Feed the City [Ultimate Pack][1.4.6][Whitelist][Survival][Filmed]

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my IGN is j_physco
I have applied before and I still want in

I would still like to be a Technical Builder
my best work sadly was on a sever that has since reset and changed drasticly
but I would also make a good grunt.

Hear is a simple railcraft elevator I built
Position:Grunt/Bee Apprentice
I'm not that good at technical stuff or aesthetic builds but I always love to help other people to finish their awsome builds. I also love bees but I'v never gotten really far into it, so I'm more then helpful to assist Lady_Oolong:). I didn't post any screenshots becuse I didn't tink I need to post any for a Grunt/Apprentice position.
ign: crimsolongo
position: grunt
I like to explore the world,caves fighting with some creepers and monsters :D I like to be helpful to be a good team player :)
IGN: Lokalike
Position: Technical Builder, can do what I'm told too.
About me: Currently playing on Tahg's server, doing my own stuff and just playing. Whilst that is relaxing and all kinds of fun I'd also want to be a part of a bigger project with more people involved. I like building over engineered systems to do things that maybe a single forestry block can do. Following are a couple of pictures of just these kinds of things.

A tree farm that detects growth and replants after cutting down, also collects falling saplings.
A harvester/replanter for 1 block high plants, refills the "seed supply" and stores the overflow.

A few samples of what I like to do. If these kind of systems are of interest for the City, feel free to give me a poke :)

Thank you for your consideration!
IGN: xChery
Application for: Grunt.
I just really enjoy to do cave digging and seeing every part of the world, I also enjoy being helpful so I can just simply collect a whole bunch of stuff when I'm needed to.
IGN: rickrage12
Position: Technical Builder
Examples: I put together an album of photos from the last server I was on with some friends, it is here. It consists of some aesthetic building, but mostly a self sustaining IC2/BC power network and logistics pipe powered sorting/building system. It uses Mystcraft and RailCraft to bridge the connection between lava source, oil source, and quarry in another dimension. Computer Craft is also integrated within the are in the form of farming automation and GPS coordinate system. That's all I can really think of off the top of my head.
Added Details: I agree with what you said in the main post, that you want the insides of the houses to be as mind blowing as the outside. This is my "field of expertise." I enjoy making my builds extremely useful and robust. An idea would be full integration of all the different areas, via perhaps BC piping. This way different zones with different fortes could all be build into one large network that anyone could pull from at any time and multiple different locations. That's how I tend to design my community based projects!

Look forward to seeing the server blossom, as it surely will!
IGN: hatecreeper
Application for: Grunt !
I love the modding section and i love FTB. I came to it trough DW20 when i was searching for RP2 Stuff which should be around 8 months ago.
I am not a pro in all these mods, i like to do a little bit of everything. Some more, other less. I followed all of you (Pahicraft/Forgecraft) guys now also around 8 months and i really enjoyed watching videos and all the great livestreams. Mostly i am watching your stream morvy (and of course arashi, Jaded, slow,eddie and all the other guys :p).
Screens.. yeah. Im sorry but i dont know what i should show you.
I am no one special, just a regular who wants to help their favorite streamers. So if there is a free slot and you want a girl who has a lot of time and interest for Minecraft then.. - here i am :D
Thats all for now, see you :)
IGN: LordMortvana
Position: Apiarist if possible, I guess I'd be a farmer or an aesthetic builder if I can't breed the bees.
I hate going into dark areas off of peaceful, and almost always play on peaceful so this might will be a challenge.
A picture of my decent a mostly completed balcony on my server

And I know the combinations for all but two of the vanilla bees of the top of my head, I'm working on Extra Bees, and after that Thaumic Bees!
IGN: epicWTFboom
position: tech builder or farmer, I will not combine mechanical machinery and whatnot with farming, it takes the fun out, and I know alot of most mods that add technology.
Can't include a screenshot sadly, due to computer issue ATM, il fix this shortly.
I'd like to see some major plantations going on in the city with every crop :D
Hope im accepted / considered
IGN: DarkCookie23
Position: Bee Apprentice/Grunt
I would love to just be helpful.
Im sorry i have no pretty pictures but i just had to wipe my computer.


