FTB Beyond Release

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Well, if Pam's wax and Forestry Wax are still oreDict, then I can use Pam's bee's and the presser to provide infinite capsule's. And if not, then the Centrifuge doesn't take much power at all. Plus I might not get back the glass bottles, but the capsules are designed to be single use. Plus I know they stack to 64 when empty, and glass bottles only stack to 16 I think. (Unless it's been changed. I almost never use glass bottles.)
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FTBers, I need your brains :)

I've been using AE2 succesfully for a couple of days. Now I moved it to my new ME cave and it isn't working properly anymore. Devices come online like they should, I can access the terminal, but as soon as I click a pattern the amount select UI doesn't show up, instead the entire interface's UI closes. No errors are generated in either server of client logs.

What did I change?
I built a new controller (20 blocks in a ring layout) in the new ME cave and moved most of the old (working) network downstairs (it's 30 levels lower and 2 chunks over) - old controller was removed from the network
Roughly around the same time, we updated to 1.3.0, however it was working between the update and the move.
I'm not entirely sure anymore if it ever worked after the move, I may or may not have autocrafted some items in the new location

What have I tried?
- Verified with my friend, his ME network is still working fine. He came over to my ME cave and had the same problem - would suggest it isn't client related
- Reinstalled the 1.3.0 client anyway
- Reduced the network to bare essentials: interface terminal, interface with a handful of patterns, energy acceptor - nonfunctional, but at least it should come up with the amount UI (with greyed out CPU and OK buttons)
- Removed chunk claims and my team, same problem with chunks unclaimed, recreated my team and reclaimed chunks - still no difference
- Restarted the server
- Probably a bunch of other things i've already forgotten, which may or may not even have been related to AE2 at all :)

Right now I'm not sure if I'm still doing something wrong or if i'm looking at some very obscure bug somewhere. Does anyone have any suggestions for things to try to fix this?
Could you provide a screenshot of your new controller?

Sent from my torture dungeon in the hills of Mumbai.
Not near my game PC anymore, I can provide a screenshot of that tomorrow. I said ring, I suppose hollow square with 5-block sides is a better description - 20 blocks in total. But the minimal setup doesn't even have a controller at all, just the terminal, interface and energy acceptor, and it's showing the same problem. So it doesn't appear controller related.

*edit* Managed to narrow it down, it appears to be related to the x-coordinate of the terminal. I logged an issue with AE2 (forum won't let me post links yet, it's issue #2858)
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Is there any plan to add any Open Computers addons like Computronics (which is super useful), Open Glasses, Refined Storage Driver, Actually Computers etc...
Not near my game PC anymore, I can provide a screenshot of that tomorrow. I said ring, I suppose hollow square with 5-block sides is a better description - 20 blocks in total. But the minimal setup doesn't even have a controller at all, just the terminal, interface and energy acceptor, and it's showing the same problem. So it doesn't appear controller related.

*edit* Managed to narrow it down, it appears to be related to the x-coordinate of the terminal. I logged an issue with AE2 (forum won't let me post links yet, it's issue #2858)

I would wonder if you perhaps went over your channel limit per line? It will cause intermittent issues like this. Was a quartz chunk misplaced and two lines synced together?
Do we have any updates on if rings (Angel Ring, Charms, etc..) will be able to be equipped in the Bauble slots, again? I prefer having a clean inventory and rather hate having gobs of random items just sitting in there.
I would wonder if you perhaps went over your channel limit per line? It will cause intermittent issues like this. Was a quartz chunk misplaced and two lines synced together?

The narrowed down setup I mentioned was narrowed down: 1 energy acceptor, 2 interfaces, 2 terminals. One worked, the one next to it didn't. Nope, not related to channels.
I'm not sure, I think there's a problem with the chunk loading system and entities such as Railcraft or Steve's Carts. I've tried both of them, and even when chunkloaded using the FTBU chunkload GUI, the carts and locomotives "pause" the moment they're out of the loaded area, making both of those mods nearly useless for the purpose of long distance transport.

