Feed the City [Ultimate Pack][1.4.6][Whitelist][Survival][Filmed]

  • The FTB Forum is now read-only, and is here as an archive. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord! https://ftb.team/discord
1.IGN: HAYOCORPS,I would hope to be a Technical Builder
2.Things i'm best at are going above and beyond with my builds,for example in my 1.2.5 world for my biomass prduction i made 20 fermenters and 20 stills being ran off of 15 combustion engines,15 peat engines,and 6 biogas engines,i am ok with aestetics,when i realy want to i can build something pretty,i am great with most of the tech mods,the one im best with his railcraft.
3.I would very much hope that the city would contain nice public things,there isnt enough of it anymore,i'm talking about a public machine room,public farms,a place to trade goods via trade stations/trade-o-mats,i dont mean share everything with everyone,but a little workshop of start-off machines for people to use would be nice,and i would love to pitch in with building it.

Hope you like my application :)

blah blah blah blah blab application that will never be read.

Good day, since you failed to read any instructions (which my gawd my post was right above yours) or follow the rules of the first post (It's in big red letters at that) your application WILL NEVER BE CONSIDERED.

Guys APPLICATIONS are closed until Morvy gets back after the new year. WAIT to put your apps in, it will save you the trouble and us the laughs.
You know what it's for future refrences,and the last thing you need to do is be rude about it,and i did read the original post,it did not contain the "APPS ARE NOW CLOSED" until recently,so you can sstop now.
Um, the "applications are now closed" has been there for nearly a month. As the person who put it there, I know.
my in game name is littlemaster7479
Position: Technical builder/ city planner i am pretty good with redstone i understabd it but it doesnt always work out but i am great with force fields.i am great with planning . i have built a nice underwater atlantis with force fields and ive been working with mffs witch is easy.
i think force fields and magic should be there.
Thanks for the oppertunity:)
1.IGN-bradkiller62 City Planner Or General Builder
2.I would love to be the Build Designer or just a general builder , As a memebr of the voxelbox, I've built many city's on the voxelbox server, Im good with planning out city, Im good at choosing places to put things like maybe a church on-top of a hill with gardens surrounding it.

3.I want would love to see and would make the city a little more detailed is street lights that turn off and on at day and nigh. with cables running underground into a control building with switches and everything.

Signed Bradkiller62
1. NimeniAltu666
2. I'd like to be a builder :D, I can create amazing building with microblocks, but also I love technical building, building with mods is awesome, especially RedPower 2 frames can make awesome crazy things
3. I have just one screenshot, cause recently i needed to reinstall my Windows... Probably you are not gonna believe me but ... yeah ... This screenshots are from my frriend, i have him these once :)

This is my frame quarry :), it's not as compact as it couuld be, it's gor it's own sorting and processing system in the back. It was quite a challenging build for me, cause i'm not that good with Computercraft.
Here another photo of it:
1. NimeniAltu666

1.IGN-bradkiller62 City Planner Or General Builder

my in game name is littlemaster7479

I think you guys need to understand and read some of the thread. Apps are closed, and those apps that are put in while closed are NOT going to be considered at ALL. Should have followed directions, and realized that apps put in while apps are closed, won't be considered. You have my posts on this page, Morvys posts on previous pages, and in big bold letters on the front page saying apps are closed.

The day you've been waiting for is here. Feed the City server is once again taking applications to join. The positions we're looking to fill are slightly different this time around, though our requirements are similar.

Aesthetic Builder: If you think you've got the chops to make the world pretty, apply for this position. We're going for a steampunk feel, though design decisions still have yet to be made for specific districts of the city. Make your voice heard!

Technical Builder: Make things useful, and help figure out how to make the Aesthetic Builder's vision reality. While all applications will be considered, we are currently looking for people with Red Power and Factorization expertise.

Grunts: Do you just want to be helpful, and can follow directions? Then this spot is for you.

Bee Apprentice: Our lovely Lady_Oolong has been hard at work, getting us set up with Bees. With the addition of Extra Bees, though, she could use some help! Show us your bees!

Texture Pack Artist: The server has been using the John Smith TR texture pack from these forums. We really like it, but there's some things we wish were different, and we don't want to bother the current maintainers all the time to keep two separate packs going. They're fine with modifications to their work (or so they've told me) so we're looking to have our own resident texture pack artist.

To apply, please state your in-game name (IGN), the position you're applying for, and any proofs you have as to why you'd be good at that position. Screenshots are always good, as well as recommendations from current server members help. If you applied previously and are still interested, go ahead and post letting us know you still want in. Any additional pictures or information is welcome as well.