i know its not much nor pretty but i just through these together


generator running on creosote

mini magmatic generator


first attempt at an auto bee keeping setup
sorry about the glass
IGN: jeza333
Position: technical builder or grunt

I have not played on any servers but was about to set up a small one to do a similar idea to this one, but then I saw this. Sadly I do not have any screenshots of anything half decent at the moment due to problems with my computer. I have been really interested in this project as it simply sounds awesome. I am still getting used to some of the mods, such as forestry and I have tried to build some more complex designs; some worked; some didn't, however I would not mind being a grunt either.

Earlier you were asking for what we would like to have included in the city and my suggestion is to make an automatic cake factory that automatically milks cows (I have build one) and stores excess milk in iron tanks. The cakes could then be bought from trade-o-mats.

Thank you for reading this application.
IGN: Strubinator
Position: Aesthetic builder or Technical builder.
Pretty good with redpower, I have started to get into the computers a bit, i'm a computer science major so I can learn how to program these things pretty quick.
As for Aesthetic builder, I have some buildings I made on the world of keralis vanilla creative server. I was also the head admin of a tekkit server, and did nearly all of spawn, until I decided to ditch tekkit for a FTB server. Screenshots below.
For some reason, I cant post png images, so here is a link to some imageshack albums.
One of my early vanilla builds.
A vanilla house done in creative.
A house I did in my tekkit city, in creative. The interior wasnt completely finished, but it featured a frame elevator in the garage controlled by a redpower computer.
My whole city The city was never completed, so the interiors and details have not been done. After I had gotten a lot of the city done, I was somewhat dissatisfied with it, so in the end, I was just trying to get everything built to open the server(The server was never opened) and then work on a much larger city that would be much better planned out. If you are wondering why its round, the original idea was to have a bubble city with a force field, but obviously the larger buildings would have stuck though. The outer wall was going to be turned into a railway to connect the whole map, with a main station in one of the chunks of empty space. Among other things that were going to be built, a pub in the residential area, a subway with numerous entrances, and working factories, both underground and in lots outside the wall. It never got finished, however, because I realized tekkit was dead, and wanted something new. Hence, ftb. Also, that main tower has computer controlled lights. The original program added 20 seconds to the ping, so I just had it on a 10 min timer to change the lit faces. That was literally my first tower ever, I have come up with a few concepts since then.

Obviously, I build modern mainly, but if I put my mind to it, I am pretty decent at other styles.

Current FTB project, an array of massive octagon oil rigs in the ocean as a base. Each with its own function, factory, power supply, bees, agriculture, train station etc. Rather new to a lot of what FTB offers, so I have been playing like normal with a few friends.

Hope you like :)

Edit: Looked at the OP. Hmm, something that could be implemented into the city.
A little pub would be nice. Could be a tavern looking thing, with booze barrels in the cellar, and a hop farm in the back.
I like malls too, a nice, large building somewhere in the city, where a few people can set up shop and sell goods, but that might not work for a community that is working together on one project, but it would look rather neat.
One idea I did have. Basically, you have a giant hangar, and inside, you have something that manufactures aircraft(frames) for various uses. Either using prebuilt modules put together with frames, or have it constructed with turtles. Type a command in a computer, and in a few minutes, have a fresh redpower frame machine to deploy. That or just store a bunch of them.
IGN: DarkCookie23
Position: Bee Apprentice/Grunt
I would love to just be helpful.
Im sorry i have no pretty pictures but i just had to wipe my computer.

