Feed the City [Ultimate Pack][1.4.6][Whitelist][Survival][Filmed]

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IGN IIdanielNL Technical Builder

I really like building complicated machines and contraptions in minecraft. Even in vanilla Minecraft i used redstone a lot. I always wished that there was more automation in minecraft so, when i discovered redpower2 i was really excited because it can make a lot of things in minecraft automatic. After playing with that for a bit i combined redpower2 with different mods but i wanted more, i wanted to build machines and connect them to a bigger network on a server. But in none of the servers i played on this was possible because everyone has his own goal. This server makes this possible because everyone has a shared goal. And because of the different roles it also makes it a lot easier to work together.

The most complicated thing i have build with redstone is a machine that copies binary data from an piston based ROM (it had 32 bytes) to a repeater based memory. The only mod items that i used were microblocks and red alloy wire from redpower2. I think have more potential then this tough.

Some of the mods that i use alot: computercraft, industrial craft, buildcraft, wireless redstone.

I hope that i can help you because i'm really excited!
Heyo o/

IGN: Rebornneo

Position: just... read.

I'd love to be on this server to help out. I'd like to think I'm good at using redpower, but to be honest it's been quite a while since I've played with mods in any serious way. I'm currently still learning, but I learn quick. I'm also practiced in ic2, but the complex additions I haven't had the chance to play with yet.

Anyway, I can't confidently say that I'm 'awesome' at any specific mods, but I'm a good abstract and logical thinker and like to be helpful.

Whatever the case, I refuse(politely) to be called a grunt.

<3 Hearts
IGN: AnodeCathode

Position: Technical Builder

Gallery of some stuff I've built: http://imgur.com/a/QUHC2

I love playing modded MC and have had a ton of fun doing it. I mostly enjoy the technical side of things so I'm more focused on how my FORTH code works than the aesthetics (I appreciate them, just don't seem to have the knack for doing it). Attached a link to a gallery of some things I built on an old SMP world as well as some of the newer things I'm building in my private SMP world. I'm very good with RP2 IC2 and have the google-fu to get up to speed quickly with changes to mods and vanilla.

Really enjoy being part of a server so I'd love to be a part of yours and contribute as I can.

Thanks for your consideration.

Hello. I am applying for the position of grunt. My ingame name is smdurbin and my twitch name is shadowwolf1978. I have been playing minecraft for a little while now and am still learning the mods. I feel that if I am accepted onto the server I will make a good grunt and still be able to learn the mods. It will be a great opportunity to work and play with some awesome people.
Hello everyone!

IGN: Silvera_Sea

Position: Grunt

Why would I be a good Grunt:

I basically excel at nothing, but I can follow directions and I like to help others and see the awesome things they create. I can fetch ores, I can act as a creeper shield, and I can work as a test subject for anyone who needs a guinea pig.

Small Skills/Shortcommings:

Unfortunately, any of my larger, creative builds are on worlds that I previously deleted, to make way for modded worlds. I do have some images of a sprawling building, thrown together without any previous planning or diagram to follow, but honestly it’s not that impressive. The one thing I can say good about it is that at least it is not a box. I am doing it for a vanilla challenge, so I'm now more focused on meeting the requirements than aesthetics, though I do like focusing on the smaller touches… I’ll post some images just so you can get the jests. Imgur: http://imgur.com/sfGU2,Ryy59,0hrY1,g46nz,6ys3h,MOnoo,yxSAW,BsSvr,SDdyn,PMfky#0 This building is not complete, and will definitely be made more symmetrical.

I am a complete noob with vanilla redstone, let alone anything from industrial craft, buildcraft, and all other technical mods. I do know Thaumcraft 3 (The most recent public release, that is), and Xycraft, which is useless XD

I have modified textures to fit into the packs that I use, but they are even less impressive than my buildings, and since I base my textures off of previously made textures, I won't upload them. I use Paint.net. I am not that good at texturing and am not applying to become your main artist, but I can do the more menial and mundane tasks if needed.

A couple of other things that you might need to know:

I have a slow laptop and minecraft lags a lot, even in single player. Also, while my timezone says that I run on Los Angeles time, I am currently in France visiting relatives for several months, but will be back in Washington around March. So currently my time will most likely not sync so well with others. I can stay up late and be on around noon to four or five pm LA time, depending. I have an account on Minecraft Forms: SilveraSea, but all that I've really posted that might be of interest are more photos of the same building I posted a link of above for the Darkness Beyond challenge, that kind of show how the building evolved with each challenge. I have been playing Minecraft since before Beta but after the Nether Halloween update, but I have yet to visit the end and beat the Enderdragon or Wither. I've only just last year started playing with mods, but I've never added more than three or four to a clean minecraft.jar.

I know I'm not the most qualified person, but I would like to be able to play with others, and learn about FTB from more experienced players. Thanks for taking the time to read over this, and whether or not I get accepted, I hope you find the people you're looking for Morvelaira!

I´m firefloris (IGN) and I want to apply for the position of Technical Builder. I have been playing modded minecraft since direwolf does it and I am still having alot of fun playing modded minecraft. Especcially since the FTB modpack came out.