Applications will be open until Friday night. Can't wait to see the response!
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My name is Iluvgotes and I'm applying to be a Technical Builder on your FEED THE CITY(echos) server. I consider myself very good at all the mods involved in ftb with the exception of Forcefields and Mystcraft. I consider my self an expert in Redpower, StevesCarts, Thermal Expansion, and Rail Craft. I'm more then happy to supply you with info of current people I play with in PMs.

I have played on many servers including a hardcore "feed the city" server i made with a friend, that collapsed because of the holidays. I really love the concept of people working together for no real personal gain with the exception of a little pride. I like to yak on skype/TS about anything from my kids and cartoons to why we park on drive ways and drive on parkways.

Thanks for reading my application hope to hear from you soon.

Update: Some screenies for a few things ive made lately
IGN: Dr_Makebot
A.K.A. : The Anachronistic Engineer
Position: Technical Builder
Little Detail I would like worked into the city: Street lamps that come on automatically at night time.

I have been doing technical stuff with minecraft since I first started playing with redstone back in vanilla, although I never got beyond making increasingly mad piston doors.
The main thing I seem to be building at the moment is power plants of varying sorts. To date, the best example of this is a completely automated IC2 nuclear power plant that was designed to provide power to all the people on a server I used to play on. I can't provide any photos of it however because:
a) It was never finished, as the guy who was writing the computercraft code got bogged down with University work.
b) It was a Tekkit (yes, I know, booo etc) server, so a major part of the plant was its EE Uranium generator, which is now useless.
On the front of things I can show pictures of:

A self contained Biofuel Plant. It has two "lines" with the intention being it gets excess wheat from a forestry farm on one side and the excess seeds (as IC2 plant balls) on the other. All machines are gated, so the engines only run if they have work.


A small forest of self re-sailing RP2 windmills. Couldn't get automated sail production to work though, as managers confuse me and RP2 pipes don't like BC autocrafting benches very much.


Taking the wind farm idea to it insane conclusion, here we have a mystcraft void dimension with permanent storms. All those bat boxes will full in less than 7 minuets.



Of course, power is only useful if you can use it, so I added an ender chest/retriever battery transfer system.



This is an inchworm drive with an on board version of the above battery transfer device. It was later converted in a road making machine, but the save got corrupted for unknown reasons before I could photograph that.

The next section of my portfolio, is full of my second primary interest. Defense systems. My first experiments with this were back in vanilla, where I build a huge, but stationary, robot armed with TNT cannons and a water based force field to protect the pilot. It can be seen, briefly, I a video that I will link to later in this post. For now, may I present a selection of rail guns.


The Mk1 single shot retracting rail gun. Small footprint, all bluetric power comes from integrated thermopiles. Control system is a RP2 logic circuit below the gun "hanger". The cart dispenser will also automatically reload, from a relay, when it is lowered down for storage. This one was designed with city walls in mind. One of these every so often along a wall, all linked to the same fire control system.





This is the Mk 3 Rail Gun (Mk 2 exploded during testing). It is the result of a simple thought, just how mad could I make a rail gun? This is the least mad of the ideas I had. The frame door is backed with IC2 reinforced stone, to protect the hanger. Once the doors are opened (second picture), the gun platform can rise into place (third picture). The guns barrel then extends outwards (final picture), providing extra range to the rail gun itself.
Its is controlled by 4 floors of RP2 logic circuits and is powered by internal thermopiles. The battery boxes on the platform recharge while the gun is retracted and the cart dispensers recharge while the platform is raised, but the barrel retracted. Lastly, the gun can't fire until the barrel extends, the barrel can't extend unless the platform is raised and the platform can't be raised unless the doors are open. This prevents the gun from blowing itself up be accident.

That's it on the front of things I can show that are mod/tech based. If you want to see other work I have done, then you can check out my older vanilla work in the following videos:

This is the video where my giant robot may be seen, off the left of the rail track at 1:18.

This is a compilation video from my old server, the Unofficial Brass Goggles Minecraft Server.
My work can be seen at 2:26 to 3:02.

Thanks for taking the time to read my application. :)
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IGN: CelestialPhoenix

Applying for: Aesthetic Builder
(Though I'm more than happy to be a technical builder or grunt worker as needed.)

General Experience
I've been playing MC since Beta 1.2, and modded MC since beta 1.6- giving my a significant amount of experience with both creative and survival projects.

