FTB Launcher News

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I thought Curse supported WoW long before they even looked toward MC. Am I incorrect? (I don't and never have played WoW, DDO player here). I'm just curious to know the timeline.
I meant in re: the add on thing mentioned above
mho in the FTB case is: most ftb staff will sooner or later be employees of curse, as some of the ex FTB now are, be it curse head hunting or some form of back room dealing who knows or cares for that matter

As it stands right now, I don't think there are any ex-FTB staff that are now Curse employees. While it's true that some of the old team jumped ship to Curse, that was a decision made by them that they thought was best for them at the time and nothing that was pre-ordained as part of the deal. From my part I can say this: I have no intention of pursuing a career at Curse at this time, I have far too many other things on my plate right now. Afaik the rest of the team has similar sentiments on that subject.

With regards to the reaction to Curse from the WoW community, honestly, I'm not surprised. Curse basically cut it's teeth on that community and mistakes made are not easily forgotten, as is clear by some of the reactions in this thread. So far, as far as Minecraft is concerned, I can't see anything that Curse has done that has been detrimental to the community yet. I'm sure someone will come up with a list of things, although I'll wager it will be based more on opinions and dislike of a product than something that is genuinely harmful/bad.
While I can't say that anything harmful has been to the minecraft community as of yet. Curse can be said to have harmed at least one community that it's involved in. I fully believe in prior bad acts. Injury to one community makes it more likely to happen in others.
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While I can't say that anything harmful has been to the minecraft community as of yet. Curse can be said to have harmed at least one community that it's involved in. I fully believe in prior bad acts. Injury to one community makes it more likely to happen in others.

Hmm, given their inability to respond to people like myself with valid concerns and valid reasoning behind them, I feel as if its the same corporate mind behind everything. If this new launcher is supposed to be a launcher, it shouldn't be a malformed wart on an already overly deformed amalgamation of a "social services" app. It should be stand alone, and only serve one function: Allowing the user to browse, install and play Minecraft Modpacks. I don't need a friend's list, I have Steam & Discord and hell, even IRC for that. I don't need voice services; I have Discord and Teamspeak for that. What is the purpose of reinventing the wheel that other companies have already invented? Just to load other users' computers up with features they just don't need? Please, Curse. Give us a proper standalone launcher.

Thank you.
If this new launcher is supposed to be a launcher
It isn't supposed to be a launcher, it's a mod manager. Third party launchers could be shut down by Mojang at any time.
I don't need a friend's list
Good for you, I find it quite convenient though (I'm sure I am not alone in this) I can instantly see which of my friends are playing before I even load up the game. Meaning I don't have to waste time loading my instance only to find that there is no-one to play with.
I don't need voice services; I have Discord and Teamspeak for that
I have to say, I don't either, but Billy and Sally that play on LAN with each other from their bedrooms will find it super convenient, as will countless other small servers and communities.
Please, Curse. Give us a proper standalone launcher
You've said this a few times now, you've been told a few times already that it isn't going to happen. We get it, you want a dedicated bit of software to launch your game. No amount of pleading is going to change that answer. Just because you personally don't need something does not mean that there isn't a place for it. Now I'm not expecting to convince you to use the app, obviously your prior contact with Curse has left a bad taste in your mouth and nothing I can say is going to change that. Repeatedly asking for something that you've been told is not going to happen is not constructive.
Repeatedly asking for something that you've been told is not going to happen is not constructive.

So where is this Curse that supposedly is listening to its users then? Doesn't seem like it exists. Thanks. Just thanks. With FTB jumping ship, I'm going to be left in the dust to not be able to manage my FTB instances anymore once they decide to kill off their existing java-based launcher.

Why is it so difficult to simply plugin-ize the voice & social bits so that users can pick and choose the features they want?


