FTB Launcher News

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I know they supposedly fixed the problem ages ago, but ever since that huge wave of streamers got DDOS'ed because Skype exposed their info, I've refused to touch Skype, period. That goes double now that I've upgraded to Windows 10 and every other Microsoft product wants me to sign up for a Microsoft account that will eat my local user profile.

Granted, even given that, I don't really use Curse's voice call feature, but I suspect I'm an outlier in the crowd in regards to not using my PC as a phone in the first place.
Eeh, I only use Skype calls to talk with my family. Works well since reception both here and there is kinda poor. Alls I can say is pig be praised for cable.
You mean impossible to do right? currently I even take a command line chat client over skype for linux.

Well there is the Alpha(Without video and almost everything else)
I know they supposedly fixed the problem ages ago, but ever since that huge wave of streamers got DDOS'ed because Skype exposed their info, I've refused to touch Skype, period. That goes double now that I've upgraded to Windows 10 and every other Microsoft product wants me to sign up for a Microsoft account that will eat my local user profile.

Granted, even given that, I don't really use Curse's voice call feature, but I suspect I'm an outlier in the crowd in regards to not using my PC as a phone in the first place.

I don't use PC as a phone, but I like to play on a small server and talk to my brother trough the microphone. I was using Hangout, but for some reason both chrome and chromium are closing after a time with no message or anything when using hangout, so I need a better program for that. I'm also having a problem with pulse and hmdi that is really getting on my nerve and I need to use alsa because of that, and Mumble seems to not work with alsa. I think I'll have to try Firefox Hello for that.
I don't use PC as a phone, but I like to play on a small server and talk to my brother trough the microphone. I was using Hangout, but for some reason both chrome and chromium are closing after a time with no message or anything when using hangout, so I need a better program for that. I'm also having a problem with pulse and hmdi that is really getting on my nerve and I need to use alsa because of that, and Mumble seems to not work with alsa. I think I'll have to try Firefox Hello for that.
You could try discord. The Linux version is still in beta (but I haven't run into much issues myself on my Debian jessie computer and the issues that I had where solved by updating the client.) and it also has a browser client, which also seems to work rather nicely on firefox (and probably also on chrome/chromium but haven't really tried that).
You could try discord. The Linux version is still in beta (but I haven't run into much issues myself on my Debian jessie computer and the issues that I had where solved by updating the client.) and it also has a browser client, which also seems to work rather nicely on firefox (and probably also on chrome/chromium but haven't really tried that).

Does it work ok on alsa? I can install it trough AUR on my Antergos.
Does it work ok on alsa? I can install it trough AUR on my Antergos.
Not sure about alsa (but I wouldn't be surprised if it works) the browser version can also be used to talk thus if your browser works correctly with alsa then just use the browser version.

Also, due to it still being in beta I don't think it is in any repo's as of yet.
Not sure about alsa (but I wouldn't be surprised if it works) the browser version can also be used to talk thus if your browser works correctly with alsa then just use the browser version.

Also, due to it still being in beta I don't think it is in any repo's as of yet.

Believe me it's AUR, there is even repos in there for things on github that have not got to an alpha version yet.
Believe me it's AUR, there is even repos in there for things on github that have not got to an alpha version yet.
Sorry, I misread your post. If its in your package manager then I see no reason to not try it. If it doesn't work then there is always the browser version.
It wasn't in mine (Not a big surprise at all though)
So I'm still wondering several things.....
is this a prank? no, seriously, I am not taking this transfer seriously at all. I really hate the Curse launcher, although it does have its own perks.

I have said before, but the curse launcher has a terrible use of the resource packs. This entire launcher only shows mod packs and resource packs and other downloadable stuff that are all personally asked to be added onto the launcher. that's why there are so many mod packs, 99% of which I've never heard of. unlike FTB, this part screws with the resource packs, which i really need because minecraft texture actually...umm..whats the word...Ticks me off? no, um...It messes up my eyes. It literally gives me a headache.

And I've heard that the curse launcher is now forced onto people? which is annoying.

Oh, BTW, the only perk I'm talking about is the fact that you don't have to insert a code to find a mod pack. That's about it. everything else that's minecraft related is terrible. And although that part is good, the fact that there are so many mod packs make it hard to find the perfect mod pack for you.