As modding gameplay goes, I aim for a functional survival base favouring full automation as well as an main aesthetic theme. My current world is ...well its a building site ATM, I've just finished assembling the first of 3 boilers and hoping to fire it up over the next few days. (Solid fuelled, running off a T5 Blaze shard).

Glass is probably my favourite building block, combined with marble, basalt and stone. I love building massive tube networks and just watching items flow everywhere (this one turns raw UU matter into solar panels).

A dynamic lighting network serves more aesthetic than practical use (mobs cant spawn on glass, I can keep a moistener open to the rest of my base and never have a problem with creepers!).


I may have a reasonable level of skill with Redpower and technical builds; the above shows one of my old places. The batbox+retriever in the top right actually drive my power grid, pumping energy crystals into an MFE under every machine into the building.

So why did I apply for an aesthetic position?


As odd as this sounds, I still play a fair bit of vanilla SMP. The lighthouse, and the drydock+ship were built over a year ago.

14 months on, and I'm still here.
Now a server admin, I pop on a few times a week to help the day to day runnings and build a little more on my current pet project; the Eyrie.
Its still got a long way to go, but will eventually be a series of needle-like towers interconnected with arched bridges, serving as a mountain fortress and skydock.


However my absolute pride and joy was Everfree Cathedral, and just the Everfree in general. (video tour-woot!).
(ok this is getting a bit long, I'll keep the rest short and sweet)

The sky-fortress is a floating arena designed for capture the flag, with a bit of redstone trickery giving bonuses for capturing checkpoints.
!nversion, there's a sign somewhere that said 'Beware Tornados' (outside view).
Old castle project (SSP)(Front view). Everfree main street. Wooden house (unnamed). Lighthouse+drydock.

I'm also fairly efficient with arches/curves and circles/spirals, as well as bridges and underwater building. Ships and Airships are cool too.
Even though it's build in vanilla, the concepts, shape and designs I use can be easily translated across most mod blocks.

So what will I bring to your city?

If there's a nice lake/ocean spot, I'll bring my love of glass and build a 'reverse aquarium' to house some underwater farms (or house anything really- let me know in advance and I'll shape it to suit).

Generally I'm happy to help put together about anything as needed. The only mods I'm not overly hot on are MFFS, XYcraft and Factorization; pair me up with a technical builder and I should be able to follow the mechanics behind the machinery/systems and design aesthetics into it.

Teamspeak: CelestialPhoenix
Skype: not yet; will set up an account if needed.
Timezone: London/GMT+0

Thanks for reading, and doing this awesome city project.
IGN: Peach774 (i am a guy i just like fruit)
Position: Technical Builder (though im able to fill aesthetic builder or grunt as needed)
Here's an example of an Sbud i made that goes off whenever the furnace updates. It makes a light go on in front and a noteblock go ding! http://imgur.com/ujAjN,CN3BT#0
Im also a pretty good aesthetic builder! http://imgur.com/a/a5a39#0
I would love to see a system to autocraft using rp2 and factorization.
Feed the City App

IGN: Watchful1
Position: Technical Builder, possibly bee apprentice
Not so little detail I would like worked in: A single computer that can create any item in the game by pulling from a set of recursively linked machines.

Things I've built.
Most of this was on a 1.2.5 server which I have since lost the map from, so unfortunately I can't get any screenshots.

A machine that output HV compact solar arrays with an input of only EU.
It had a massive cobble farm outputting 4 stacks of cobble a second. These were fed into an array of 16 overclocked recyclers, which then fed the scrap into 4 mass fabs. The resultant UU matter was fed to a buffer based autocrafting system that converted it into the base components, then up to the solars and transformers and combined them into arrays.

A crude automatic bee breeding system that output extra drones and the associated bee products. With the advent of the MiscPeripherals bee analyser I have a plan for a fully automatic bee breeder. On this subject, if I did not make it in to technical builder, I would be glad to work as a bee apprentice.

As you know, I'm a member of the FTB mod pack team. As such, I have a lot of knowledge in how the mods interact. I also have a good deal of experience running servers, so I'm glad to help if you need anything in that aspect.
I am also very quick to grasp new mechanics. So if a mod adds something new, I can see exactly how it could be used to improve old builds.
IGN: sdkillen

I make the ExtrabiomesXL mod.

I'd like to help out any way that I can...so put me where I can be useful.

I used to make textures: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/882510-

And I am fairly technical in nature, but I know nothing about bees.

I think the city should have houses that are individual and unique, not cookie cutter clones.

