FTB Beyond Release

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quite a nice set of videos shame some of the bits are outdated , most of it is still good . The only core bit that is quite wrong is how resonating aquamarine is made as in the structure he mentions is a requirement not a suggestion.
I like his and direwolf's mod video cause they really go in depth not just reading off some wiki. I use them all the time.
Why is Draconic fusion crafting disabled and how do I enable it?
I've seen someone use Fusion Crafting in their own Beyond playthrough a while ago, so unless its a recent change it shouldn't be disabled - what's happening in your game?
Well all the cores were fusion crafted in dw20 1.10.2 but I got recipes for them in Beyond, so no need for fusion craft them.
Well all the cores were fusion crafted in dw20 1.10.2 but I got recipes for them in Beyond, so no need for fusion craft them.
Oh really? Hmm. But that doesn't mean it's disabled though. I know there was an issue with one version of DE where the injectors had to be 2 or more blocks away from the central block, but I thought that was resolved. If you're on the most recent version of Beyond, and there are no fusion crafting recipes listed in JEI (like for making awakened draconium, as an example) then I don't know what's up!
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Oh really? Hmm. But that doesn't mean it's disabled though. I know there was an issue with one version of DE where the injectors had to be 2 or more blocks away from the central block, but I thought that was resolved. If you're on the most recent version of Beyond, and there are no fusion crafting recipes listed in JEI (like for making awakened draconium, as an example) then I don't know what's up!
some version of a mod (i dont remeber which but dire mentioned it in skyfactory lets play) breaks the de's jei integration , the recipe still exists its just u cant see it
Ah, i doublechecked now and the wyvern tier is craftable by regular crafting, but draconic armor is crafted in the DE way.
Tought i remembered more draconic crafting before. Now i know atleast, ty!
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Not sure if this has been mentioned, but lowering the durability of a TiCon tool with the trait Living III (made by having a blood infused wood and iron part) with blood in the network causes the game to crash. Attempting to open the world after this continues to cause the game to immediately crash, presumably because the game is trying and failing to repair the tool?
Soo i*ve been playing FTB Beyond v1.10 for a few months now on my own small server but I couldn't realy figure out how the configs work. e.g. the config file for ProjectRed says that the generation of Ruby, Sapphire and Peridot Ore is disabled (set to false) and the generation of volcanos is disabled too, this is also correctly reflected in the ingame config menu via Mod Options, but the ores do actually spawn in my world, just the volcanos don't. So i'm wondering, is there another config file made by the FTB team that overrides the configs in the Server folders and where is it or is there something else that i'm just not aware of? Thanks to everyone in advance who knows something :)
Does anyone know if it is possible to obtain Sugarcane Seeds from agricraft in this pack? I would like to get a 10/10/10
I have tried wheat and carrots, as it says on the agricraft wiki and wheat and beetroot as says in the mutation config file of the pack, both for half an hour then ended up cheating one sugarcane seed in. The beetroot seeds aren't even compatible with agricraft, plus all the other plants shown in the json folder of agricraft don't show up ingame. Finally, the phytogenic insulator doesn't show sugarcane seeds in his crafting recipes. Until Agricraft gets updated I see no other way than to cheat those seeds in.
Darn, that's unfortunate. However, I believe that the seed mutations can be updated in the .json file in agricraft's configs. Also, they need to set a config option to "true" to allow the .json to override defaults.
I have tried wheat and carrots, as it says on the agricraft wiki and wheat and beetroot as says in the mutation config file of the pack, both for half an hour then ended up cheating one sugarcane seed in. The beetroot seeds aren't even compatible with agricraft, plus all the other plants shown in the json folder of agricraft don't show up ingame. Finally, the phytogenic insulator doesn't show sugarcane seeds in his crafting recipes. Until Agricraft gets updated I see no other way than to cheat those seeds in.
I believe some seeds require certain block ether planted on or under to generate. if you are trying for sugarcane you will need a sand block in the for it to spawn on or that is the way it used to work. Don't know about beets try check the block needed.
I believe some seeds require certain block ether planted on or under to generate. if you are trying for sugarcane you will need a sand block in the for it to spawn on or that is the way it used to work. Don't know about beets try check the block needed.
After looking through the .json for vanilla MC in the agricraft config, it seems that the mutation for sugarcane was changed to beetroot and wheat (or beetroot and carrot, can't remember--not home right now). I think this may be a result of Pam's harvestcraft (however I haven't tested it without), but it seems like the beetroot seeds aren't implemented properly, making the mutation impossible and not showing in JEI.

On a similar note, none of Pam's seeds can be used with agricraft, this is because the json files use the item ID "artichokeseedsItem", when the correct is "artichokeseedsitem". I think that pam's beets are overriding vanilla's in the mutation, and since they aren't implemented properly, the mutation can't be done.
After looking through the .json for vanilla MC in the agricraft config, it seems that the mutation for sugarcane was changed to beetroot and wheat (or beetroot and carrot, can't remember--not home right now). I think this may be a result of Pam's harvestcraft (however I haven't tested it without), but it seems like the beetroot seeds aren't implemented properly, making the mutation impossible and not showing in JEI.

On a similar note, none of Pam's seeds can be used with agricraft, this is because the json files use the item ID "artichokeseedsItem", when the correct is "artichokeseedsitem". I think that pam's beets are overriding vanilla's in the mutation, and since they aren't implemented properly, the mutation can't be done.
beetroot should still spawn in villages...maybe check that.
There is an option in the agricraft configs to make greenhouses spawn in villages, which will include random agri seeds inside, but although I turned spawning on (default in Beyond is "off") they just won't spawn in new discovered villages.
btw. you can work around those broken beet_plant by changing it to cactus_plant in the sugacane_mutation file. Wheat, Cactus and sand as soil in the middle than creates those sugarcane seeds.
Right, you can still obtain them and plant them normally, but they can't be used with crop sticks.
Some testing later...rofl. There is no recipe in JEI for sugarcane seeds. If you press r on the sugar cane it self it will show you that you can grow on crops but there isn't a mutation recipe in JEI. However there is a work around. You can scan and upgrade rice seeds. Rice can be used to make paper and you can put rice in a AA crusher to get sugar at double the amount unless you just need sugar cane in large amounts just as a whole product which I can't see why you would. Just use rice as it can be planted straight into crops. Also You can change the config option to allow vanilla planting.
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Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: Ignoring option PermSize; support was removed in 8.0
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ClassCastException: java.base/jdk.internal.loader.ClassLoaders$AppClassLoader cannot be cast to java.base/java.net.URLClassLoader

what do i do?