I can say several other things i hate about the curse launcher, but that would take away an hour or two of my time. so to put it bluntly...

Don't do this stupid transfer. I don't care what others say. If they want to use the curse, go ahead. But I'm more for the FTB launcher. It looks better too, and its easier to find stuff.

Is there something I'm missing? I honestly think this launcher is terrible, but my main issue is the fact that most resource packs are not available. If curse fixes it to act similar to the FTB launcher's Resource pack section, I can ignore everything else, but I may complain once in a while.

I'm saying all this for the sake of the launcher itself. The state its in right now, many people would hate it. I'm just giving suggestions.

Edit: i really need to change my photo and everything..
So I'm still wondering several things.....
is this a prank? no, seriously, I am not taking this transfer seriously at all. I really hate the Curse launcher, although it does have its own perks.

Does this look like a prank to you? This post was made in March of 2014.

Several weeks ago I submitted a post with regards to the negotiations between FTB and Curse. These negotiations have now been concluded and last week a contract was finally signed. Along the way I took on board feedback and suggestions from members of the FTB team, mod developers and also the FTB community at large which helped to form the base of the final agreement. I am going start off with the basic details of how the deal has been structured and how it will affect the community over the coming months. I will say before I start that I would like to thank everyone that has taken part in these negotiations and in my opinion this agreement will be excellent for everyone and I am personally excited to begin work on this project. Whilst the project may take several months to start to come to fruition, I believe the end result will be of huge benefit to the entire community.

Curse Client (replacement for the FTB Launcher)

The first thing that I need to make totally clear here is to define the terminology. Up to now FTB has made what we call a launcher. This means that you install the mods and log into minecraft via our launcher. With the Curse client, the client will install mods, modpacks and resource packs in a similar way, but you will then be passed through to the Mojang launcher in order to log in and launch the game. This is being done in order to help improve the integrity of your Minecraft accounts by removing third party involvement.

The first part of our agreement with Curse will be at some point in the future we will move the FTB mod packs off our launcher and onto the Curse Client. The current timeline for this is approximately 6 months. However as a more accurate guideline we will be looking for feature parity with the current FTB Launcher. This means that the Curse Client will need to be able to offer similar functionality to what we have now. Further it has now been agreed that the new Curse Client that is currently in development will have no ads whatsoever. There may be some sponsorship at some point in the future for the client but at this time there is no plans for that either. There will also be no restrictions on bandwidth for the downloading of mods or modpacks at any point. (more on this a bit later)

FTB Forums

Although this hasn’t exactly been finalised, the current plan is to move the FTB website and forums over to a new domain. This is likely to be something along the lines of ftb.curseforge.com. This will be a new site heavily influenced by our current site, we do however hope to expand the site to include new features. At this time, there are no plans to put any adverts onto the new forums, they will however use new software that Curse has developed.

CurseForge and Curse.com

It has now been better clarified how Curse.com and CurseForge.com have been designed to work together. CurseForge is being set up to be the portal for content creators (mod developers etc). This is intended to be the site they will go to in order to upload and manage their mods, resource packs or maps and to add any other content they may wish to such as images, links to youtube spotlights etc.

Curse.com is being designed to be the main site for players to download and get information about their favorite mods, modpacks and resource packs. Curse.com will be equipped with a full set of search tools and other features which should benefit everyone.

Curse Premium

During our conversations, we have spoken a lot about how Curse Premium should work when it comes to Minecraft. It has always been important to me that basic functionality is not hidden behind a paywall. Nothing should ever be added that would only serve to segregate the community. This is something that everyone agrees on and we intend to follow the model of making premium features primarily cosmetic in nature. In other words we want you to use Curse Premium because its cool and not because you need it.

Other things

I currently plan to start a monthly competition on the FTB website, this will involve things like build and art competitons. We have negotiated a deal which means we will have prizes we can give out to the community on a regular basis.

Also on this line we hope to continue to host tournaments at Pax events in the future. We currently hope to have a competition at Pax East next month. This is currently set to take place on the Saturday Evening. There will be several prizes available for this (we will get a map out for this as soon as we can).