My goal is to automate EVERYTHING, and then i mean everything. From producing copper and tin to automating making quantumsuits (got much harder since gregtech though).

I have made alot of things but most of them are lost or are not very neat, so I build some in creative.
I hope I provided enough information about me and I'm looking forward to see you on the server!

IGN: Mikkel399
(Teleportation is OP)

Portal Guns are discouraged and linking books are banned on this server. The only people who can give linking books are the City Planners and Morv. LInking book guideline came from Morv herself.
Teleportation will not be tolerated on this server unless very necessary.
I am applying to be a Grunt always good to help out other people
Im young not very young tho (Not giving age yet) i am quite the builder i use too have my own server (Tekkit and default) i have played alot of tekkit. And a bit of FTB i know the simple stuff like basic CC Programming and IC2
I don't have any screenshots at the moment but if you need them just message back and ill give you some good ones
EDIT:Sorry i know apps are closed but i forgot my idea. So here it is (I think we should have some shops and maybe a texturepack? and by shops i mean city shops not plugins :P) Also fun fact i call computercraft computers PC and RP2 ones MAC :D
Hi there!
I'm FastmanEX (IGN) and I am applying to be Lady Oolong's bee keeping assistant! Personally, I've come to love bees, and I would simply adore the chance to collaborate on numerous bee-related and unrelated projects around your server.

Well, what makes me special? Honestly, Nothing can set me above or even on the same par of all of these other applicants besides my individuality and personality. I am a very persistent person when it comes to a project, and that trait has allowed me to develop my skills as a player, thinker, and designer. Combining my personality with my passion for large and ridiculous projects, anything can be accomplished! (Well, almost anything ;D).

Coming back to the reason I'm applying, I want a community based server where everyone is united towards the same goal, but still distanced enough to keep a certain ground. I can see that one of the ways I can contribute is through my new liking for bees. It doesn't seem like many people are interested in bees much longer, and that's mainly because of the limitations set on them. Mods like extra bees and factorization (My two favorite mods as of the moment, besides the rest of them :3) Have seemed to renew my creative spark and give me a better understanding of the Feed the beast pack itself. Since the start up of the application process began, I started using my free time to think of ways I could show you how much I'd love to use bees, but then I realized that doing bee work is a monotonous process, unless it's spiced up! So I have been prototyping Ideas of different projects I could use to make bee-breeding easier. Located below is my first prototype of a project for bee automation.

I call this machine the Bee-Master 1000!(c)
This machine was designed to receive a large portion of bees from the start, and endlessly produce your specified honey combs, and if needed, a random breeding chance if multiple species of bees and drones are included. It runs off of logic from Factorization's Router(A wonderful piece of art) and utilizes it to summon an endless stream of honey combs and drones without a bulky BC set up. And the best part of using the routers, All that is needed to expand the system is a couple of blocks with a persistent inventory,(I used furnaces) attached to the new apiary at any point.

This machine uses a total of 10 Routers, 8 for extraction, and 2 for re-adding in the drones and princesses.

Alvearies too expensive for your taste? Use apiaries in a clustered design for effective honey comb production!

Besides this machine, I took a lot of effort creating a central hub for the bees and bee products, and came up with the perfect Idea, The Hive!


As the Hive processing center is still in production, and is not yet fully stocked, I have no more to show you on the matter, But wait! with enough rooms for 3 floors and an included bee breeding meadow, there's no way you could reject the potential of the Hive! I look forward to expanding my Ideas for the hive with you all on this amazing server, especially you, Lady Oolong :)

Sadly, These designs were the only ones I could come up with in the 4 day time frame I had to plan these things out, But hopefully the cries of a million hopes have not reached deaf ears, and my hopes to fill the city with bees and bee related things were not thrown into an empty void, never to be seen again. However, I hope to be working with you great people in the future, and don't worry, I have plenty more Ideas to make bee work hands-on and less monotonous, Including an automated temperature adjusting alveary, and more wonderful things! I hope you take my application into consideration <3
1. Please state your in game name, and which position you're applying for. (Yes, I'd like you to pick one.)
In-Game-Name: Tatsu011 (it is also my Twitch and Youtube name)
Position I'd like to get: Hybrid Technic / Astetic Builder
Position in case the above is covered too well: Bee Apprentice.

2. Please post any examples you have of work you've done in the past that may qualify you for this. In the case of Technical and Aesthetic Builders, screenshots are best!

I made the base, and the base ring of the tree. My own personal grunt built it up. This is for a future map I plan to build with the FTB Ultimate modpack.

In-progress level design for the map. Each of those door are going to lead to a different challenge. Some will be puzzles, others will be mob slaying spawns of doom. Again, made the base pattern, my buddy built the pattern all the way up to the top floor. (the top of the tree is to have a completely different pattern I will post more pictures if I can get access back to my server to show it)
UPDATE: Added a few more more recent images.

The Altar-seed upon the top of the great tree. No those are not normal leaf blocks.

A finished first floor.

Factory I am working on in SMP:

Intended to be a lab thats designed to manage everything and at the same time can be easily expanded upon.

