FTB Launcher News

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Is it still possible for me to tweak a modlist in the curse launcher? I haven't figured that out yet.

Yes, if you download a pack, it is in a "locked" state by default to minimize bad bug reports. You can unlock it by clicking the triple dots menu, profile options, then unchecking the locked checkbox. Then you can enable/disable mods in the modlist, or click the get more content button to add new mods.

Is it possible for me to make some sort of desktop shortcut to launch a specific curse-launched modpack? That would save me a lot of time.
I don't believe this is possible yet.
Meh, I'm not overly concerned about the power of defaults (Reika cites this all the time).

The majority of people also like reality TV. Its nice to know that for the niche of the community that is willing to ask questions and explore, there's still extra fun and appeasement to be had.

You just need to make sure the defaults are reasonably selected, and ideally you make it really obvious that a given item is configurable.
That's...the exact point I was making. Things like "start with Windows" being on by default is not "reasonably selected," even if the item is made obviously configurable. The only things that should do that are services like Avast, Dropbox, and so on, not regular applications like Curse or Skype. Games are not essential or even semi-essential services, and thus, anything related to them shouldn't start when the OS boots up by default. The reason I don't care for Curse isn't any one thing, its all this that's been pointed out over the course of the thread: the EULA saying we agree to have something poking around our memory, suspect code whose execution could cause users to get banned from certain games, irritating defaults, poor software design (since said launcher is basically a wrapper around a freaking browser), and so on. All of that makes me deeply uncomfortable with the idea of moving to Curse.

Really need to look into the Curse pack format and see what I can do with it, at some point...
That's...the exact point I was making. Things like "start with Windows" being on by default is not "reasonably selected," even if the item is made obviously configurable. The only things that should do that are services like Avast, Dropbox, and so on, not regular applications like Curse or Skype. Games are not essential or even semi-essential services, and thus, anything related to them shouldn't start when the OS boots up by default.
Just so everyone's clear, I'm not defending the selection of any specific default state :)

This one item though: I'd prefer to see it in an installer if it isn't already. "Would you like this application to automatically start whenever you restart Windows?"

Next question: Should that checkbox be checked by default? :p ( I don't actually care. Maybe it should: Its not unreasonable to assume that anyone who is installing a gaming app actually cares enough about games to make it launch by default)
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Things like "start with Windows" being on by default is not "reasonably selected," even if the item is made obviously configurable. The only things that should do that are services like Avast, Dropbox, and so on, not regular applications like Curse or Skype.

Starting by default is essential for communications programs like Curse and Skype. How are they going to perform their function if they aren't running? Defaulting to starting with the OS is entirely reasonable and expected for a program of this kind. I'm curious how you can argue that non essential file syncing services like dropbox warrant starting with the OS over communications software that can't perform its role without being always on.

With regards to the rest of the post, I must have missed when users were banned from games for using Curse, have a source for that? The browser based design is what is making a linux variant even something that is being considered, which is another bone of contention for a few people. I get that it's in your interest to make people wary of using Curse as you plan to create an alternative, raising valid concerns is fine. Spreading FUD is not.
Starting by default is essential for communications programs like Curse and Skype. How are they going to perform their function if they aren't running? Defaulting to starting with the OS is entirely reasonable and expected for a program of this kind. I'm curious how you can argue that non essential file syncing services like dropbox warrant starting with the OS over communications software that can't perform its role without being always on.

It's not essential for Skype, Curse, or any other communication software to start when the computer boots. I don't have Skype or Discord set to run when my computer boots, yet they work fine once I launch them. I'll take the hit to system resources when I want it, not when the program wants it.
Starting by default is essential for communications programs like Curse and Skype. How are they going to perform their function if they aren't running? Defaulting to starting with the OS is entirely reasonable and expected for a program of this kind. I'm curious how you can argue that non essential file syncing services like dropbox warrant starting with the OS over communications software that can't perform its role without being always on.

With regards to the rest of the post, I must have missed when users were banned from games for using Curse, have a source for that? The browser based design is what is making a linux variant even something that is being considered, which is another bone of contention for a few people. I get that it's in your interest to make people wary of using Curse as you plan to create an alternative, raising valid concerns is fine. Spreading FUD is not.
Quetzi, this is not a well thought out response. You're on the FTB Forum right now and your consumer focus is off target. In this specific discussion, your standard consumer isn't using a communications program. Your consumer is trying to come to terms with the fact that at some point they need to replace their Launcher application.

From the perspective of this consumer, the Curse Launcher is bundling a number of other use-cases, such as the communications mechanism. But the moment a large portion of your consumer base started complaining about losing a "dedicated" apparatus to launch a game, you absolutely needed to stop thinking about this product as a communications tool or any other kind of tool.

