FTB Beyond Release

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The game crashed whilst there was a severe problem during mod loading that has caused the game to fail
The game crashed whilst there was a severe problem during mod loading that has caused the game to fail
Error: net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoaderExceptionModCrash: Caught exception from Decocraft (props)
what should I do when this shows up
u could try removing decocraft from the mod set (warning will whipe out of all decocraft things from the ssp world(s) u try to play on
he game crashed whilst there was a severe problem during mod loading that has caused the game to fail
Error: net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoaderExceptionModCrash: Caught exception from Decocraft (props)
what to do?
he game crashed whilst there was a severe problem during mod loading that has caused the game to fail
Error: net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoaderExceptionModCrash: Caught exception from Decocraft (props)
what to do?
look up 1 post
u could try removing decocraft from the mod set (warning will whipe out of all decocraft things from the ssp world(s) u try to play on
@Shadowkiller7032 Use the tech support link. Please do not post any more messages here for support related issues. We need things like full logs not just part of the error screen you think is relevant. For all I know you could just need to allocate more mem to the game to fix this issue. But, we can't tell without the whole log. So please use the support button at the top. They will give you common things to try as well as instructions on how to post the full long. And please do not cut and paste the whole log into the this thread. Nobody wants to read a wall of text in the forums.
Please update flux networks to 1.2.5 it will fix the server issues .-.
Why was the angel ring changes to require 2 wither stars? I can have a jet pack but not an angel ring? I mean I already have to craft the cursed lasso and then trap a damage ghast in it as well as have the grid power to cover the cost of flying. Then after all that I have to find a good spot and kill 2 withers......boogles my mind.
Why was the angel ring changes to require 2 wither stars? I can have a jet pack but not an angel ring? I mean I already have to craft the cursed lasso and then trap a damage ghast in it as well as have the grid power to cover the cost of flying. Then after all that I have to find a good spot and kill 2 withers......boogles my mind.
Well, yeah. The Angel ring requires only a small amount of grid power for unlimited creative flight. Why would you ever use a jetpack? Whereas by making it more expensive, there's at least a chance players will look to jetpacks first - progression through the available mods. Beyond seems tailored more like that than an aimless kitchen sink pack, which doesn't seem like a bad design choice to me.
Well, yeah. The Angel ring requires only a small amount of grid power for unlimited creative flight. Why would you ever use a jetpack? Whereas by making it more expensive, there's at least a chance players will look to jetpacks first - progression through the available mods. Beyond seems tailored more like that than an aimless kitchen sink pack, which doesn't seem like a bad design choice to me.
Progression what?!? I'm smelling something here. What progression? I'm already got the ingredients for 2 withers by the time you complete the cursed lasso. Do you know how long it takes to find drops of evil? it is double dipping is what it is. It is already locked not only behind going to the nether, fighting nether skellies, making a cursed lasso, and then fighting a Ghast close enough to the ground to capture, but then I have to go find/make a special area to fight 2 ghast safely for basically no reason. The lowest tier jetpack can be gotten with in the first hour or 2. Yeah you have to charge it but it is still flying. Progression..rofl
*shrugs* that's just my take on it.


I was going to just leave that there, but do you know what? You've been bloody rude.

What progression? Progression in ability to move about.

I don't know how long it takes to get a drop of evil, but good for you that you had the ingredients for two withers. Have a cookie.

I have no idea what you mean by "double dipping" but I'm going to assume it's something offensive.

Aww. You poor thing. Yes, you (shock, horror) have to go to some effort to get the ring. No it's not for "no reason", it's to make the Angel ring. This has been stated.

The lowest tier jetpack runs out, FAST. And you clearly have no bloody idea that not all "flying" is equal. Jetpack flying can be tricky, hard to control, and occasionally terrifying if you're low on fuel. It's a very different experience from the fully controlled, creative-style flight given to you by the ring.


I'm assuming you're rolling around on the floor because you're too lazy to make the ring. Ah well.
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Guys, I'm going to ask everyone to find a place of calm.

There's different play styles, and different takes on different terms. Reduced carefully, there's no such thing as "progression" or "challenge" or anything useful in any game, never mind Minecraft, so don't dwell on the semantics.
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*shrugs* that's just my take on it.


I was going to just leave that there, but do you know what? You've been bloody rude.

What progression? Progression in ability to move about.

I don't know how long it takes to get a drop of evil, but good for you that you had the ingredients for two withers. Have a cookie.

I have no idea what you mean by "double dipping" but I'm going to assume it's something offensive.

Aww. You poor thing. Yes, you (shock, horror) have to go to some effort to get the ring. No it's not for "no reason", it's to make the Angel ring. This has been stated.

The lowest tier jetpack runs out, FAST. And you clearly have no bloody idea that not all "flying" is equal. Jetpack flying can be tricky, hard to control, and occasionally terrifying if you're low on fuel. It's a very different experience from the fully controlled, creative-style flight given to you by the ring.