I mean, seriously. The current FTB launcher; while it requires you to login with your Minecraft credentials, doesn't force you to create an FTB Launcher account. I'd like to see the same with the new "Mod manager" that you're referring to, but it isn't a dedicated app like it should be. It's an amalgamated wart on a social-services app. If the social services bit was placed into a plugin like the Minecraft mod management tools, then the account requirement could also be placed in that same plugin, so users don't need to create and login to an account to use what you've got already, especially since you guys have beaten the dead horse about how you're the only one doing things the way Mojang wants.


obviously your prior contact with Curse has left a bad taste in your mouth and nothing I can say is going to change that
Because of people like you simply ignoring the requests of the vocal minority like myself.

I will just say that 2 years ago, we were promised a dedicated app to replace the java-based launcher. What we got instead is a not dedicated app. This is what I don't like. We weren't fully delivered what we were promised years ago, and it seems Curse just doesn't care to live up to their promises, and instead would just like to water shit down as much as they could. I wish someone like @slowpoke could see this and actually do something about this, as all Curse is doing is alienating a small portion of FTB's userbase that just doesn't want anything to do with Curse, such as myself.
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Who was the one making the thing that ate Curse manifest files and crapped out useful URLs? I'm asking because I'm trying to do something similar as an experiment. I've tried a...normal way, but Curse seems to do redirection via Javascript like the great satan they are, sooooo the normal method doesn't really work. Like, at all.

[NOTE: I'm using C#. Mostly because that's what I use most and its what I'm most used to using for such things.]
2. If you don't need the Discord type functions, just don't use it.

Performance, it's useless to well a lot of people.

3.To see the mods in a pack, click it, click website, click "project site", then click relations.

This is the most inconvenient thing ever, there is no reason it cannot just list the mods from there. I'm assuming they're all available for it to list as it does download the mods.
When i'm looking for a new pack to play i look straight at the mods, there's no reason it shouldn't be on the launcher.

4. The change logs depend on whether the pack author wrote them up. In Infinity Evolved they did not.

I'm just letting them know it would be nice to have more information for the perversion changes, like you can access on the website - nothing to do with how they were written up - it's lack of functionality.

Before, on the old launcher, to switch versions you just selected a version number.

6. The server files are on curseforge. View the packfiles, find ur version, click "+1 more"

Note the steps in that process vs clicking a button that's easily accessible - again lack of functionality.

Edit: I just went to try this, i don't see a +1 more button anywhere??

7. FTB news works great, way better than the old launcher...

I'm sorry but the old launchers news was an awful lot better, and easier to read. It's like curse want's you to browse of the launcher constantly.

8. You should already know the mods in the pack from number 3, so this shouldn't matter.

Yeah.. no. I want to see what mod is currently installing, maybe even a progress bar or something, it's the little touches that make something pleasant to use.

11. Why do you need to?

It is absolutely the worst thing of the whole launcher, it takes up space, it's hideous, and it's annoying.
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litterly the worst launcher i have ever had. had to find the correct link that was too small and the had to search a long time to add a modpack. jesus is this tilting me HOLY MOLY.......................................................................

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i dont like curse launcher.i am in china,and i tried ftb launcher and curse both ,i cant download modpack in curse,but ftb can.
i dont like curse launcher.i am in china,and i tried ftb launcher and curse both ,i cant download modpack in curse,but ftb can.

Did you report this problem to Curse?
i dont like curse launcher.i am in china,and i tried ftb launcher and curse both ,i cant download modpack in curse,but ftb can.
Make sure you are using the updated launcher. Should find a link on the website. The old Alpha/beta Curse launcher had that problem.
Curse is not a company I trust with software on my computer or to give personal information to, especially with that EULA and software that's scrapping my computer for data. In short, they are in the same business as facebook, which is selling it's users information to advertisers. Our information is their product, so their goal is always to collect as much of it as possible. That the mod installer got bundled with a completely unrelated app that does all of these negative things is not coincidence, it was the plan.

