FTB - It´s to easy, how to make it hard?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You know, we should try to come with new and innovative goals instead of "automatic mining + epic tools and armor + sorting system" being an "end game" goal. I mean, look at Mindcrack. The guys have been playing on the same server for months... And their armor is pretty basic. Their contraptions are more enjoyable than what most people would consider "end game". And Forgecraft has a lot of projects that are made just because, like Dire and cpw's railway. CovertJaguar's also a nice example - his goal is the Dark Tower, a building which is downright mind-blowing.
And I didn't mention Enigmius or Ako, they're awesome as LPers.
You know, if you ever feel like the game is too easy, make a project "just because".


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I know there's no skill involved. I was just saying I can't ever recall taking any heat at all from just being in the nether. In fact, i'm sure I haven't. I'm also using virtually all the attachments on the armour, but I think my power tool only has a railgun and a plasma cannon. Maybe its the power tool thats causing it?

I tend not to use the power glove right now unless my DC tool(s) is/are broken because I'm trying to get my suit fully charged. I have all the stuff like step assist and run compensation (necessary with all the extra weight imposed by the heat sink plates), etc. etc. The only systems I don't have installed are things like the mob repulsing module and the cosmetic/camouflage stuff. Every little thing adds a little bit of heat and if they're all being used with just the right frequency it's not hard to outstrip the capability of the cooling units to keep things under control. As irritating as it can be I find it entirely reasonable, else there would be no point in having a heat mechanic at all. If I have a kvetch about MPS it would be the buggy modules the sometimes work/sometimes don't, or don't work as you'd expect because they're too intertwined with other stuff that's just not interesting to try to keep track of. (Case in point: underwater boost accelerator. Absolutely not worth the material cost if all it's going to do is make ascending faster, because it sure as hell doesn't help with horizontal movement).


Jul 24, 2013
You know, we should try to come with new and innovative goals instead of "automatic mining + epic tools and armor + sorting system" being an "end game" goal. I mean, look at Mindcrack. The guys have been playing on the same server for months... And their armor is pretty basic. Their contraptions are more enjoyable than what most people would consider "end game". And Forgecraft has a lot of projects that are made just because, like Dire and cpw's railway. CovertJaguar's also a nice example - his goal is the Dark Tower, a building which is downright mind-blowing.
And I didn't mention Enigmius or Ako, they're awesome as LPers.
You know, if you ever feel like the game is too easy, make a project "just because".

The problem with using the Mindcrack group as an example is that their current server is pure vanilla, which if I have read preceding posts correctly is not an option for the OP because "it isn't hard enough".

They are doing interesting things, granted, but to me the real interesting thing is that they are doing it "old school"... No fancy machines, no flying suits, just what the current version of MC has to offer.

They're apparently going to move to a snapshot of 1.7 soon and open up the rest of their world (They've held themselves to one island to avoid needless chunk generation). I think things will get really interesting then, with all the new biomes and other feature in 1.7


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I recommend one of Wyld's Ultra Hardcore Survival packs. UHS1 is on the FTB launcher (private pack code UHS), and UHS2 RC1 is available for testing http://bit.ly/UHS2-RC1-Client for the pack, http://pastebin.com/0bEDi2Vn for install instructions (old version but still applicable), should be available on the launcher when it is finished. No health regen, so you need to use prayers, golden apples, or potions to heal. Minimal tech, with Tinker's Construct, Thaumcraft, Twilight Forest, Biomes O' Plenty, Better Dungeons. You can see Wyld playing it most days at http://www.twitch.tv/wyldstein.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The problem with using the Mindcrack group as an example is that their current server is pure vanilla, which if I have read preceding posts correctly is not an option for the OP because "it isn't hard enough".

They are doing interesting things, granted, but to me the real interesting thing is that they are doing it "old school"... No fancy machines, no flying suits, just what the current version of MC has to offer.

They're apparently going to move to a snapshot of 1.7 soon and open up the rest of their world (They've held themselves to one island to avoid needless chunk generation). I think things will get really interesting then, with all the new biomes and other feature in 1.7
Actually, I meant the Mindcrack FTB server, not the vanilla one.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
We are a group that play FTB .

We are one. We are legion. We are Anonymous.
Sorry, couldn't resist.

From the recent activity on ForgeCraft, 3 especially, it seems like Mod Dev's are looking to move to more "difficult" game play... This could be an interesting time ahead.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
We are one. We are legion. We are Anonymous.
Sorry, couldn't resist.

From the recent activity on ForgeCraft, 3 especially, it seems like Mod Dev's are looking to move to more "difficult" game play... This could be an interesting time ahead.
That has absolutely no bearing on the mod dev community as a whole. The list of mods NOT used on that server is longer than what is being used. Don't go jumping to conclusions.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The list of mods NOT used on that server is longer than what is being used. Don't go jumping to conclusions.

Your right on both points, however, if I'm reading your first point correctly, your saying that the mod devs are only making an impact in FTB Community through only what they code? If so, I completely disagree. Now that we're seeing mod devs play it is going to impact the play styles of the community. Take cpw's train system, I would wager that since the system was shown off more people have migrated to using rail craft to move stuff around and away from the ender storage mod.