I'm assuming you're rolling around on the floor because you're too lazy to make the ring. Ah well.
One I wasn't being rude. Some people just read things to mean something they think. Double dipping is when you take money from 2 exclusion sources like getting a government pension while still collecting a government salary. In the reference I was using it for the mod dev locked the ring behind nether skeletons dropping drops of evil and then FTB locks it behind wither stars. Progression means the process of developing or moving gradually towards a more advanced state. But you already have access to flying and you are already required to kill wither Skeletons for the ring. At the point at which you would be farming wither skeletons you would also be able to handle killing a wither. It is only limiting access to something you already have access to. Changing the recipe to where it locks it behind says Terra steel ingots would be progression. Because you would have to explore another mod to unlock it.
And I quote: "I'm smelling something here"

Go on then! WHAT.

Your reasoning makes no sense to me. And I won't make my point again about the differences in flying with a Jetpack relative to that with the ring.

EDIT: also, handling wither skeletons is a very different kettle of fish from fighting a wither!

TL;DR - I think your complaint about the ring recipe change is pretty poorly justified. That's my opinion.
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And I quote: "I'm smelling something here"

Go on then! WHAT.

Your reasoning makes no sense to me. And I won't make my point again about the differences in flying with a Jetpack relative to that with the ring.

EDIT: also, handling wither skeletons is a very different kettle of fish from fighting a wither!

TL;DR - I think your complaint about the ring recipe change is pretty poorly justified. That's my opinion.
You don't even have to fight him is the point. Direwolf20, mind you it is a different pack, just flips a switch bam nether star. It is pointless using that as a progression point. What mod does it lead you into? if My plan for playing the pack doesn't have anything to do with killing the wither then what. Flying in game gives you an advantage over not flying. You may be slower with some of the lower end jet pack but that is it. what you can't float who cares. you can't just take one form of flying and be like " nope that is to much flying" what does adding that recipe in do? Does it take you long to get the angel ring? Not really. Are there ways to kill the wither with out fighting, yes. It isn't something that you would want to do with in the first 30 minutes but you need what wither proof blocks for the box or force field. Top level bow from tinkers and a max damage sword. Some reg and healing potion from Botaina. Hack I have made an area at bedrock and battled him. Look you want to defend the recipe change fine. But your not gaining progression requiring nether stars.
We seriously need a hotfix for the IC2 server crash issue, we can no longer keep this modpack online because it's repeatedly crashing.
@UnionCraft not the right place to be reporting bugs. I'm sure the pack will be updated shortly. If you are looking for a stable pack for your servers I suggest sticking to release versions as, as you have found, beta updates can still have bugs.
Went ahead and killin the wither twice just to get the angel ring as a finishing touch to end my lp magic run. My set up was the roots Slyvan Armor. 3 piece had Protection IV and the boots just had fuel eff what ever that is. Made a Manyullyn Cleaver with luck, Necrotic, and Sharpness on it. Now I do always play with Mob Griefing off so it might be a little harder with it on but it still took maybe 30 sec. If you have griefing on just make a wither box from the wither proof blocks from Ender IO or the Mining resource laser stuff. (can't remember what it is called just search for wither and it will pop up) i did have my bow on stand by just in case. I would suggest maxing a longbow out before the fight as well.
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Went ahead and killin the wither twice just to get the angel ring as a finishing touch to end my lp magic run. My set up was the roots Slyvan Armor. 3 piece had Protection IV and the boots just had fuel eff what ever that is. Made a Manyullyn Cleaver with luck, Necrotic, and Sharpness on it. Now I do always play with Mob Griefing off so it might be a little harder with it on but it still took maybe 30 sec. If you have griefing on just make a wither box from the wither proof blocks from Ender IO or the Mining resource laser stuff. (can't remember what it is called just search for wither and it will pop up) i did have my bow on stand by just in case. I would suggest maxing a longbow out before the fight as well.
... Ok, that's pretty cool :)

Is it... I want to say Lonsdaleite? I think that's a thing!
@Magzie Or you just trap the wither in the nether bedrock ceiling, easy fight with no risks, even with Mob Griefing on...
Also if you are playing magic mods only, then why don't you just use the Flügel Tiara from Botania? Seems like the better option imo...
... Ok, that's pretty cool :)

Is it... I want to say Lonsdaleite? I think that's a thing!
yeah that is the stuff you need allot so you'll have to have it running for a while.

@Magzie Or you just trap the wither in the nether bedrock ceiling, easy fight with no risks, even with Mob Griefing on...
Also if you are playing magic mods only, then why don't you just use the Flügel Tiara from Botania? Seems like the better option imo...
ROFL Gaia spirits...rofl...dude I didn't even want to fight the wither. I have seen dire do that fight. No thx..rofl you need like 4 of them. Beside I already decide at the start that extra Util was being used in the lp cause I wanted a Refined storage system and thought maybe I might need more power then mana could provide. Also allowed Tinkers but not none magic mats. Never did get around to using embers though.
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yeah that is the stuff you need allot so you'll have to have it running for a while.
Nice, I haven't set up a void resource miner yet but its on my to-do list - I wonder if its worth getting together the materials for a Tier 1 one and a suitable solar panel/power supply, and just letting it slowly generate stuff.

Fun Fact: Lonsdaleite is an allotrope of carbon, also known as hexagonal diamond, and is very hard stuff!