Well, ForgeCraft has been around since June 2012 (Using this date from DW's
video.) which I believe was minecraft 1.2.5.
Did Forgecraft cause any influence for the last 4 versions of Minecraft? Was there any change?
Personally, I say yes. Not all have been obvious or considered connected. I will try to explain my thoughts on this matter.
So, my first point was going to be the
hand over of buildcraft to SirSengir and Krapht from SpaceToad however this happened March 2, 2012. That was long ago now.
But this point also helps. ForgeCraft has been a great social area for mod devs. You can hear this in DW's videos as they talk between each other about their development and help each other out. This platform allows greater collaboration between devs.
Second point, inspiration. People may not take mod devs as role models however they do provide a lot of inspiration since their handiwork in modded minecraft is showcased a lot more now. I believe that this due to those first few months as DW recorded the first server (I also think he was the first YouTuber). Now, CovertJaguar has his Dark Tower Series, Soaryn, mDyio and several other mod makers stream. Their videos/streaming show off their work and others. I'm going to use cpw's train set as an example, mainly because its so recent. I believe that since his work was shown on camera more people will consider a railcraft solution to the moving of items problem. I base this on the actions and words of Ako_the_Builder in this video
here (its close to the start too).
Now, these I feel are the two biggest points about how ForgeCraft has changed since 1.2.5. Drawing on these, I feel that the community is more involved with mod development, and modders more involved with their community. The modders give inspiration to the users and the players take these and then give feed back due to testing and experimenting. There are more of them than modders. If drastic events occur, for example GregTech, big ripples are made. Players have been introduced to a "harder" play style, and also an example of mod devs fighting. However, if a smaller event occurs, such as ForgeCraft 3, where the mods used have been tweaked to make playing "harder" and there are less mods in the game, smaller ripples may occur. This is because the modders are creating and solving problems with in these "harder" conditions. They are inspiring people to try another way play.
And to be honest, it has inspired me to try to play differently. When 1.6/1.7 come out I'll be removing Ender Storage and a few others, changing configs to make machines more power hungry and placing more limitations on how I play.