Since the OP wanted a "harder" game of minecraft, they might find that it turns up naturally since the FTB community, influenced by what they've seen from the mod devs, move to "harder" systems of play. We may also see more in the way of config options that are written by the mod devs based on their recent gaming, offering harder options. People also influence FTB by the feedback they leave, threads like this for example.

All in all, the community influence the devs by the feedback and by using the mod in interesting ways. Meanwhile the devs influence the community with their mod's, obviously but also with their play style. This in turn makes the community influence the devs, etc.

Like I said, an interesting time ahead. Just because we can see them play.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
That's not what I meant. You went on an unintended tangent. A small group of devs, who decide to play with an even smaller selection of mods than what they normally use, is not indicative of some massive overall shift in every single minecraft mod available.

ForgeCraft mods are used in many modpacks including ftb, but that a mod not being used on that server is not a hindrance to that mod's inclusion in other packs. ForgeCraft does not equal FTB. Slowpoke has stated this on many occasions. They have a friendly relationship, but are separate entities. GT, Dartcraft, & Universal Electricity mods are all in FTB packs, yet none of these mods are used on ForgeCraft nor are those devs on the server.

I said exactly what I meant. A small group of people, using a small mod mix, is not indicative of some overall shift in the community. Period.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I said exactly what I meant. A small group of people, using a small mod mix, is not indicative of some overall shift in the community. Period.

ForgeCraft isn't FTB, I understand that. However, it has a massive following. There are several streamers and a few YouTubers on that set of servers. That is quiet a lot of people watching. I also agree that with your point of it not being a massive change in the community towards "harder" gameplay. I am only being speculative, however I personally believe that a movement towards smaller mod packs, or harder conditions, will happen. It may not be a massive amount of people that use FTB packs but some will.

That's not what I meant. You went on an unintended tangent. A small group of devs, who decide to play with an even smaller selection of mods than what they normally use, is not indicative of some massive overall shift in every single minecraft mod available.

Again, I agree, however if you think of the amount of mods and devs on ForgeCraft, then the amount of players that play with those mods. If those players start asking for harder options and harder options appear, that is a large chunk of Technical mods. I would then guess that other mods, where it makes sense, add these options too. It won't be an instantaneous shift, but I think it will be a shift none the less.

As always, these are my opinions, based on my other opinions of people and trends. As a slight disclaimer, I'm no professional of this field.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Tell me how did it influence in 1.2.5 and 1.3.2 and 1.4.7.
And what shift did exist during that.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Did Forgecraft cause any influence for the last 4 versions of Minecraft? Was there any change?
You know, if it did, then your theory is correct. And people aren't asking for harder mods, people are asking for more fun goals from the community and fun ideas from the modders.
Disclaimer: I'm not a phsycologist, so what I'm saying here may be wrong.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Did Forgecraft cause any influence for the last 4 versions of Minecraft? Was there any change?
You know, if it did, then your theory is correct. And people aren't asking for harder mods, people are asking for more fun goals from the community and fun ideas from the modders.
Disclaimer: I'm not a phsycologist, so what I'm saying here may be wrong.

Isnt the more succinct question: what influence has LP'ers had on how people play modded minecraft?

We can say with some certainty, that the FTB map, and it's set of mods is quite heavily influenced by the playstyles of both slow and direwolf20. actually, i think that without those two people in particular, we would not have the FTB launcher at all. can we say that FTB has had a significant impact on the modding community? if so, what is that effect?
Does forgecraft have a following that desires to play the same mods that are found on forgecraft? if yes, then that does indeed mean that forgecraft does have an influence on what people desire to have in their modpacks. the question then is: what kind of influence does it have? does DW20 showing off that awesome rail network that CPW built have an impact on what people build? will it cause people to shy away from using endertanks and enderchests all over the place? or are too few people influenced enough to change their playstyle to have an effect on pack compositions?

I'm not trying to make any claims here, just to ask questions, because truthfully, I'm rather interested in these kinds of synergies. sometimes the link seems clear, but other times it is hard to spot. and it all comes down to who do you watch. and who do those you watch watch?

edited: forum software messing with my fontsize again. seriously forum, why you make my text so tiny?!?!?!?!?!!


Tech Support
Oct 30, 2012
Personally most everything done on forgecraft is for moot in terms of any kind of shift of player style. The catch is people will something if it is more effective. Lava was a fad because of LPers, generally. It was simple, easy, and efficient. I'd bet most people that used SC2 tree farms(pre-nerf) did so because they saw it on a stream or LP. Again; simple, easy, efficient.

And for the record; if mod devs do give in to people asking for options for anything; they're idiots. People do not know what they want collectively, because they can't collectively want one thing. Generally people have no idea what they want until they've had it or been given the option for it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well, ForgeCraft has been around since June 2012 (Using this date from DW's video.) which I believe was minecraft 1.2.5.​
Did Forgecraft cause any influence for the last 4 versions of Minecraft? Was there any change?

