Gregtech deliberately crashing client if TC installed..

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There wasn't, and isn't one. Ok, pay attention class.
  • IC2 adds bronze. (yes, IC2 was first)
  • Forestry uses a different recipe.
  • Greg nerfs bronze output "bcuz IC2 ownz bronze duude" (Note that this is done even with the existence of a config option for forestry to not add its recipe)
  • Greg gets beaten about the head and shoulders with heavy objects and adds a GT config
  • Time passes. Birds sing. MC 1.5 is released
  • Somebody asks for the ability to nerf the enchanting table, and Greg adds that - but in a rare fit of sanity on Greg's part, the default config is that the enchanting table is not nerfed.
  • Greg decides to be an ass, and now the GT config for bronze switches between 3+1=1 and 3+1=2
  • Greg thinks "Flint and steel?!?! but it uses Iron! THIS SHALL NOT BE, I HATH SPAKE"
  • Sengir creates the work table, and the forestry configuration for bronze is the only relevant one when using that table. (Meaning, you can get 3+1=4 even when otherwise you cannot)
  • Greg decides he doesn't need the bronze config option anymore and removes it.
  • RichardG adds recipes to create Gregorium from iron and a stone sword, and use that Gregorium to make a flint and steel or enchanting table. The latter is basically irrelevant, because the enchanting table never got nerfed by default.
  • Greg adds an option to return the flint and steel to the vanilla recipe (the option name is fundamentally stupid), pretends the config option always existed, and complains RichardG is picking on him.
  • Time passes. Demons fart.
  • 3.09 Greg decides to nerf every single base IC2 item, making them require plates over ingots
  • 3.10 Greg then decides to nerf early "first hour" type vanilla items because nobody ever uses his sawmill.
  • The Roar Is Heard, and Greg adds options to turn off recent vanilla nerfs. At first, the wood plank one doesn't actually work to unnerf plank output.
  • Tinker's Construct re-adds the vanilla 1 wood = 4 plank recipe, but because GregTech goes out of its way to make sure it makes all its recipe changes last, Tinker's has to go further out of the way to make sure the return to vanilla recipe is Really Really Last. (When recipes conflict, last recipe matters)
  • Greg causes any case where Tinker's Construct is loaded to crash the minecraft program. He probably fixes the wood plank config somewhere around here too, but since he never admits to responsibility he can't be mature enough to include such things in his changelog.
  • When people start posting crash logs, Greg claims the bug is mDiyo's fault.
  • Greg doubles down and pretends "I dinna do nuttin wrong!" until somebody decompiles and posts the code.
  • Greg starts claiming mDiyo is hacking GregTech - by adding a recipe to the Forge recipe handler.
  • mDiyo acts like an adult when dealing with a petulant child, by making the child think he "won"
  • 3.11 of GT goes through no less than three stealth updates.
  • Sycophants start pretending that "the crash was always intended to be removed" "it was just a test" etc, etc, etc
Just had to quote this epic post.
Also you've convinced me that yes mDiyo was rather silly to indiscriminately make his Fortune picks work on any smelting recipe regardless of whether it was an ore. That's worth a pumpkin of shame (but not worth putting obnoxious startup messages on everyone's clients). I had to put in a lot of work testing that bug on many copies of all sorts of different blocks, just to be sure for SCIENCE
Just had to quote this epic post.
Also you've convinced me that yes mDiyo was rather silly to indiscriminately make his Fortune picks work on any smelting recipe regardless of whether it was an ore. That's worth a pumpkin of shame (but not worth putting obnoxious startup messages on everyone's clients). I had to put in a lot of work testing that bug on many copies of all sorts of different blocks, just to be sure for SCIENCE

Perhaps you should post a list of blocks which can be exploited in such a manner, so we can know how to avoid accidentally abusing any such duplication tricks and certainly not so we can build a palace out of metal blocks.
Perhaps you should post a list of blocks which can be exploited in such a manner, so we can know how to avoid accidentally abusing any such duplication tricks and certainly not so we can build a palace out of metal blocks.

Well they can't anymore so there's no real point in doing so. But iron, steel, bronze, tungsten, gold, aluminum, chrome, titanium, and iridium were on the list.
Well they can't anymore so there's no real point in doing so. But iron, steel, bronze, tungsten, gold, aluminum, chrome, titanium, and iridium were on the list.

Aw that's a shame, I'd have loved to build a massive chrome palace in the clouds. I didn't even know chrome existed in FTB, shows how much I've dabble outside of my Thaucraft, Build Craft, and Industrial Craft comfort zone.
Aw that's a shame, I'd have loved to build a massive chrome palace in the clouds. I didn't even know chrome existed in FTB, shows how much I've dabble outside of my Thaucraft, Build Craft, and Industrial Craft comfort zone.

You really should use thermal expansion
IC2 ore processing is almost laughable compared to it unless you have advanced machines installed
How incredibly unfortunate. I have been a defender of GT since it was brought into the pack - because I enjoyed the style of play that it offered. I like complication and tedium as much as I like simplicity and creativity. I've argued balance vs. nerfs until my fingers hurt, trying to foster the idea that all playstyles in the sandbox are equally valid (and invalid).

