FTB Beyond Release

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You sound like you assume someone is getting paid to do this, instead of taking time from real life activities.
If you read my post on the subject you just posted about you will see I do not ask I made a statement and even ended that statement with a period not a question mark.

Why does everyone ask this. The change logs are always a week or so behind the patches just give it time. I always wait at least 2 weeks till the change logs are out to update anyway cause of my LPs.
You sound like you assume someone is getting paid to do this, instead of taking time from real life activities.

I'm fairly certain I understand that no one is getting paid for this. Nor do I expect them to be held to unrealistic expectations.

If you read my post on the subject you just posted about you will see I do not ask I made a statement and even ended that statement with a period not a question mark.

Since we're nitpicking now that is what we commonly call rhetorical question.
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Nitpicking...WTF...I only pointed out what should have gleamed from English class that questions end with question marks. I assumed people understood that the period was making the statement not a question. Are we speaking French here. Rofl
Nitpicking...WTF...I only pointed out what should have gleamed from English class that questions end with question marks. I assumed people understood that the period was making the statement not a question. Are we speaking French here. Rofl

From Wikipedia on Rhetorical Questions under Punctuation

Depending on the context, a rhetorical question may be punctuated by a question mark (?), full stop (.), or exclamation mark (!), but some sources argue that it is required to use a question mark for any question, rhetorical or not.

So yes nitpicking, I really wasn't trying to argue just give reasoning behind why someone would come to expect a change log now a days. If you would like to continue this we can take it to to private conversation.
From Wikipedia on Rhetorical Questions under Punctuation

So yes nitpicking, I really wasn't trying to argue just give reasoning behind why someone would come to expect a change log now a days. If you would like to continue this we can take it to to private conversation.
One last time and I'll not post back on this subject again. There are rules for using Question Marks. "Rule 1. Use a question mark only after a direct question." , "Rule 3a. Avoid the common trap of using question marks with indirect questions, which are statements that contain questions. Use a period after an indirect question.", and last "Rule 3b. Some sentences are statements—or demands—in the form of a question. They are called rhetorical questions because they don't require or expect an answer. Many should be written without question marks." Examples of rhetorical questions are "Why don't you take a break.
Would you kids knock it off.
What wouldn't I do for you!"
These quotes are from Gammerbooks so you are free to look it up. Now for the on Topic parts. If people were to read the thread they would find...I don't know like 10 times where they explain that there are very few people working on the projects such as patches and there isn't time to make a list while the are patching so they wait till after the stable patch is out and then make the notes to post.
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[08:14:31] [Server thread/WARN]: Can't keep up! Did the system time change, or is the server overloaded? Running 1412635ms behind, skipping 28252 tick(s)

Anyone else seeing this in their terminal window?

I am running my server on a MacBook Pro with 2.8 GHz Intel Core i7 16GB 1600 MHz DDR3 ( 6GB dedicated to the server ) PCIe x4 SSD.
The server has been running since patch 1.4.2 and has been updated it with every release, currently running patch 1.8.1. I always keep things updated, OS & java etc etc, server seems to have very little impact on cpu and if the terminal window wasn't showing you wouldn't even know it was running.

1412635ms is equal to 23~ minutes... weird!
This isn't the place for policing others use of language or for tech support questions.

As for the changelogs, we do have someone that takes care of those, they lag behind release because if we waited until changelogs were ready then a whole bunch of mods in the update would be more out of date. So we choose the option of getting the update out in peoples hands sooner rather than later with a detailed changelog to follow. This *shouldn't* cause server owners too many issues as updates are usually tagged as beta on initial release and changelogs are in place before they get moved to release. You can say it's poor practice if you like, but I assure you if we waited for changelogs each time we'd get a lot more complaints about out of date updates.
I am probably just missing something as I'm new to playing modded Minecraft, but I can't seem to make Railcraft steam boilers. Is this functionality disabled in Beyond or am I just missing how to make them (I can't find firebox or boilers in NEI).
Railcraft is a work in progress. They disabled/remove parts of it while they are re-writting the code. So they will probably be added back in at some point. But just aren't there yet.
This isn't the place for policing others use of language or for tech support questions.

As for the changelogs, we do have someone that takes care of those, they lag behind release because if we waited until changelogs were ready then a whole bunch of mods in the update would be more out of date. So we choose the option of getting the update out in peoples hands sooner rather than later with a detailed changelog to follow. This *shouldn't* cause server owners too many issues as updates are usually tagged as beta on initial release and changelogs are in place before they get moved to release. You can say it's poor practice if you like, but I assure you if we waited for changelogs each time we'd get a lot more complaints about out of date updates.

Thanks for your input. Although it still seems more beneficial to provide players tools that could allow for less guesswork when reporting bugs or issues that may of slipped through the cracks. While also making it easy on developers to isolate the problem. I know not every one actually reads them and provides constructive feedback. But I see more positives than negatives of providing such documentation even in a less detailed report compared to what would come with a full release.

Also I apologize if the discussion moved off topic hence why I requested to take things into a private conversation.
Thanks for your input. Although it still seems more beneficial to provide players tools that could allow for less guesswork when reporting bugs or issues that may of slipped through the cracks. While also making it easy on developers to isolate the problem. I know not every one actually reads them and provides constructive feedback. But I see more positives than negatives of providing such documentation even in a less detailed report compared to what would come with a full release.

Also I apologize if the discussion moved off topic hence why I requested to take things into a private conversation.
UMmm...What? 95% of problems are handle through the Crash logs players are asked to post when they have a problem. Detailed Change logs is only useful for tell players what mods are updated and /or disable/removed and why. Also for letting players know changes to default settings? I mean I guess if a problem came up between version 1.2 and updating to 1.3 of some generic mod looking at what version it was and went to would be useful at some point but then again we get back to the crash log which will tell, most times, what happen by what mod. Also you can bring up a list of mods in and out of game. Sorry I'm not seeing it. For me I just want to see if a mod is being removed before update and that can wait for change logs.
Railcraft is a work in progress. They disabled/remove parts of it while they are re-writting the code. So they will probably be added back in at some point. But just aren't there yet.
Ah ok, good to know! Thank you.
Any one got the Matter Fabricator from Tech Reborn run proberly?
On some Wikis stand it eat Scrap or Ore Dust like uranium but when i place uranium dust it do nothing. scrap will be used.
@minewolfs you need a little more than 1GB of RAM for modern packs, even on the server. Also, try and keep the support questions to the support forum ;)
can anyone help me my server crash wenn i start the beyond server my log

You should open a new thread for support issues instead of posting here. But it looks to be memory related. When you do create the new thread, make sure to include the crash report. Put it at pastebin or something similar. You can find the crash report here:
[09:14:22] [Server thread/ERROR]: This crash report has been saved to: /root/./crash-reports/crash-2017-06-14_09.14.22-server.txt

BTW: As a side note you should not run minecraft under the root account. It should run under its own account. You will need to create this account.
The game crashed whilst there was a severe problem during mod loading that has caused the game to fail
The game crashed whilst there was a severe problem during mod loading that has caused the game to fail
Error: net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoaderExceptionModCrash: Caught exception from Decocraft (props)
what should I do when this shows up

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