Nobody on this thread is downloading Curse in order to replace their "essential" communitations tools such as Skype.
With regards to the rest of the post, I must have missed when users were banned from games for using Curse, have a source for that?

He's probably referring to where the Curse launcher was considered a cheat for the LoL overlay and banned by Riot Games, and some users claimed they were banned for using it.

It's probably also in regard to my discovery of Curse's Battle.net sniffer which could potentially lead to a ban since it uses an unofficial means to tap into the client to fetch friend data, which Curse has consistently ignored responding to. The former issue would indicate that they don't always get permission to do things beforehand.
It's not essential for Skype, Curse, or any other communication software to start when the computer boots. I don't have Skype or Discord set to run when my computer boots, yet they work fine once I launch them. I'll take the hit to system resources when I want it, not when the program wants it.

^This x 1000

I started working with computers when the maximum ram a microcomputer could access was 65KB (see 8080, Z80, 6800 and 6502 CPUs), and you watched every bit of overhead when an additional 1Kx8bits cost $100.

I don't mind waiting half a nanosecond for a program to start from scratch, so I need nothing beside the OS starting at system boot up. Unfortunately, most of today's programmers have no idea what it means to have to conserve system resources, even if their programming tools of choice allow proper code optimization.
It's not essential for Skype, Curse, or any other communication software to start when the computer boots. I don't have Skype or Discord set to run when my computer boots, yet they work fine once I launch them. I'll take the hit to system resources when I want it, not when the program wants it.

And you have the option to do that by disabling launch on startup. Without having any numbers to back it up I would suggest that the vast majority of Skype users have it running all the time so that their contacts are able to reach them. Defaulting to launch on startup is a reasonable default, for those that don't want it, you can turn it off. The ability to change that is to accommodate use cases like yours, which differ to most users.
And you have the option to do that by disabling launch on startup. Without having any numbers to back it up I would suggest that the vast majority of Skype users have it running all the time so that their contacts are able to reach them. Defaulting to launch on startup is a reasonable default, for those that don't want it, you can turn it off. The ability to change that is to accommodate use cases like yours, which differ to most users.
  • Skype is a communications tool.
  • FTB Launcher is a game launching tool.
  • The target audience in this thread is looking for a game launching tool.

What you are telling me is that you are no longer providing me, your primary target audient, the product that I am looking for. What you are providing me is a Communications tool which is also able to launch games.

Scratch my supportive comments above; I no longer support this product. I highly recommend everyone just use the existing launcher for as long as you can, and then switch to another launcher, until such a time as Curse/FTB provide the actual product desired.

(Sorry for tone. I'm a member of an agile sprint group that goes through this discussion twice a month. Its good exercise tho)
And you have the option to do that by disabling launch on startup. Without having any numbers to back it up I would suggest that the vast majority of Skype users have it running all the time so that their contacts are able to reach them. Defaulting to launch on startup is a reasonable default, for those that don't want it, you can turn it off. The ability to change that is to accommodate use cases like yours, which differ to most users.

Though I personally don't have programs like that running on startup I also guess I am in the minority, however curse is more then a communication program and as such I wouldn't be surprised if the number of people that want/need curse running on startup is lower then with your average communication tool.

I'm not going to argue if it is or isn't a sane default. For me it isn't but I am aware that I may very well be in the minority.
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What Fyber, Padfoote, and Pyure said. Also, Dropbox can be essential for business purposes if your business uses it to, for example, sync documents and the like. As for Skype and other comm tools, I disable the "startup with the OS" option first friggin thing unless I need it for work, like I did with Skype for a while before I got laid off. For most people, they use Skype to talk to friends and crap, something which can be easily achieved through other means such as Facebook, email, Google Hangouts, or even plain old text messages. Curse's initial audience likely wanted a comm tool, and that's fine. However, over here, all folks seem to give a damn about is "can I play my packs with a minimum number of headaches?" Folks, again in my own experience, usually communicate for MC using third-party tools like Teamspeak or Skype and see the addition of Curse Voice as an extraneous function that, as far as the community seems to be concerned, is more or less reinventing the wheel.
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Meanwhile I'm optimistic and hoping that Microsoft will make their own version of Curse's site for MC mods (packs) and resource packs, will take over Forge, and hire some mod devs to maintain it because I don't trust mojang(except Searge) to do something good at maintaining it, add something to the EULA disallow modders to gain profit from uploading mods on 3rd party sites(except from adds on the modder's site), giving the modder benefits(e.g.: totally or partially use vanilla textures, code, whatever the modder wants), and Most important: be able to launch (Modded) MC w/o problems.