I know I can build things like dimensional tranceivers, and ender chests and whatnot, but its one of those situations where I'd like to make a large transportation network out of cool trains, and the fact that they just blip out of existence until you visit the chunk they're in, even when the chunk is chunkloaded, makes most of railcraft somewhat useless for its primary purpose. Is there something I can do to fix this? Its just a single player world.
Railcraft's Chunkloaders are disabled in the config, and can be re-enabled by going in and changing it. Or just spawn one in. They still work, but aren't craftable. Not sure why we got stuck with just FTB Utils, but I've flat out ignored it. As far as I can tell it acts like Personal Chunkloading so it keeps it loaded, but only if you've visited it.
OK. I'll give it a try. I'm not sure its a chunkloading problem though - everything else in that area such as forestry farms, ore miners, other machines, they all appear to continue to work when claimed by FTBU chunkloader. So the chunks are clearly remaining loaded in some capacity. But even if I visit them, the moment the trains pass out of visual range, like, they stop rendering, they also seem to "pause". Maybe something in 1.10.x has changed the way out of render entities behave.

EDIT: After much messing with the configs, the anchors still don't appear. Despite having all the anchor-related options in railcraft.cfg set to true, I'm starting to think that part of the FTB modding or something is explicitly disabling them. I'll install a separate mod which provides chunk loading capability. I'm guessing they're heavily, heavily biasing their default configs towards servers, but I'm not sure the majority of the player base are on servers. Or even close.

EDIT #2: With chickenchunk loader installed the trains perform perfectly.

I can only assume this means that the actual FTBU chunkloading is not working at all. Not even the personal loading. As I test it out on areas with machines such as the RFTools Builder blocks and stuff like smelters, I can confirm that merely wandering away from supposedly "loaded" chunks causes them to stop building/loading in single player, even within the same session. Not all machines seem to behave this way, certainly the railcraft trains and the steve's carts. But maybe some machines are self-chunkloading, such as the void ore miners, which appear to function regardless.
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Railcraft's Chunkloaders are disabled in the config, and can be re-enabled by going in and changing it. Or just spawn one in. They still work, but aren't craftable. Not sure why we got stuck with just FTB Utils, but I've flat out ignored it. As far as I can tell it acts like Personal Chunkloading so it keeps it loaded, but only if you've visited it.

Yep, the fact that chunkloading doesn't persist when you log off is a bug.
Something funky appears to be going on with chests. I saw mention of it in a previous change log, but right now I'm having trouble crafting stuff that involve chests using my AE2 network. Patterns with substitutions don't work well, changing Birch Chests into regular Chests doesn't work either (crafting terminal refuses to perform completely, trying it by hand (either crafting table or actual in hand) I see the stack of Birch chests disappear from the grid, appear as regular chests in my inventory and instantly jump back into the grid as Birch chests)
Hello Fam!... I have a question concerning the Actually Additions Farmer. It has 2 sides...the left side for holding seeds..the right side for the harvest...the issue arises when the left side gets full..the seeds then begin populating the right side and once the right side is full, it no longer harvest. Can anyone think of a way to automate the extraction of the excess seeds..? AE2 would be preferred but I am open to any suggestions. Thanks bunches!
Hello Fam!... I have a question concerning the Actually Additions Farmer. It has 2 sides...the left side for holding seeds..the right side for the harvest...the issue arises when the left side gets full..the seeds then begin populating the right side and once the right side is full, it no longer harvest. Can anyone think of a way to automate the extraction of the excess seeds..? AE2 would be preferred but I am open to any suggestions. Thanks bunches!
just have anything that can take out take out just the seeds and another one for products. I don't think it will remove from the 1st slot.
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Hello Fam!... I have a question concerning the Actually Additions Farmer. It has 2 sides...the left side for holding seeds..the right side for the harvest...the issue arises when the left side gets full..the seeds then begin populating the right side and once the right side is full, it no longer harvest. Can anyone think of a way to automate the extraction of the excess seeds..? AE2 would be preferred but I am open to any suggestions. Thanks bunches!
This is actually really simple - Actually Additions itself implements a good method for this - the ESD (basically a side-configurable hopper). It can be used to pull out the excess seeds, and will not empty the seed side - @Magzie is spot on there! :) But anything should work.
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