Personally, I say yes. Not all have been obvious or considered connected. I will try to explain my thoughts on this matter.

So, my first point was going to be the hand over of buildcraft to SirSengir and Krapht from SpaceToad however this happened March 2, 2012. That was long ago now.
But this point also helps. ForgeCraft has been a great social area for mod devs. You can hear this in DW's videos as they talk between each other about their development and help each other out. This platform allows greater collaboration between devs.

Second point, inspiration. People may not take mod devs as role models however they do provide a lot of inspiration since their handiwork in modded minecraft is showcased a lot more now. I believe that this due to those first few months as DW recorded the first server (I also think he was the first YouTuber). Now, CovertJaguar has his Dark Tower Series, Soaryn, mDyio and several other mod makers stream. Their videos/streaming show off their work and others. I'm going to use cpw's train set as an example, mainly because its so recent. I believe that since his work was shown on camera more people will consider a railcraft solution to the moving of items problem. I base this on the actions and words of Ako_the_Builder in this video here (its close to the start too).

Now, these I feel are the two biggest points about how ForgeCraft has changed since 1.2.5. Drawing on these, I feel that the community is more involved with mod development, and modders more involved with their community. The modders give inspiration to the users and the players take these and then give feed back due to testing and experimenting. There are more of them than modders. If drastic events occur, for example GregTech, big ripples are made. Players have been introduced to a "harder" play style, and also an example of mod devs fighting. However, if a smaller event occurs, such as ForgeCraft 3, where the mods used have been tweaked to make playing "harder" and there are less mods in the game, smaller ripples may occur. This is because the modders are creating and solving problems with in these "harder" conditions. They are inspiring people to try another way play.

And to be honest, it has inspired me to try to play differently. When 1.6/1.7 come out I'll be removing Ender Storage and a few others, changing configs to make machines more power hungry and placing more limitations on how I play.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Just want to pop in and say something i think.
LOTS of people are meta-sheep, they lack their own opinion and only follow what famous people think.
Lots of the things you see are fads and will die off when they see someone do something their own way.
Forgecraft is just another way to get that out :p
People think of forgecraft members as gods, and follow what they do perfectly to the point.

In some ways streamers/youtubers are great things, in some ways they are bad things.

People will never do good things until they think out of the mentality that most people do :p

Also, wanna put something on my opinion on trains:
Ive been using them for a very long time, since back in 1.3 for a sorting system, its cool and its good that cpw/dire showed that railcraft can be used past boilers/tanks :3
But lots of people aren't original or "smart" enough to do it :/ (I know, i had alot of problems doing it :p)
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Isnt the more succinct question: what influence has LP'ers had on how people play modded minecraft?

Fair point, I think they work hand in hand with the modders on this one.

Personally most everything done on forgecraft is for moot in terms of any kind of shift of player style.

I disagree. Does art not influence other artists? Music effect other musicians? Why shouldn't other people work on ForgeCraft effect us? If you haven't watched any of anyone's videos or streams and gone "Actually that's not a bad idea" then OK, you may continue with your point.

And for the record; if mod devs do give in to people asking for options for anything; they're idiots. People do not know what they want collectively, because they can't collectively want one thing. Generally people have no idea what they want until they've had it or been given the option for it.

I'm not saying hard code the changes, no no, I say, guessing here, that we'll see more config options allowing "harder" modes based on the mod dev's experince and the players who have been influenced asking for it.


Tech Support
Oct 30, 2012
I disagree. Does art not influence other artists? Music effect other musicians? Why shouldn't other people work on ForgeCraft effect us? If you haven't watched any of anyone's videos or streams and gone "Actually that's not a bad idea" then OK, you may continue with your point.

Art does not make a shift because of one or a group of artists doing something new. Same with music. They simply open a new door.

You also kinda missed the point. I have seen some things people have done on videos and thought they were a good idea. These cases are few and far between was my point. Not to mention they vary based on skill and personal preference. Usually though most LPers and streamers make more mistakes than I'd expect from myself(Not trying to sound like an ass just saying they're nothing special nor anything to look up to).

I'm not saying hard code the changes, no no, I say, guessing here, that we'll see more config options allowing "harder" modes based on the mod dev's experince and the players who have been influenced asking for it.

Unlikely. Most mod devs don't make their mods for the players; it's for the vision they wish to fulfill. Usually they don't add harder options they simply make the mod as a whole harder. Which is actually the more fulfilling solution for players.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Near-infinite energy/power, near-infinite resources, and convenient access to said resources brings the world to closer to creative mode. For some people, creative mode is fun and I applaud them, seriously. Like a painter with a blank canvas and lots of paints, that is indeed creative and there are tons of people more creative than I that I have respect for.

As for me, I'm an engineer who solves problems, but I am neither bright nor creative, so the fun is the journey towards creative mode, i.e. "winning", if you will. If I can do that in a different way with different mods and self-imposed rules each playthrough and learn something new, I'm having fun.
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