I've always respected Feed the Beast for it's stance on respecting mod developers wishes, I just wish FTB/Curse had the same respect for my privacy.
Didn't realize this had devolved into a bitching and whining session. I have had issues with the curse launcher. I don't actively dislike it though. I do use it so little that it is much easier for me to move the instance to the vanilla launcher. As that is possible and rather easy to do. Keeps me from having to wait for the curse app to relaunch every time. I do shut down all my game launchers. GoG I will even make a shortcut directly to the game at times. Steam is shut down whenever I am done with it. I would have four launchers sitting around doing nothing and taking up bandwidth most the time otherwise. So I am not treating Curse any different then I do any other app that runs on here. If I have a choice stuff doesn't run when I am not using it.

I have seen that curse has improved a lot since it first came out. Many of the issues I had with it have been fixed.

It isn't supposed to be a launcher, it's a mod manager. Third party launchers could be shut down by Mojang at any time.
That is purely wrong. It is a launcher. It has many other capabilities that come in handy. It is still a launcher. It sets up and launches the vanilla launcher to launch the minecraft instance. It doesn't launch the instance itself is more accurate. It was designed from the ground up to be a launcher and to be a damned good one.

It would be nice if it gave me control of the launcher it launches. As of now the control I have over it is slight and grindy. As it doesn't let me change the full java argument permenantly(doesn't save the changes would be more accurate). i don't really care if those are optimal. They aren't mine. Still it is easy enough to get around. As I mentioned I already have. If that and the apps launch time were fixed I would be more likely to use it as a launcher and not just as a downloader.
Didn't realize this had devolved into a bitching and whining session. I have had issues with the curse launcher. I don't actively dislike it though. I do use it so little that it is much easier for me to move the instance to the vanilla launcher. As that is possible and rather easy to do. Keeps me from having to wait for the curse app to relaunch every time. I do shut down all my game launchers. GoG I will even make a shortcut directly to the game at times. Steam is shut down whenever I am done with it. I would have four launchers sitting around doing nothing and taking up bandwidth most the time otherwise. So I am not treating Curse any different then I do any other app that runs on here. If I have a choice stuff doesn't run when I am not using it.

I have seen that curse has improved a lot since it first came out. Many of the issues I had with it have been fixed.

That is purely wrong. It is a launcher. It has many other capabilities that come in handy. It is still a launcher. It sets up and launches the vanilla launcher to launch the minecraft instance. It doesn't launch the instance itself is more accurate. It was designed from the ground up to be a launcher and to be a damned good one.

It would be nice if it gave me control of the launcher it launches. As of now the control I have over it is slight and grindy. As it doesn't let me change the full java argument permenantly(doesn't save the changes would be more accurate). i don't really care if those are optimal. They aren't mine. Still it is easy enough to get around. As I mentioned I already have. If that and the apps launch time were fixed I would be more likely to use it as a launcher and not just as a downloader.
As far as I know you can set additional Java aug under the launcher setting tab under minecraft. Also you can change the Java aug in edit profile under JAVA settings and then hit save profile.
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As far as I know you can set additional Java aug under the launcher setting tab under minecraft. Also you can change the Java aug in edit profile under JAVA settings and then hit save profile.
yes. The ones in the minecraft settings under curse are added to the argument on the launcher. The ones edited on the launcher are reset every time the launcher is launched. There is no way, I know of, to permanently remove the arguments that are added on the launcher. As I stated in my post. As well as stating they might be optimal. I don't know, I don't care. I just don't want them.

It isn't a issue though as Curse isn't my minecraft launcher. I launch the games with the vanilla launcher that I can setup my own java argument on, and save. that doesn't take nearly as long to load ever time I use it.

It isn't that I dislike the launcher. It is just that I have a choice not to use it. If steam gave me that choice it would be in the same boat. GoG gives me that choice. I install through there galaxy client. I play the games through shortcuts that don't use/activate the client.
Try as I might I cannot find a benefit to this new launcher. It uses more CPU, and adds complexity. Could you possibly continue the development of the stand alone client as a pay for app?