Bee / Tree system with the same expandable system.

3. Tell me a little detail you'd love to see worked into the city somewhere - even if I don't happen to choose you, I will try to work it in somewhere!
A design similar to the tree as a thaumic mage tower.
I would like to join you server my in name name is nuggreat and I would like one of the of the technical builder. I am best with red power but i am know how to use all of the major mods in the ftb packs.

The image below is of a set up that takes ore and runs it through the factorization processing using mostly red power.

The next image is of a set up that supplies bog earth and humus to forestry farms build using build craft in a fully self sustaining proses. I have also done the same with red power but i sadly have no picture for that.

Lastly this is a frame quarry capable of digging in all 6 detections unfortunately the code is still to buggy for general use. (note this was built in 1.2.5 hence the lack of tube frames)

If you have any question about the above images pleas ask me and I will be happy to clarify anything.
I thank you for considering my request to join you server and wish you a good day.
id like to apply for a city planner im good at vanilla bulding and have a good artistic vison not good at red stone or a grunt im good at mindless work too
ive bult a ton of huge buldings but dont have any screenshots bult football felds and conert halls and skyscrappers
i would love to see a geosentric dome /green house or a meat packing company
in game name 24eleried
he goes nothing:cool:

ign jamedewolf

technical builder/grunt i can do both

i build simple and logical set up using most of the mod will to learn anything i need to get the job done welling to give a hand to any one
my simple is the file attached

idea: to make a robust transport system use most of the mods effectively across the world


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IGN: Mirabela

I previously applied for the position of Aesthetic Builder and that's the position I'm still interested in.

Here are a few screenshots of a build I did really recently. It's supposed to be a modern but Victorian inspired house although I just finished putting the roof on the build (last night as of the day I am posting this) and so it still looks a little rough and I haven't had a chance yet to put on all the finishing touches but hopefully you find it a decent representation of the work I can do.

I also know Gewitters who is currently whitelisted on the server and I'm sure he would give me a recommendation.



This was built on a modded survival server in a void age. The builds around the house were done by others.
Hi there morv! I just saw that this was re-open and would love to be apart of this awesome project.
My IGN is: Chippa88
I would like to apply for grunt or atheistic builder I am putting some builds together now in creative to show you, but if I don't get them done in time I am fine with being a grunt. I am very good at following orders and doing general building up walls and circles and stuff like that along with going mining for ores or stone for other builds.
I do have a letter of recommendation from a former admin of my old server that I now play with on my own server, It is located below. If I can get my build done before apps close I will have screen shots.
Thanks for you time and have a nice day :)

Edit: here are some screen shots of a quick build. I is a kitchen made out of redpower blocks and ic2 machines as the appliances and the roof is a solar powered roof which makes it a fully working kitchen.
To Whom It May Concern my name is Ryan Bower (Bowerpowers). I was one of many Admins on a server that belonged to a Youtuber named Leptir1 for many years. His server was frequently visited and at a time had upwards of one-hundred members and players. Our staff was small and our server had taken many changes over the years from creative to builder and each time Chip (Chippa88) was able to rise to the occasion and impress me as well as many of the other staff. Chip (Chippa88) was able to very early in the servers history become one of our prominent builders as well as trusted staff. He was in charge of many responsibilities such as tracking and repairing grief, helping with player grievance and providing assistance to new players. He was able to accomplish all of this as well as build many large impressive builds and intuitive builds.
my IGN is daker41
and i would like to be a grunt as i like to mine endlessly for hours on end and i like repetative tasks such as building walls
well anything tedious i love it im not great with asthetics but i can also do technical build but not well
Hiya Morvelaira.
IGN: Jakelope
Position: Grunt
I've previously posted an application, with pictures of a build I was in the process of building. I've restarted the build, using new materials, placed by hand. It now has:

A Poolhall


A Tavern


There is also room in between the floors for RP2 wiring, Bluetricity wiring, or Pneumatic Tubes for moving items.
Thank you for taking time to read this application, and thanks for running an awesome looking server!
In-Game-Name: SilentThief
Position: Grunts
My Work / Experience: Well, to start off with, I love scavanging for materials for servers, and sharing them with the server members. I know the "y" coordinates to look for valuble materials.
Something I would like to see worked into the city: Well, to be honest I would like to see a public "liquid center", for biofuel, biomas, oil, seed oil, and etc. That would give the new members a head-start on making useful machines for their houses, and their buildings.
IGN: ace223
Position: Technical Builder or Grunt

I would just like to say, that i am not the best at writing an application form at all, but i am giving it a shot. As stated above i can be a Technical Builder i have a really good understanding of how all the mods work and how they interact (other then ComputerCraft coding..) not as good as the likes of some experts but i can use all the mods to my advantage. If not chosen to be a technical builder, i am happy to be someones close assant, i will and can follow orders to achieve a general goal.
As for the order of screenshots i just had my last computer die on me, and my new one shipped in so i am sorry but i have no screenshots to show you.

Something i would like to see in the server? well that would so have to be a nice RP2 windmill (not the vertical ones) out in a farm sort of field crops growing all around and animals wondering freely. Thank you for your time reading this.