This is only a basic outline of everything so far and some of these areas are still subject to clarification. There is a lot of work to be done over the next few months in order to make everything happen. However, at the end it is my hope that we come out with a series of tools that will benefit the entire community.

In the near future I will be running a live stream where I will be joined by one of the members of the Curse team for a Q and A where you can ask questions and get more information from Curse’s point of view. I hope to have this happen within the next couple of weeks and I will post more details as soon as this is confirmed.
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Don't do this stupid transfer. I don't care what others say. If they want to use the curse, go ahead. But I'm more for the FTB launcher. It looks better too, and its easier to find stuff.

We've already made the switch from the FTB launcher to Curse. You're quite late on that news.
I honestly don't know what you're complaining about with the resource packs. Curse has hundreds, we have literally 6. And they haven't been updated in 2 years. The curse interface is worlds better, it shows you details, changelogs, lets you easily remove packs, etc.

Do you have a specific suggestion to make it better?
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My experience so far, made an account just to detail this, so take it for what it's worth. If you want to skip the story, i'll add a spacer for you all to pick up to my summary.

Download feed the beast launcher to do what the name entails, launch mods. I scroll through the ui which only took me a few minutes to learn, wasn't too complicated. Begin reading about mods and packs that i have never even heard of, so many cool things! My friends have started a mage quest server and want me to join them, awesome it works! Play on the server a few weeks enjoying these cool mods, Blood magic and necromancy being my favorites, going for a dark wizard vibe you see. A few weeks pass and i decide to play some more minecraft away from home, on my laptop, so i boot it up and go to the feed the beast website, and click the big red download button, and i'm immediately greeted with an unfamiliar program called curse downloading, now from my experience with the ftb launcher i knew that curse was affiliated to to its logo being there, so i let the download continue. After downloading i'm introduced to a simple registration page, and i attempt to login with my minecraft credentials assuming that this is what a launcher needed to well, launch. Nope, i need to create an account for curse, strange i didn't need to do that on my main pc... I create an account and come across the strange thing, a list of games for my avatar, why would a list be here isn't this a minecraft mod launcher? I click skip because i don't need an avatar, I need to launch mage quest. I then spend the next few minutes randomly clicking around trying to figure out how to stop curse from telling me to find friends and after another 5 minutes, gave up and angrily browsed the forums seeing a few others just as unpleased as me. Eventually i found the real launcher hidden under the large red download button and downloaded it and came here to tell my story, and afterwards will go fill up my blood altar.


So first let me be blunt, i don't really much care for the community, and i don't mean that in a mean way, nor do i mean that is in i dislike it. I mean that i'm not here for a community i'm here to download mods, that's the sole reason, so i don't check your website nor browse through news, i don't know your partnerships or plans either I use FTB as a place to download mods for minecraft, not a forum or group. Alright now to the real reasons for this post. From what i can tell with curse, it isn't meant to be a pure launcher, it's a social platform similar to steam, or if skype and origins had a baby, and they decided to stay with daddies color orange. And thats fine, it's your choice to release what you want, you developed it. But i don't want a social platform, i want a launcher, you can tell me all you want to disable these features but frankly... no? I'm not going to download it in the first place, i see nothing wrong with the current launcher, it's doing its job of launching my game, where in my time with curse i couldn't figure out how to get away from the social aspect.

It's obvious that people worked hard to create this, but you created something that a group of people (whether that group is a large or small one i don't know) don't want, a social platform that has the ability to launch games. And my guess is that this was the whole point of the project but i could be wrong.

My only 2 suggestions for you, are as follows. Don't scrap the old feed the beast launcher, which you'll probably do eventually anyway. Or create a barebones curse minecraft client that runs as nothing but a launcher doesn't launch on startup, and doesn't stay running unless you hound it down to terminate it, and doesn't require an internet connection. Call it curse mini maybe?

And my last few comments thoughts and points, 1 curse is to kid friendly, children make up a large portion of any minecraft group for sure, but don't build your launcher of of that, makes me feel like an idiot just clicking around in it.