Here is my latest shack in the woods:

IGN: FroggaFett

Position: Ascetic / Technical Builder (Any spot really, I'm happy to help out in any way)

I've been talking to Afa about this fancy new server that you have been setting up and the more he talks to me about it the more I want to get on. He said that he recommended me to you a while ago and said I would have a fairly good chance of getting on. I think I would be a good person to be on your server because I am someone you can rely on. I'm a mod in quite a few peoples Twitch channels so you know that I will be mature and treat other people fairly (and know when to tell them off).

P.S I've done some graphic designs for people IRL before so I would really like to help out with your texture pack!

This is a factory thingo I made recently with GregTech on.
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Guess I'll just post it again.
IGN: battle_bas
Applying for: Technical Builder, otherwise Grunt
I mostly try to compact everthing as much as possibly. Things don't have to look nice but need to work in my opion. I'm not very creative about nice buildings. I love working together with everyone on a server instead competite to eachother. I also think that delivers better work. I'm not much off a talker, butt when somebody asks something or need some help I will always responds. I live in Europe. Don't know if that is going to be a problem. I am very universal and I ask when i don't understand thinks. I am always willing to learn. What gives me a great kick is having dozens chests filled to the top with everthig you can image. That's why I ussually spend days on mining or building machines that provide stuff. Mostly the persons where i played with on servers never run out of any building material because i always set a cobble stone, smooth stone and stone bricks generator up together with some fully automatic tree farms.
My best build is a 18 * 18 * 18 building that produces steam, biofeul, applejuice, creosote oil and charcoal. Unfortunatly i don't have screenshots since my pc decided to be derp and deleted the complete FTB launcher from my pc. It was because of a crash and I loaded a system save that didn't included the launcher :(. As input peat farms and tree farms are used. The sand and dirt are used as crafting material for the humus and bog earth. The water gets brought in by a computercraft turtle. The saplings get split up. One part goes back to the tree farms and the other parts go to a fermenter. The mulch is taken from the step after this one. It is the mulch from the apple juice. what happens is the apples from the tree farms go to a squeezer and the logs to a row of coke ovens. The peat gets put into a steam thingy (lost his name) for the produce of steam. The steam gets used as product and as feul for the farms. Forgot to add that the biomass goes to a still for the production of biofeull. So this build produces everthing stated above.
I have hosted servers for my friends and can be mature. Don't mistake me but jokes need to be made otherwise things get boring. I have been a admin on some server but that were small servers so that doesn't count (i guess)
Believe it or not but i think a good city needs motion. Motion makes it a really city instead of just some... decor. Something like trains driving around. People walking in the streets. Neon lights. That is what makes a city a real city
Things about myself: I am quite most off the time and mostly do stuff behind the screens. I love computercraft and can do a fair thing with it. I am always trying out new things and ussually they work in some way. I can be on the server for some good amounts of time. Always in for a joke because things don't need to be serious all the time. That doesn't have a good effect on builds. I know more then a decent thing about all the mods and love that everthing works so very nice with eachother. It makes things more intresting and funny. I would love to work on this project with you. This idea of a city and the way it is build is something i have never seen before. I really like your videos and looking forward to meet you.
So in a short version
IGN: battle_bas
Applying for: Technical Builder, don't mind being a grunt
Examples: a 18*18*18 building that provides steam, applejuice, biofeul, creosote oil and charcoal. I don't have screenshots due to computer errors
Things for a city:
Things that change state. Like neon lights, a Metro system and lights in buildings that go on and off.

Since I just saw that you are looking for Redpower people (my favourite mod) I'll post some Redpower screenshots when I get the chance

EDIT: Not the one I wanted the one, but the are the only ones I could put together. I'm a bit busy with school at the moment


Automatic track factory completly powerd from the farms on the left

Closer look on the automatic farms. The core is 3*8*3

And ... A compact omnidirectional engine
IGN: JustKojack

Position: Technical Builder, or Grunt

I would love to be apart of this server as a Technical Builder. I have played with Minecraft mods for quite a while now. Since playing with mods, I can't go back to vanilla anymore! I always had the idea of getting a giant city going with mods! I am great with a TON of mods, and have a alot of ideas for a city!

I would love to be a Technical Builder! I was always good at coming up with new, and sometimes more efficient ways of doing things! If I cannot be considered as a technical builder, that is totally fine! I wouldn't mind being a grunt as well!

I do not have any screenshots of my builds, mainly because I play on servers and the servers that I invested a lot of time in, are not active anymore. I can throw some builds together and post screenshots if you would like! :)
To those saying they don't have any screenshots of past builds... Go into creative! Recreate them, or come up with new things to show off! I don't care how the build was made, but more that out works as you intend, and that it demonstrates your skill with the mods.