Still hoping.
Meanwhile I'm optimistic and hoping that Microsoft will make their own version of Curse's site for MC mods (packs) and resource packs, will take over Forge, and hire some mod devs to maintain it because I don't trust mojang(except Searge) to do something good at maintaining it, add something to the EULA disallow modders to gain profit from uploading mods on 3rd party sites(except from adds on the modder's site), giving the modder benefits(e.g.: totally or partially use vanilla textures, code, whatever the modder wants), and Most important: be able to launch (Modded) MC w/o problems.

Still hoping.
Resource packs currently can't load mods and I remember once reading that the mod api will be a different system then the resource packs, though this is ages ago I can see why as a resource pack can be loaded and unloaded while even being in a world and I can see that getting pretty messy pretty fast.
I'm not saying that the Curse app doesn't have its issues. I could actually understand some of the grievances if you were talking about issues like the ability to launch and play old packs or easy access to server downloads. Problems that are very real and things that absolutely need to be addressed.

Which way a config option defaults to is way down the list of issues and is something that I personally don't think needs changing.

You want a game launcher? Launching Minecraft directly is not something that Mojang sanctions. Entering your Minecraft credentials anywhere that isn't Mojang is not good security practice. Currently the only pack manager that doesn't want you to give it your Minecraft account is Curse.

Sure, Mojang isn't actively going after 3rd party launchers yet. That isn't to say that they won't in the future though.
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Resource packs currently can't load mods and I remember once reading that the mod api will be a different system then the resource packs, though this is ages ago I can see why as a resource pack can be loaded and unloaded while even being in a world and I can see that getting pretty messy pretty fast.
You read my post wrong. I said a site like Curse's for mods (packs) and resource packs. Totally different than what I said
Configurable. Is this really a big problem?

As far as the "Configurable" replies go, sure, they are configurable, but I'm talking what they are BY DEFAULT. I would go more into that, but I feel the article RavynousHunter linked explained it better than I can.
Lack of customization is problem when using curse but not while using FTB launcher :p
Customization with the FTB Launcher's design wasn't a problem because it looked nice as it was. Nothing was too big. I feel it was said better than I can word it here:
Curse's UI is overly spaced. By this I mean that everything is a bit too "cozy". UI elements that shouldn't be taking up much space are butting into the main content because of the spacing, which often forces the user to resize the window unnecessarily. Example:
  • 1uESYFw.png
    As you can see, the friends sidebar is massive. A friends list should not take up that much space unless the window is specifically focused on being a friends list. Secondly, the mod list doesn't need that much space between mods. Reducing the size of the toggle switches and download/cancel buttons will allow many more mods per screen.
The only way to make the proportions look of everything look fine is to put the client in max window mode and, while I can't speak for everyone, I dislike having stuff in max window mode, especially whatever I'm using to launch a minecraft modpack. All it would take would be an option to toggle the friend bar (a friend bar I will not use very often, if ever, I might add), and then I would have little else to complain about as far as the UI goes.
Is that really a problem? Maybe at some point other component will be separated to plugins.
Right now that may not be an issue, but it could become one in the future. And you say that "Maybe at some point other component's will be seperaed into plugins," and while it may happen at some point in the ideal future, I personally don't think it will happen for reasons I'll elaborate on more if asked (mostly because I'm still waking up, and can't word it properly right now).
Is this a joke? Standards in FTB launcher? Where?
For me, again, I can't speak for everyone, the FTB Launcher set standards as being a great, simple, easy-to-use launcher. For the most part, it just worked. I will admit, there were a few occasions where it didn't work, but they were usually problems on my end, and not on the launcher's end. The code behind it may be bad and difficult to fix, as I've seen you state previously, but honestly, I'm pretty positive that if you put out a formal announcement, one where people are likely to see it (such as that handy-dandy announcements tab that was on the FTB Launcher), saying that FTB is looking for volunteers to help rewrite the launcher code, there'd be plenty of people jumping to it. Heck, I know one person that'd probably jump on that in an instant (granted, he IS a pain in the ass to deal with).

Configurable. Works for me. (not sure if it's feature of alpha build, can't check)
I'll edit my reply later and give an actual response to this once I've woken up a bit and can think of how to word what I want to say properly
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I have to make a small confession: I was really angry with the change to curse launcher on the beginning, but when/if they ever manage to make a version for Linux that has Curse Voice, and Curse Voice is less shitty than Skype is now(which is not really hard) I may get to like the new launcher. But the miscommunication from FTB team is still the worse thing of the whole situation.
You mean impossible to do right? currently I even take a command line chat client over skype for linux.
I know they supposedly fixed the problem ages ago, but ever since that huge wave of streamers got DDOS'ed because Skype exposed their info, I've refused to touch Skype, period. That goes double now that I've upgraded to Windows 10 and every other Microsoft product wants me to sign up for a Microsoft account that will eat my local user profile.

Granted, even given that, I don't really use Curse's voice call feature, but I suspect I'm an outlier in the crowd in regards to not using my PC as a phone in the first place.
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