2 and this has nothing to do with the launcher really, but mod devs are people that i don't know by name and that i'll never really acknowledge, sorry but it's the truth, your mod is fun, i'll play it, i'll enjoy it. But i won't pay for it, I won't donate, and i'm not going to remember your name when i've completed my fun on the server, the only 2 things that matter to me are a search bar, a download button and a delete button.

So this is my thoughts, take it as you will, it's your launcher your group and your brand, but i don't enjoy any of the content enough to run it off of a different social platform. That's what steam is for, and it usually features actual games.
I honestly don't know what you're complaining about with the resource packs. Curse has hundreds, we have literally 6. And they haven't been updated in 2 years. The curse interface is worlds better, it shows you details, changelogs, lets you easily remove packs, etc.

Do you have a specific suggestion to make it better?

Also none of the texture packs in FTB launcher are installable to MC newer than 1.7.10. Metadata not updated(checked 12 hours ago), probably texture packs itself also requires updates.
Don't scrap the old feed the beast launcher, which you'll probably do eventually anyway.
See my earlier messages about current codebase.

Or create a barebones curse minecraft client that runs as nothing but a launcher doesn't launch on startup, and doesn't stay running unless you hound it down to terminate it, and doesn't require an internet connection. Call it curse mini maybe?
+1 but it must remain running in background by default to make support persons job easier.

And my last few comments thoughts and points, 1 curse is to kid friendly, children make up a large portion of any minecraft group for sure, but don't build your launcher of of that, makes me feel like an idiot just clicking around in it.

Kid friendly? Did you check Terms of Service? Honestly I don't see how Curse's MC parts are more kid friendlier than FTB Launcher. It's a little bit more complicated which might be frustating for younger users.

2 and this has nothing to do with the launcher really, but mod devs are people that i don't know by name and that i'll never really acknowledge, sorry but it's the truth, your mod is fun, i'll play it, i'll enjoy it. But i won't pay for it, I won't donate, and i'm not going to remember your name when i've completed my fun on the server, the only 2 things that matter to me are a search bar, a download button and a delete button.
Curse reward system: Every mod or modpack download generates revenue for mod(pack) makes if they have enabled reward program.
You all still discussing this? I find it funny how every 2~3 years a discussion comes back with a vengance
and everyone reacts as if the topic is something out of the blue and not already beaten to death already.
Also why did noone (as far as I could see) mention the real multi-platform alternative multimc...
And for getting missing pack content from curse there are scripts around, for example portablejim's
Seriously People, stop whining an old horse to death...
Fedprod...you really kinda missed the point.

  1. MultiMC can't, to my knowledge, download ready-made packs and install them "no muss, no fuss" like FTB Launcher does/did. It doesn't house a ready-made repository of modpacks that's easily browsable by end users. Don't get me wrong, MultiMC is a wonderful piece of engineering and is quite well-made, but it does not have some of the key functionality that FTB Launcher possesses.
  2. The downloader script you linked to hasn't had an actual release in over a year, and most people (read: laymen) don't know how to install/run a Python script on their own. This might be useful for external programs, but for end users, it is effectively useless.
The point folks like me are trying to make is that there's a rather vocal portion of this community, ie: the community that will be most affected by this switchover, that has severe misgivings about Curse as a usable platform for modded Minecraft. Misgivings that many, from what I've gathered (and, if I'm wrong, feel free to speak up), feel have gone almost totally ignored by the FTB team as they went full steam ahead, abandoning their product instead of polling if maybe, just maybe, there were people who might be interested in improving the launcher we've already got. I, for one, would've been delighted to do what I can to help. As it is, the barebones launcher, from what I've gathered, will be rendered effectively useless and will only be used for legacy packs until such time as FTB completely abandons whatever servers it uses to host its own pack repository. At that time, the only real option for folks who don't want to bother with Curse for one reason or another will likely be forced to move to Technic or ATLauncher or any number of FTB/Curse's competitors. Unless some major changes are made, like the "Curse Lite" suggestion someone made earlier, that's gonna be how things are gonna go. Or, at least, that's how I see them going.
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You all still discussing this? I find it funny how every 2~3 years a discussion comes back with a vengance
and everyone reacts as if the topic is something out of the blue and not already beaten to death already.
Also why did noone (as far as I could see) mention the real multi-platform alternative multimc...
And for getting missing pack content from curse there are scripts around, for example portablejim's
Seriously People, stop whining an old horse to death...

