Epic Fail stories

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My brother forgot to put water in his steam engine... then he mined it in an attempt to make it work... then, instead of a Redstone Transmission Coil, he crafted a Redstone Reception Coil, using up all of his redstone.
Not realising that creepers attack melee turtles ended with a gaping hole in the side of my mob farm and cave spiders, regular spiders, blazes, wither skeletons, creepers, skeletons and zombies pouring out and spawn-killing me.
Be careful when wintry biomes meet a mini jungle.
Quicksand covered in snow is still quicksand.​

Hehe! You also need to be careful walking along the shallow river beds in mini jungles when digging up clay as it often has quicksand underneath it too.. as I found out to my horror earlier today.

Also, when you take off your quantum suit to recharge it, don't get distracted with something else AFK. I came back to the game and teleported off to see how my mining turtle was doing, which was at the bottom of a 60 drop hole... baw179 hit the ground too hard. -.- What was worse was that the only way to get there was via a 'following' linking book on my hotbar.. which was now sat on the ground at the bottom of the hole and I was approximately 2000 blocks away back at spawn. Oh and did I tell you that the turtle was being kept running with a chunk loader up on the surface?

3 pieces of quantum suit lost (the helmet was in the MFSU charging) + a bunch of other valuable stuff. :mad: 4 epic fails in 1.
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Last night in the nether I got lucky and found a fortress. Should have brought more mining picks but it was okay. Was planning on using a new portal to move a distance away from old base. Well Ghasts are a pain as are firebats. I died and had my Bacon Gun with me. Hopefully my friend didn't go to the nether and I have a chance of getting my stuff back. If not that is fine as I really only had my big loss of the gun and obsidian but that can be re mined.
Hehe! You also need to be careful walking along the shallow river beds in mini jungles when digging up clay as it often has quicksand underneath it too.. as I found out to my horror earlier today.

Also, when you take off your quantum suit to recharge it, don't get distracted with something else AFK. I came back to the game and teleported off to see how my mining turtle was doing, which was at the bottom of a 60 drop hole... baw179 hit the ground too hard. -.- What was worse was that the only way to get there was via a 'following' linking book on my hotbar.. which was now sat on the ground at the bottom of the hole and I was approximately 2000 blocks away back at spawn. Oh and did I tell you that the turtle was being kept running with a chunk loader up on the surface?

3 pieces of quantum suit lost (the helmet was in the MFSU charging) + a bunch of other valuable stuff. :mad: 4 epic fails in 1.

If you had everything on but the helmet, I don't see how you could die from only 60 high.

Also, if you used a quarry instead, and the quarry head was near your items they would get picked up and sent to your sorting system :)
If you had everything on but the helmet, I don't see how you could die from only 60 high.

Also, if you used a quarry instead, and the quarry head was near your items they would get picked up and sent to your sorting system :)
I am guessing he was mentioned recharging because it was low or out of power.
If you had everything on but the helmet, I don't see how you could die from only 60 high.

Also, if you used a quarry instead, and the quarry head was near your items they would get picked up and sent to your sorting system :)

The rest of the armour was in my normal inv, waiting to be put into the MFSU, not in the armour slots.
A friend of mine started playing Direwolf20 a couple of weeks ago. The first machines she built were:

1. Generator
2. Macerator
3. Batbox
4. Macerator (to replace the one she pick-axed)
5. Buildcraft Wrench
6. Industrialcraft Wrench because Buildcraft Wrench was the wrong one
7. Recycler
8. Mass Fabricator

Yes, that's right, when I joined in her game she had a Mass Fabricator running on a single charcoal-fired Generator.

I wrote "running" there didn't I. "Running" is not the right word.
I wrote "running" there didn't I. "Running" is not the right word.