None of this matters, now. The simple question any user needs to ask themselves is "do I trust the creator of this code?" to which the obvious answer for anyone with a sliver of common sense is a resounding "no", regardless of the petty circumstances surrounding it.

I don't say this as a programmer (who's code of ethics is demonstrably violated here) because I'm not - I'm on the security side of the IT house. In our terms, there are 3 basic pillars to security; confidentiality, integrity, and availability. I'll let you decide which ones have been violated. The choice to remove his code from my system is an easy one.

What is unfortunate is the lack of a good, reasonably complex and lengthy tech mod to fill the void. Until that one comes along, written by a trustworthy and talented coder who isn't a raging douchebag, I fear my worlds will be a little less interesting.
You really should use thermal expansion
IC2 ore processing is almost laughable compared to it unless you have advanced machines installed

Not in terms of speed.

It takes an unhealthy amount of EU per tick to process ores, but it can process a stack in under a second.
Okay, after extensive research of four modpacks and over 150 mods(if I counted right), I couldn't find any blocks that could be exploited, outside of GT of course. Now, I have to put in the caveat that not every mod is up-to-date with the absolute latest builds so things may have changed in a small number of cases.

In theory, fortune-autosmelt can be exploited. In practice, outside of something that doesn't exist in any modpack I currently play, GT is the only mod that can be exploited in this manner.

My personal conclusion is that mDiyo should put a flag that checks if a block is player-placed and disable smelting for those blocks, if he is worried about anyone abusing the exploit. Furthermore, Greg's reaction to the presence of the exploit shows that he has no faith in himself to not abuse the exploit. I can make that conclusion because he has, within the past day, said that he doesn't care what the players think. It only follows that his overreaction stems from his own inability to control his actions concerning this exploit. Here is where I could launch into a detailed psychological analysis based on his public actions, but that's not why I'm here.

My final word is that a cross-mod exploit exists. Like any other exploit it can be fixed and also abused. Also, like any other exploit in every game ever, it is not only incumbent on the designer to fix the exploit, but on the player to not abuse it as well. It is not, and never will be, acceptable for any person to punish another for using or causing an exploitable mechanic in a game. These things happen and they always will in such an amazingly complex environment as video game modding in general, much less Minecraft modding in specific. The most amazing thing about these past couple of days, for me, is the mod known for being incredibly hard, or tedious depending on which side you fall, is part of what is by far the largest duping exploit in the history of Minecraft. It is also the source of the most egregious breach of the trust we put in the modders of this game. The exploit should be fixed since the possibility remains outside of GregTech. GregTech should be dropped by anyone who is concerned with the safety of their computer because crashing the game for the decision of the mods we choose to play is a massive breach of trust.
Here is where I could launch into a detailed psychological analysis based on his public actions, but that's not why I'm here.

And I could sum it up by comparing him to a certain feminine hygiene product, but I prefer to at least feign civility.
Okay, after extensive research of four modpacks and over 150 mods(if I counted right), I couldn't find any blocks that could be exploited, outside of GT of course.
Did you try wood blocks?

Sure, some might argue that getting extra charcoal isn't an exploit. Some also say EE isn't.
GregTech should be dropped by anyone who is concerned with the safety of their computer because crashing the game for the decision of the mods we choose to play is a massive breach of trust.
I'm sure you are saying the same thing about forestry as well.
Aw that's a shame, I'd have loved to build a massive chrome palace in the clouds. I didn't even know chrome existed in FTB, shows how much I've dabble outside of my Thaucraft, Build Craft, and Industrial Craft comfort zone.

Oh, I'm using a different modpack and it has the GT blocks-smelt-to-ingots recipes switched off (though Greg's warning still shows up anyway).
Anyhows, I'm gonna post a couple new pics in my More Metal thread, which were inspired by this thread...
And some think getting 4 planks from a log is an "exploit," so I don't think we should be caring what these Somes are saying.

Who wants to bet on what vanilla features Greg will decide are clearly overpowered and need to be nerfed next? I'm betting on charcoal, clearly being able to effectively turn one piece of coal into eight pieces of charcoal is far too OP, so instead burning one log in a furnace will result in one pile of charred dust, by placing a stack of dust into a compressor you get one charcoal nugget, and by combining 9 of those in a compressor you get one piece of charcoal.
I'm sure you are saying the same thing about forestry as well.

Does pointing fingers at Sengir somehow make Greg's actions okay?

Who wants to bet on what vanilla features Greg will decide are clearly overpowered and need to be nerfed next? I'm betting on charcoal, clearly being able to effectively turn one piece of coal into eight pieces of charcoal is far too OP, so instead burning one log in a furnace will result in one pile of charred dust, by placing a stack of dust into a compressor you get one charcoal nugget, and by combining 9 of those in a compressor you get one piece of charcoal.

Nononono, first you build a Wood Dephlogistinator out of Advanced Machine Casings and then put the logs in THAT to get the charred dusts for every 8 logs. Wood Dephlogistinator runs on HV and requires its own personal, uninterrupted energy line in order to work or it explodes.
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