Multimc is an alternate launcher, but is no substitute for ftb_launcher, there is no easy way to do even half what the ftb launcher do(regarding fetching files, and finding news packs) on multimc. Also: even though the script can be used, it is not a really friendly way to do things, It would not be easy for me to teach someone how to use it, unless he has already a nice knowledge.
I just had an idea that would fairly neatly address at least some of the concerns raised within this thread and that might actually be feasible to implement:

Have the big download button on the main FTB page link to a version of Curse Voice preconfigured as follows:
  • The Minecraft plugin is already enabled and will be shown when the application loads.
  • The friends list is hidden (if updates to Curse Voice make that possible).
  • The application has the option to start up on boot disabled and the option to actually close when closed enabled.
  • The bits that muck around in other programs' data disabled (again, if and when possible).
  • The user is, by default, logged in as "Anonymous FTB Player" or some such, obviating the need for those who just want to play Minecraft to create a new Curse account.
This would solve most of the complaints about the default options, while sensible for a communication platform, being obnoxious for users that just want to play modded Minecraft. Furthermore, it would not necessitate any major changes on Curse's end: all you'd need to do would be to package a config file with the relevant options set as described above into the installer linked on the FTB page. Users that come to Curse Voice from Curse's end and download it from their page would get the application we all know and have mixed feelings about today, while those that come to it from FTB get something set up to do Minecraft.

Anyhow, for my two cents: I don't see myself installing the Curse launcher anytime soon, not out of any set of ideals (although the bit in their EULA about giving them permission to poke around in my computer's memory is a bit scary), but because I don't have much use for it at this time. For that matter, it's been quite a while since I booted up the FTB launcher. Lately, I've been putting together my own packs in MultiMC with just Forge, NEI, and a couple of other mods I want to play around with, mostly because packs with fewer mods boot more quickly and the mods I'm interested in aren't in very many public packs anyway.
As has been said several times before, 'improving' the current launcher is not viable. The changes required to comply with Mojang guidelines along with the changes needed to run off the Curse backend effectively mean that starting from scratch would probably be easier. Yes, there are alternative launchers, but bear in mind that at some/any point Mojang could decide to shut them down. You can argue about how that will or won't happen, but ask the owners of server networks how that story could pan out. Now, you could argue that the FTB Team has completely ignored any of the concerns people have raised, while it might appear that way, they haven't been ignored but more deemed unfeasible for the reasons I just stated.

In terms of functionality, the Curse app I think does a better job of making packs customisable, adding and removing mods is easy, building a custom pack and being able to share that either publicly or privately is much much easier than it ever was with the FTB launcher. Yes, there are niggles and things that need fixing, but some of the proposed solutions I just don't see ever happening. In terms of the social part of the app, if it had and remembered you were in 'offline' or 'invisible' mode and also opened to the tab/plugin that was open when the app was closed then the bulk of the concerns would be addressed. It's also something that could be a desirable feature for the platform as a whole, not just the FTB community. Using it without an account or with an anonymised account, not likely to ever happen I think. If you aren't used to needing an account to use free web services yet then it's something you'll have to get used to cos it's pretty normal. Likewise, arguing which way a config option defaults is a fairly pointless exercise unless you can clearly show that the majority of FTB players don't use the communications side of the app.

A reasonable suggestion list might look like this:
  • An invisible mode that is remembered between sessions/devices
  • App remembers which tab/plugin was open at the end of the last session and reopens to it
  • Easy in-app way to download server files for packs
  • Old packs need to actually work
  • Upload log button to make the process of getting support less painful
  • Possibly some kind of in-app new user introduction, so that users know where to go to get what they want
Even I'm not part of core team I've forwarded some persistent issues to Curse people including some constructive posts / posts containing clear use case from this thread.

The Minecraft plugin is already enabled and will be shown when the application loads.
As far I know it is enabled automatically if user have use vanilla launcher in his machine. Filename in FTB website gives a hint that the version provided by download link includes bundled plugin. (Can't really test)

The application has the option to start up on boot disabled and the option to actually close when closed enabled.
Did you check settings? Works for me.