Did she have any UU matter? Wait, why am I even asking this question. I know the answer. Or, at least, I can safely assume the answer is "*Laugh for fifteen seconds* no".
Not realising that creepers attack melee turtles ended with a gaping hole in the side of my mob farm and cave spiders, regular spiders, blazes, wither skeletons, creepers, skeletons and zombies pouring out and spawn-killing me.
Heh! Nice one. I picked up on that because I heard occasional explosions around my mining turtles, so I watched one for a while and saw it happen. My Creeper Spawner is safely 50 blocks up in the air over a reasonably safe drop zone, I only use creepers and skeletons for the drops and not for XP. I should replace the wooden drop box with something more durable though just in case. And then I can put a Lava Dispenser option in addition to the Water Dispensers that flush the drops.[DOUBLEPOST=1361463477][/DOUBLEPOST]
Did she have any UU matter? Wait, why am I even asking this question. I know the answer. Or, at least, I can safely assume the answer is "*Laugh for fifteen seconds* no".
She had two I think. I added a couple more generators, and we left it running while we weren't using the power for anything else and it created a couple more. Neither of us know what to do with it though!
She had two I think. I added a couple more generators, and we left it running while we weren't using the power for anything else and it created a couple more. Neither of us know what to do with it though!

Well, your best bet to start is to find a power system that can get you a LOT more power as UU matter is expensive even in the Direwolf20 pack if you are only using a few generators. Look into geothermal (lava) power, or perhaps a nuclear reactor or ten to start.

After that, I am not entirely sure as I'm using the MindCrack pack. In my case, I started to make hybrid panels as quickly as possible to get even more EU for more UU matter.
I had decided to move my perfectly good base to a new area that had all the basic bee biomes (desert, forest, snow, meadows, and jungle) within a short distance. I tunneled a hole into a nearby hill and carved out a space to put my chests. The storage area was temporary, so it was just a one-block wide path with double chests two-high on either side. With all the machinery and items stored away, I turned around to the sound of a hiss...

The creeper's explosion destroyed the chests, sending all my items to the ground. My poor computer froze at that point, since it wasn't used to rendering so many items at once. I limped my way to the pile and picked up what I could until a chest came up. I then placed and filled the chest. I repeated this process until the timeout on items made 2/3 of my resources go away.

Lesson learned. Build the new base and make sure it's secure before abandoning the old one.
Lets just say hooking up the aqueous accumulator AFTER you've turned on a hobbyist' steam engine is a bad idea. They don't look like they are running with no water in them, so I didn't notice i'd accidently turned them all on and heat was building, until I placed the last waterproof pipe, it's amazing how a line of those things can explode.
I fell down my first oil well, twice.

I've done that. Once I somehow got lost down there (it was dark!) and drowned.
Captain Neckbeard said:
The snowball fight escalated quickly after the first Alumentum was thrown.

I've also mistaken alumentum for nitor. Just this weekend I was demonstrating lighting techniques to my boyfriend: "Now, this can light up a room nicel- *KABOOM* ...nevermind, that's the one that explodes."
Created an impromptu automatic chicken farm for Thaumcraft research. Nothing fancy, chicken in a 1x1 room on a transposer, tubes moving eggs to a dispenser on a timer. "No automatic shutoff mechanism", I think, "I'll have to remember to turn it off when I log out".


Two days, 1,500 chicken and one crashed server later, I remembered.
So, I was being lazy when I went to build a Thaumcraft research room. What the heck, I'll just put it in a hole in the ground. You know, I don't feel like digging, and I don't have a Filler yet. I know, I'll use a nuke.

I was careful, I dug the hole so the nuke would drop straight down about 50 blocks under my base, plenty deep enough. Idea was, I put the nuke at the top of the hole, activate it, and it would drop 50 blocks and explode, making a nice cave. Now, I expected that when activated, it would simply drop straight down. Not so much, actually. It turns out that an activated nuke jumps up a bit, and a couple of pixels away from the activating signal.

If I had put it in the top of the hole, contained on all four sides, that wouldn't be a problem, it would have jumped up and then fallen down. Instead, like an idiot, I had put it ABOVE the hole, so when it jumped, it was no longer aligned with the hole. So I had an active nuke at ground level, with my base less than 20 meters away.

The damage was something else.