Position: Aesthetic Builder and/or Technical Builder ..... or Grunt 
Hey my names nXsis, been playing MC for about a year and a half, year of it on modpacks.
I feel I can bring some valuable contribution to the server through my aesthetic building mainly.
I ran a town with some other people in the golden days of IonGaming's Tekkit server (200ish people) in which I did considerable amounts of builds in both the creative area and technical for the town such as running a nuclear power plant to power the entire 65+ person town and run it into each house, expanding the town and building the servers mall.
I would have posted screenshots off some of the builds here, however the majority of my work got griefed back on the old server because someone bypassed the nuke ban (good old Tekkit).
I also have a vast amount of experience with the majority of the mods included in the FTB modpacks.
I hope i can help you create a great server

Hey my names nXsis, been playing MC for about a year and a half, year of it on modpacks.
I feel I can bring some valuable contribution to the server through my aesthetic building mainly.
I ran a town with some other people in the golden days of IonGaming's Tekkit server (200ish people) in which I did considerable amounts of builds in both the creative area and technical for the town such as running a nuclear power plant to power the entire 65+ person town and run it into each house, expanding the town and building the servers mall.
I would have posted screenshots off some of the builds here, however the majority of my work got griefed back on the old server because someone bypassed the nuke ban (good old Tekkit).
I also have a vast amount of experience with the majority of the mods included in the FTB modpacks.
I hope i can help you create a great server