a horrible, unlikeable person who does terrible things to force his opinion of "fun" and "balance" on other people.
Please understand that I brought sengir as an example of a modder who has added malicious code and how, by you own writing, this should be good enough reason to not include that in any modpacks.

Saying he forces anything on players is rather weird thing to say considering using his mod is not enforced by anyone, not to mention it is possible to reconfigure things.

Let's say I wish CC turtles to be more balanced by including diamonds in their recipes. As there are no configs for it I can say the mod forces me to use it the way mod author meant it to be used. You don't see me running around forums complaining about it. Why do people make exception for GT, especially considering it was included in FTB with non-default config?

If anyone wants me to state my opinion on something they feel I've neglected or "fail to debate" just say so and I'll give my best.
i really`d like to know, how are you gonna balance as sandbox game, where building is a core gameplay? nerf bricks because they look better?

Yeah, I'm right there with you. Cobblestone ramparts and Tree farms that produce torches are as a pair, an invincible, gamebreaking mechanic for the vestigial organ that is the RPG half of minecraft. It can be done, but not with the framework Minecraft has - More than a few entities breaks the game for most people as it is, and frankly, I loathe Steve's combat options. They boil down to some really really basic rinse/lather repeat collision strategies that are roughly on par with Y's 1's original apple IIe release.

If you're going to claim the conversation is about "Balance", let's talk seriously about building better monsters, better combat, and better motivation to leave your well lit spawnproof cobble rampart and 100% safe branchmine/quarry pits behind. If we're going to talk modding ethics and who's in the wrong, let's talk modding ethics.
Edit: But someone do let me know if GT actually starts adding fun things.
Fun can be defined in quite different ways. E.g some find chess to be quite fun, others weightlifting. Generally those two are rarely considered fun by same person.
Hoho, let's just say you make a mod. It's, I dunno, a mod that adds pickaxe upgrades. These work on all pickaxes. They require iron to upgrade any kind of pick, wood or diamond. Greg comes around and makes pickaxes require plates. Okay, kind of annoying, but okay, you can live with it. Then, he takes your code, and makes it so that if GregTech is installed, all of the upgrades also require plates. Why? Because he is the big boss with the master code.

This is what Greg has been doing since, oh I dunno, since GregTech has existed. Granted, I like what the mod adds, not what it subtracts from the game. If I personally (and I am working on a mod with some other people) made a mod, I wouldn't want other modders dicking around with my code so that it is "more balanced". No. It's my mod. I can do what I want with it. Make your own mod, which you did, and you also ruined my mod with it.
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