Well if you want to work with bees, explain to us what your knowledge level with bees, or go in creative and show us what you got. :)

-Admin, Feed The City Server
TheBrostepGuy, Aesthetical Builder.
I specialize in making modern architecture and Buildings on a large scale, although im not too bad a redstone either...
One thing I would like to see in the city is an iron golemn farm
IGN: SxeErden
I am applying for the Technical Builder. i have been playing with ftb since the map was released at 1.1 mc and have been fallowing its dev period. another note if you had ever seen slowpoke when he first started making his map he had like 10-15 viewers tops now he has thousands and you have started hitting the 400 range u hoped for so congrats(from a following )
I've made many builds through my my modding life which started around mc 1.8.1 before that i was another gullible vanilla player i took some Screen Shots and put them on imgur from 1.2.5-1.4.6 here's the link to check them out. i like building more compact machines but lately I've started making them more spread out.

you can see a few of my sorting machines from rp2,buildcraft,logistic pipes and even golems(very cpu intensive) and alot of automation.

and if i don't make it to the server i would like someone to build a rp2 frames space station or airship on top of the city because on most servers i been on i have build one or a big rp2 frames gate that opens up the city.
IGN: Cypherwulfe

Position: Grunt

I have been described by one of my friends as obsessive when given a task, and also he sometimes calls me a tinker gnome. I am a big fan of automation, and tend to go overboard as far as making things as simple and as automated as possible.

I have watched, and know of a lot of the communities ability to make and build contraptions and constructions far better than I can. I would simply love the ability to be able to learn from, and work with some of the best builders, tinkerers, and designers the MC community has to offer. I am infatuated with bees and would love the opportunity to work with that area as well.

I am more than willing to do nothing more than pave the whole map with cobblestone if that is what is requested of me.

Edit: Finally got my beekeeping system done, and I offer it as part of my application. You only need seed the aviary with the species of bees you want to breed, and it will upbreed the bees to an end destination of your choosing.

Shot of the beekeeper visiting a hive:

Another, of him in his bay charging and unloading his goods. He dumps combs and other items in the chest on the left of the bay:

Finally, a cross section also showing our little scientist turtle hard at work choosing the correct bees to breed into the hives next:

I appreciate the consideration from she who bears the rite ofPrima Sqee-ti.
IGN: robertcarr22
Position: Grunt

I first heard about this server watchingMorvelaira's stream and was instantly interested in the idea of having a mixture of beautiful buildings and advanced technical builds that include multiple mods working together flawlessly.

The position of 'grunt' fits me perfectly as I may not be able to lead a group in a big project but I am a great team player. Being a sociable and helpful person I like to work with people to create things, this is why I love the idea of this server! You get to meet people from all over the world who all have a common interest with you!

I have not played on a huge amount of servers as its very difficult to find servers that are mature enough for my liking. I played on the Vanilla Reddit servers for several months (taking a break from modded minecraft) and thoroughly enjoyed working with people to create amazing buildings but after griefing became a real nuisance I moved on.

I am very experienced with mods, having played with them since 1.1, and love how advanced redpower is and also the vast amount of possibilities that come with using computercraft makes it one of my favourite mods.

As I am not applying for a builder type position I am not sure whether you would like a photo of my builds. If you do, just ask and I will get some added to this post :)

Thanks for reading and good luck to everyone applying! :)

P.S. My rabbit :D
IGN: Mikkel399
Position: Technical Builder

I have played with most of the mods in FTB since Minecraft was beta (The ones that existed in beta) so I am good with the older mods and I have a lot of experience with them.
I would like to apply for the Technical builder since it it is what I like to do, I am not one of the extreme good people but I think I can do a few things. If you either got enough Technical Builders or I am not good enough for it I would like to be Grunt. I like to work together with people and build complex systems and I will try to make stuff look better too.

Here is a screenshot of something I just builded for applying here.
It is an automated grinder and smelter. It is made to work with different types of ores but the outputs will needed to be added. I tried to make it look nice and make it compact.

The thing i would like to see added to the server would be an awesome transport system for both items and players made out of high speed rails. (Teleportation is OP)
IGN: 0positivo

I fall definitively into the City Planner category. It's something that just comes natural to me, planning and making schemes of towns, installments, cities, facilities... More than one big box to do them all, I really enjoy the concept of a complessive whole, with several things that link up together. I really love making long and complex rail networks, which is something I've developed a knack of

A couple of my past builds in the first spoiler:

This album contains a lot of crap, but a couple pictures from the server I was the admin of. The ship that is shown in a couple of the pictures was an unfinished project based on this

Here is an Frame airship I built for my server
Here is a trailer of the server I used to run, the world was heavily built by me to ensure maxium awesomeness for my users (you can see here how much I do actual World planning)
Here is a small build made with one of the first version of Forestry
Here is quite of an old relic... this was using one of the first versions of industrialcraft
This this and this are some other old examples of builds and city planning

Down here is another application I made. It contains a lot more information about me should you be interested

Age: 22 years old
Timezone: Central European (GMT+1)
IGN: 0positivo

Since I don't like list and think they are rather soulless, excuse me if I write a bit of a post. I've been burned out of minecraft for quite a bit. I started playing (started playing a good 2 years ago, was 1.2 beta if I recall correctly) and I immediately started looking for a way to make the game experience shared.

Back then I found an awesome whitelisted server, Epic Saga Online. There, thanks to the admin, I made friends and got into the amazing community, and learned all kind of tricks from survival gamers and builders alike. With time, I gained the trust of the admin, who made me Operator to handle the ingame moderation for him. I even supervised a pretty massive new world change, building a nexus for the world and defining the playground (I even still have the save for that one, was rather fond of that build, and if you look at reuben4boston on youtube, he happens to have a couple of videos on the subject).

Of course, everything sooner or later ends. And so did ESO. By that time, I was already tired of the default minecraft. That's when I discovered industrialcraft, in one of its first iterations. From there, I started following more and more mods, basically trying everyone I humanly could.

But playing alone was fun up to a certain point. So when all the mods I really enjoyed became multiplayer compatible, I jumped on the opportunity. Using the knowledge from my OP days, I founded a server myself, Eudora.

I always like to say that for a short while, that was actually the place where I hosted the multiplayer testings for SirSengir as he made Forestry. I still have the save of the base we built together.

Eudora ran for a good year, with both veterans from ESO and new users joining in the community (I always made sure that everyone was fit to a community environment: if someone proved to be distruptive, I kindly asked him to leave, after giving him a savefile of what he had built). The server was expensive, but I could afford it, and that allowed me to avoid asking for donations. Eventually, tho, I realized just how stressful administrating a server really is. So, when I started being bored of minecraft, I really didn't have the will to continue. And thus this other experience ended (here and here are some videos I made about the server)

Now, after a good 6 months, I'm starting to dig minecraft once more. But I don't want to bother with all the administrative stuff behind starting the server once more (and promoting it, too). That is why I'm looking for a good, small community of people. Playing alone is fun to a certain point. The amount of new mods and improvements on the old ones is really amazing, and I'm really digging the added difficulty of Gregtech, as well as all those other cool stuff.

I am mostly a cooperative player: it's likely I will find a couple people that I run around and have a good relationship with, or just build contraptions for communal use (like a power plant for everyone to hook up). I tend to really like building towns for that very reason. I really care for aesthetics, which often means I don't build machines until I have a proper "decoration" for the machine room, and stuff like that. I am a big fan of steampunky looks, as the videos above will probably testimony. Teamspeak would be amazing and, while I don't write much on forums, I do read a lot on them

It also helps that the additional mods you plan on using are some of my favorite additions

So, if you are looking for a friendly Italian, who has a weird mix of accent to spice up your teamspeak and likes building cities with other people, that's me, 0positivo

Thanks for reading through this amount of text